Tribunal Rules on
Smoking at Workplace{{/B}} Employers must take sufficient steps to protect non-smoking employees from tobacco smoke or they might be faced with legal {{U}} (19) {{/U}}, warns law firm Thomas, Sell & Passmore. Jill Thomas, an employment law specialist with the firm, quotes a recent {{U}} (20) {{/U}} brought before the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT). An employer’s failure to protect its employees against tobacco smoke {{U}} (21) {{/U}} an employee to quit her job. Whilst working, the employee was {{U}} (22) {{/U}} to work near four secretaries who smoked A. faxes B. complaints C. reports D. researches [单项选择]对项目的可行性进行分析主要有两种方法,成本效益分析方法和()。
A. 风险评估 B. 成本预测 C. 价值评估 D. 甘特图法 [单选题]采用“瞬时停电法”核查户变关系时,以台区为单位逐一开展停复电操作,每个台区停电时长为1~2min,台区停电间隔时间为()min以上。
A.10 B.30 C.45 D.60 [单项选择]在线广告由于能够提供庞大的用户跟踪信息库,商家可以从中找到很多有用的反馈信息,这一点比较好的说明了网络广告()的特点。
A. 更改方便 B. 形式灵活 C. 便于检索 D. 跨越地域 [多选题]工作票签发人应由熟悉人员技术水平、熟悉( )、熟悉本规程,并具有相关工作经验的生产领导、技术人员或经本单位批准的人员担任,名单应公布。
A.配电网络接线方式 B.工作范围内的设备情况 C.设备情况 D.现场运行规程 [单项选择]下列名酒中,其产地在山西的是()。
A. 五粮液酒 B. 三花酒 C. 汾酒 D. 茅台酒 [多选题]根据《流动资金贷款管理暂行办法》规定,贷款人应根据法律法规规定和借款合同的约定,参与借款人()等活动,维护贷款人债权。
A.大额融资 B.资产出售 C.兼并分立 D.破产清算 [判断题]报警通信,用于调集灭火救援力量和战斗所需要的其它各种力量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Questions 16~20
Whatever may be said against mass circulation magazines and newspapers, it can hardly be argued that they are out of touch with their reader’s daydreams, and therefore the inducements such as gifts and prizes and prizes they hold out to them must be a near accurate reflection of their unfulfilled wants and aspirations. Study these and you will assuredly understand a good deal of what it is that makes society tick.
Looking back, for example, to the twenties and thirties, we can see that circulation managers unerringly diagnosed the twin obsessions which dominated that era of mass unemployment-economic insecurity and a passionate concern for the next generation. Thus it was that readers were recruited with offers of free insurance policies for the one, and free instant, or an arm in a flood, could confidently expect to collect several hundred pounds from the Daily This of the Evening That. The family who could not afford to send their son to grammar school could fin
A. A.People became more interested in material possessions. B.Everyone wanted the opportuity to travel. C.Group travel became easier. D.People wanted to get away from familiar surroundings. [单项选择]口服的拉丁文缩写是
A. i.d. B. i.h. C. i.m. D. i.v. E. p.o. [多选题][多选题]对声音传播途径进行控制的方法是( )。
A.吸声 B.隔声 C.消声 D.个人防护 [单项选择]药品零售企业应当建立药品陈列检查记录,记录至少保存()
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 5年 [判断题]滑车的缺陷应及时焊补补强。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]消防车辆靠近可燃物泄漏且未起火的现场,应注意(),不得盲目选择行车路线,防止驾车误入泄漏区域。
A.行车 B.观察 C.风向 D.侦检 [单项选择]检验检测机构对劳动防护用品的检验检测遵循( )原则。
A. 真实、诚信 B. 公正、公平 C. 公平、诚信 D. 公正、合理 [单项选择]
Feeling anxious Your mood may actually change how your dinner tastes, making the bitter and salty flavors recede, according to new research. This link between the chemical balance in your brain and your sense of taste could one day help doctors to treat depression. There are currently no on-the-spot tests for deciding which medication will work best in individual patients with this condition. Researchers hope that a test based on flavor detection could help doctors to get more prescriptions right first time. [单选题]( )以上(含本数)单位同时包用一列车时,应当由一个牵头单位作为包车人。
A.两个 B.三个 C.四个 D.五个 [单项选择]《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》只适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间订立的货物销售合同,并且必须同时具备以下两个条件之一,即().
A. 方当事人都是缔约国国民,或营业地都在缔约国境内 B. 双方当事人住所都在缔约国境内,或营业地都在缔约国境内 C. 方当事人的惯常居所在缔约国境内,或合同在缔约国境内缔结 D. 双方当事人的营业地都在缔约国境内,或根据国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律 [填空题]机车控制管路风压大于()kPa时,就能闭合分合闸控制电路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]题型:单选题 难易度 中
题干:动物发生心内膜炎时,可发现许多症状,比如心悸、水肿、体温升高等,这些属于()。 A.主要症状 B.次要症状 C.经常症状 D.暂时症状 [单选题]QFC-—4 型微电脑发动机综合分析仪可判断柴油机( )。
A.喷油状况 B.燃烧状况 C.混合气形成状况 D.排气状况 [单选题]下列哪一项不是复层上皮?(D)淋巴管腔面
A.食管腔面 B.表皮 C.膀胱腔面 D.淋巴管腔面 [单选题]锌是人体必需的微量元素,被称为“生命之花”,很多家长开始意识到锌对孩子成长的重要性,热衷于给孩子补锌。殊不知,人体需要的锌并不多,补锌过量会造成严重危害。这说明()。
A.量变是质变的前提和必要准备 B.要坚持适度原则 C.要不失时机促成飞跃 D.要重视量的积累 [简答题]什么叫闭环控制?闭环控制中,常用什么参数来衡量控制质量?
A.风度美 B.姿态美 C.语言美 D.服饰美 我来回答: 提交