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发布时间:2024-06-18 04:33:19

[不定项选择题]共用题干 IQ-gene
In the angry debate over how much of IQ comes from the genes that children inherit from par-ents and how much comes from experiences,one little fact gets overlooked:no one has identified any genes(other than those that cause retardation)that affect intelligence.So researchers led by Robert Plomin of London's Institute of Psychiatry decided to look for some.They figured that if you want to find a"smart gene,"you should look in smart kids.They therefore examined the DNA of students like those who are so bright that they take college entrance exams four years ear-ly-and still score at Princeton-caliber levels. The scientists found what they sought."We have,"says Plomin,"the first specific gene ever associated with general intelligence."
Plomin's colleagues drew blood from two groups of 51 children each,all 6 to 15 years old and living in six counties around Cleveland.In one group,the average IQ is 103.All the children are white .Isolating the blood cells,the researchers then examined each child's chromosome 6 .Of the
37 landmarks on chromosome 6 that the researchers looked for,one jumped out:a form of gene called IGF2R occurred in twice as many children in the high-IQ group as in the average group-32 percent versus 16 percent. The study,in the May issue of the journal Psychological Science, concludes that it is this form of the IGF2R gene that contributes to intelligence.
Some geneticists see major problems with the IQ-gene study.One is the possibility that Plomin's group fell for"chopsticks fallacy".Geneticists might think they've found a gene for chopsticks flexibility,but all they've really found is a gene more common in Asians than,say,Af-ricans.Similarly,Plomin's IQ gene might simply be one that is more common in groups that em-phasize academic achievement."What is the gene that they've found reflects ethnicity?"asks ge-neticist Andrew Feinberg of Johns Hopkins University."That alone might explain the link to intel-ligence,since IQ tests are known for being culturally sensitive and affected by a child's environ-ment."And Neil Risch of Standford University points out that if you look for 37 genes on a chro- mosome,as the researchers did,and find that one is more common in smarter kids,that might re- flect pure chance rather than a causal link between the gene and intelligence.Warns Feinberg:"I would take these findings with a whole box of salt." Plomin's IQ-gene study is similar to the chopsticks gene finding in that______.
A.there may not be a causal link between gene and intelligence
B.there is a close correlation between gene and intelligence
C.there may be a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children's academic score
D.there is not a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children's academic score

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[不定项选择题]共用题干 IQ-gene
In the angry debate over how much of IQ comes from the genes that children inherit from par-ents and how much comes from experiences,one little fact gets overlooked:no one has identified any genes(other than those that cause retardation)that affect intelligence.So researchers led by Robert Plomin of London's Institute of Psychiatry decided to look for some.They figured that if you want to find a"smart gene,"you should look in smart kids.They therefore examined the DNA of students like those who are so bright that they take college entrance exams four years ear-ly-and still score at Princeton-caliber levels. The scientists found what they sought."We have,"says Plomin,"the first specific gene ever associated with general intelligence."
Plomin's colleagues drew blood from two groups of 51 children each,all 6 to 15 years old and living in six counties around Cleveland.In one group,the average IQ is 103.All the children are white .Isolating the blood cells,the researchers then examined each child's chromosome 6 .Of the
37 landmarks on chromosome 6 that the researchers looked for,one jumped out:a form of gene called IGF2R occurred in twice as many children in the high-IQ group as in the average group-32 percent versus 16 percent. The study,in the May issue of the journal Psychological Science, concludes that it is this form of the IGF2R gene that contributes to intelligence.
Some geneticists see major problems with the IQ-gene study.One is the possibility that Plomin's group fell for"chopsticks fallacy".Geneticists might think they've found a gene for chopsticks flexibility,but all they've really found is a gene more common in Asians than,say,Af-ricans.Similarly,Plomin's IQ gene might simply be one that is more common in groups that em-phasize academic achievement."What is the gene that they've found reflects ethnicity?"asks ge-neticist Andrew Feinberg of Johns Hopkins University."That alone might explain the link to intel-ligence,since IQ tests are known for being culturally sensitive and affected by a child's environ-ment."And Neil Risch of Standford University points out that if you look for 37 genes on a chro- mosome,as the researchers did,and find that one is more common in smarter kids,that might re- flect pure chance rather than a causal link between the gene and intelligence.Warns Feinberg:"I would take these findings with a whole box of salt." What does Feinberg mean by saying"I would take these findings with a whole box of salt"?
A.He doubts the findings very much.
B.He would consider them while shopping for salt.
C.He definitely believes the findings.
D.He would consider them while eating his meals.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第一篇


