Roger Federer Lights up the Arabian Night
Plenty of people will be glad Tim Henman was not here to trouble Roger Federer once more last night,as the seedings said he should have been.Popular with the expatriates though he may be,and capable of upsetting Federer though he undoubtedly is,there is nothing quite so stirring as seeing one of the most gifted world No l s of all in full cry.
Instead of struggling with his jinx player,Federer imposed a spell of his own.He beat Andrei Pavel,whom Henman beat in the Paris Masters final,by6-3,6-3,and strode the court like a ruler who knows his aura is expanding.
It carried the Swiss imperiously into a semi-finals of the Dubai Championships,where he will face Jarkko Nieminen.The Finn earned his place by defeating the Dutch No 8 seed Sjeng Schalken A. he was greatly impressed by Youzhny’s experience as a ball boy B. he admired Youzhny’s perseverance during the match C. Youzhny was as persevering as a camel D. Youzhny took to Japanese seafood which made him very weak
[单选题]ABS和ASR行车前都有发动机电诊断功能,其作用是( )。 A.检查整个结构机械元件工作是否可靠 B.检查轮速传感器是否正常 C.检查压力调节单元和副节气门装置是否正常 D.检查在怠速状态下有关控制元件相应的电压或电阻值是否在规定范围内
[不定项选择题]A.1MET A.2MET B.3MET C.4MET D.5MET E.最大MET可用于区分残疾程度,一般最大MET小于几作为残疾标准?( )
[单选题] ()是是传递必须遵守的指令性信息。 A.红色 B.蓝色 C.黄色 D.绿色
[单项选择]使用轻型车辆时,须取得()对使用时间的承认,并填发轻型车辆使用承认书。 A. 车站值班员 B. 信号员 C. 调度员 D. 站调
[判断题]操作前确认设备周围无其他人员,操作时人员肢体禁止进入运转系统且站位安全位置。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]穿着个人防护装备执行战斗任务时,不得超范围、超限使用,避免直接接触( )等物质。 A.高温 B.油污 C.有毒 D.腐蚀 E.尖锐
[单选题] 露天堆场着火后,蔓延途径多,不包含()。 A. 表面蔓延 B. 内外蔓延 C. 大面积蔓延 D. 局部蔓延
[判断题] 在Excel中,在输入文字型常量时,如果文字串的首字符是等号(=),则应首先输入单引号. A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]税务机关认定甲公司存在逃税行为,甲公司按照规定补缴了增值税 100000 元、消费税 60000 元,同时缴纳罚款 80000 元、滞纳金 20000 元。已知教育费附加征收比率为 3% 。计算甲公司应补缴教育费附加的下列算式中,正确的是( )。 A.(80000+20000)×3%=3000(元) B.(100000+60000+80000+20000)×3%=7800(元) C.(100000+60000)×3%=4800(元) D.(100000+60000+80000)×3%=7200(元)
[判断题]客户信用等级包括内部评定和外部评定两种形式。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]属于离蛹的果树害虫是( )。 A.桔小实蝇 B.天牛 C.柑桔凤蝶 D.葡萄天蛾
[单选题]男性,30岁,农民。患病毒性心肌炎经治疗康复后出院。出院医嘱要求患者出院后限制活动6个月。患者认为现无不适现象,询问为何不能下地干农活。护士向患者说明此时合理休息的主要原因是:( ) A.减少疲劳感 B.减轻精神压力 C.减少心肌耗氧量 D.恢复体力,增强体质 E.增加战胜疾病的信心
[单选题]唐氏筛查主要筛查的疾病是( )。 A.唇腭裂 B.血友病 C.红绿色盲 D.先天性心脏病 E.21-三体综合征
[单选题]现代600kW风力发电机中,风汽轮机的塔高为( )m。 A.10~20 B.20~40 C.30~50 D.40~60
[单项选择]决定消费者支付各种商品的能力的是______ A. 消费者的收入 B. 消费者的购买意愿 C. 需求者 D. 消费者的购买力
[单项选择]Extraordinary creative activity has been characterized as revolutionary, flying in the face of what is established and producing not what is acceptable but what will become accepted. According to this formulation, highly creative activity transcends the limits of an existing form and establishes a new principle of organization. However, the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends established limits is misleading when it is applied to the arts, even though it may be valid for the science; Differences between highly creative art and highly creative science arise in part from a difference in their goal. For the sciences, a new theory is the goal and end result of the creative act. Innovative science produces new propositions in terms of which diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more coherent ways. Such phenomena as a brilliant diamond or a nesting bird are relegated to the role of date, serving as the means for formulating or testing a new theory. The goal of highly c A. In the similar manner, several modern composers successfully established musical conventions. B. Similarly, the succeeding generation of composers manipulated accepted musical forms. C. In contrast to Beethoven, however, even great modern composers like Bela Bertok did not attempt to alter accepted musical conventions. D. Musicologists are continuing to study the compositional styles of composers in order to determine whether their contributions have been innovative.
[单选题]李先生,40岁,右足部被铁钉刺伤后7天,出现全身肌肉强直性收缩和阵发性痉挛24小时,诊断为“破伤风”收人住院。 病人最早发生强直性痉挛的肌群是( ) A. 面肌 B. 颈项肌 C. 咀嚼肌 D. 四肢肌群 E.肋间肌
[单选题]当风速超过()级应将桩机顺风向停置,并增加揽风绳。 A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8
[单选题]没有戴安全帽和()不登高。 A.工具 B.安全带 C.绳索
[多项选择]安全门报警后手检员应进行复查彻底()后才能放行。 A. 排除 B. 排解 C. 报警 D. 疑点
[多选题] 建筑施工可能产生的尘肺病有( )几类。 A.矽肺 B.硅酸盐肺 C.混合性肺 D.焊工尘肺 E.其他尘肺
[单选题]声束与缺陷主反射面所成的角度称为( )。 A.入射角 B.折射角 C.缺陷取向 D.反射角
[单选题]既能疏散风热,又能定惊止痉,治疗小儿惊痫夜啼的药是 A.薄荷 B.菊花 C.蝉蜕 D.蕲蛇 E.牛蒡子
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