In the angry debate over how much of IQ comes from the genes that children inherit from parents and how much comes from experiences,one little fact gets overlooked:no one has identified any genes(other than those that cause retardation)that affect intelligence.So researchers led by Robert Plomin of London's Institute of Psychiatry decided to look for some.They figured that if you want to find a"smart gene",you should look in smart kids.They therefore examined the DNA of students like those who are so bright that they take college entrance exams four years early一and still score at Princeton-caliber levels.The scientists found what they sought."We have,"says Plomin, "the first specific gene ever associated with general intelligence."
Plomin's colleagues drew blood from two groups of 51 children each,all 6 to 15 years old and living in six countries around Cleveland.In one group,the average IQ is 103.All the children are white.Isolating the blood cells,the researchers then examined each child's chromosome 6.Of the 37 land marks on chromosome 6 that the researchers looked for,one jumped out:a form of gene called IGF2R occurred in twice as many children in the high-IQ group as in the average group—32 percent versus 16 percent.The study,in the May issue of the journal Psychological Science concludes that it is this form of the IGF2R gene that contributes to intelligence.
Some geneticists see major problems with the IQ-gene study.One is the possibility that Plomin's group fell for"chopsticks fallacy".Geneticists might think they've found a gene for chopsticks flexibility,but all they've really found is a gene more common in Asians than,say,Africans. Similarly, Plomin's IQ gene might simply be one that is more common in groups that emphasize academic achievement."What is the gene that they've found reflects ethnicity?"asks geneticist Andrew Feinberg of Johns Hopkins University."That alone might explain the link to intelligence,since IQ tests are known for being culturally sensitive and affected by a child's environment."And Neil Risch of Standford University points out that if you look for 37 genes on chromosome,as the researchers did, and find that one is more common in smarter kids,that might reflect pure chance rather than a causal link between the gene and intelligence.Warns Feinberg:"I would take these findings with a whole box of salt." What does Feinberg mean by saying"I would take these findings with a whole box of salt"?
A.He would consider them while eating his meals.
B.He definitely believes the findings.
C.He would consider them while shopping for salt.
D.He doubts the findings very much.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 How Lawyers Are Trained

The lawyer is a person with a very special knowledge of the law一both the civil and criminal. Because of this knowledge the lawyer can help people plan their affairs in accordance with law. In other words,_______(46).He prepared agreements and contracts by which one person makes sure that another person will carry out his promises.He gives advice to people on domestic and family relationships and business problems.
_______(47),although the cases the public usually hears or reads about are those that come to court.The lawyer presents or defends in court claimed violations of rights,or disputes arising out of differences as to what has happened or what is legal and just.The lawyer is not only an advocate of the rights of his client but also an legal practioner sworn to uphold the Constitution and the law.
Most lawyers today are generally college-trained men who have completed a course in a law school.Each state has its own rules about training and admission.In law school,students learn how to analyze and present problems for decision.They study the constitution,treaties,court decision,as well as prior ruling and precedents._______(48).
In some states,instead of going to a law school,a person may experience a long period of training in a law office_______(49).This method was more popular many years ago when educational facilities were few and the body of law was small.
After a person has completed formal law一school training,he must take an examination,which is known as the bar examination,to enable the state to check whether he has learnt the fundamentals of the law. Besides,the applicant must show he is of good character._______(50).The applicant is interviewed,and after his character is approved,he is then licensed to practice law. ________(50)
A.Most of a lawyer's work is carried out outside the courtroom
B.A committee appointed by the court checks home training,college training and past behavior
C.where he learns the various techniques and the basic knowledge that others get in a law school
D.They take tests to prove their qualifications and willingness to become a lawyer
E.he helps people keep out of troubles as well as helping those who are already in trouble
F.The reliance on precedents permits us to plan our affairs with certainty because we can be reasonably sure of the results of our acts
[不定项选择题]共用题干 How honest are Asians today?Do people in the region's smaller communities have more integrity than residents of the megacities?What motivates people to do the right thing?
Over a four-month period late last year,we tried to find out with a simple test.We visited 14 cities,towns and communities in nine countries.In each,we"lost"ten ordinary wallets filled with the local equivalent of ¥10 to¥50 in cash,a local address and phone number,classified ads from local newspapers,handwritten shopping lists,everything needed to make the wallets look real.Then we waited to see what would happen.
The results were more revealing than we expected.Overall,out of 140 wallets we dropped across Asia,80 were returned一 57 percent. A similar experiment in Europe resulted in almost identical totals.Out of 200 wallets dropped in Europe,116 were returnedes 一58 percent.In the United States,the return rate was slightly higher:80 out of 120一67 percent.
In the US,only one person declined to take the money in the wallet when it was offered as a reward for being honest.In Europe,more than a quarter refused to take the money.In Asia,a staggering 72 percent of those who returned the wallets一 58 of 80一said no to any reward.
"I cannot accept a reward for having done the right thing,"said a university student in Seoul. Among those who did accept the money,several said they intended to donate it to a charity or religious organization.
Within Asia we found other interesting results.Two-thirds of all our wallets were retrieved by men.But once the wallet was picked up,it made little difference whether the finder was male or fe-male.In our study,58 percent of the women who picked up wallets returned them and so did 56 percent of the men.
Are the people in Asia's giant population centers less honest than in its smaller cities?It seemed so. The lowest combined rate of return一still a respectable 50 percent一was in the three largest cities visited:Seoul,Bombay and Manila. The best rates of return were in the less populous cities一 Singapore;Inchon,Korea;Trivandrum,India;and Kamakura,Japan一with populations ranging from 180,000 to 2.8 million. In Asia,more wallets were brought back by men instead of women.
C.Not mentioned


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