Like other forms of life on this
planet, human beings face a basic task: to deal satisfactorily with their
conflicts and thereby secure the advantages of community and cooperation. Unlike
other forms of life, human beings are born with a capacity to reflect on this
task and to search for better solutions by conscious thought and careful
choices. The task of overcoming conflicts and achieving community life and
cooperation arises because human beings are unable and unwilling to live in
complete isolation. The advantages of cooperation and community life are so
numerous and so obvious that they must have been evident to man from earliest
times. By now, our ancestors have closed off the choice; for most of us the
choice of total isolation from a community is, realistically speaking, no longer
open. Nevertheless A. conflict can be overcome if we live and work alone B. it is impossible for human beings to avoid conflict with one another C. the best solution to the problem of conflict is isolation from the community D. human beings have found the way to deal with their conflicts [多项选择]人民警察的工作纪律包括( )
A. 一切行动听指挥 B. 积极履行公务 C. 秉公执法 D. 文明执勤 [单选题]女性患者,69岁,胃溃疡,服用奥美拉唑后,症状好转,以下对奥美拉唑的叙述正确的是
A.抑制H+ ,K+ -
A.TP酶 B.H1受体阻断药 C.H2受体阻断药 D.M受体阻断药 E.助消化药 [单选题]MF2型灭火器是指()。
A.干粉灭火器 B.泡沫灭火器 C.二氧化碳灭火器 D.四氯化碳灭火器 [单项选择]下列哪种激素属于类固醇激素
A. 甲状腺激素 B. 甲状旁腺激素 C. 抗利尿激素 D. 肾上腺素 E. 糖皮质激素 [多选题]下列不是I/O控制箱内模块故障是( )
A.硬件故障 B.接线松动 C.通信故障 D.电源故障 E.网络堵塞 [单选题] 水下焊接方法不包括( )
A.干法焊接 B.湿法焊 C.局部湿法焊接 [单选题] YL转入手套箱对塑封容器进行称重是在哪一级隔舱内?( )
A.工作 B.中转 C.初级 D.开放 [单项选择]环保公关公众舆论生成七步模型的设计者是()
A. 雷切尔·卡逊 B. 丹尼尔·燕克乐韦奇 C. 奥尔多·利奥波德 D. 布鲁斯·哈里森 [判断题]电力安全突发事件的发生单位是信息报告的主体。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不能用于口腔念珠菌病局部治疗的药物是()。
A. 西地碘 B. 2%~4%碳酸氢钠 C. 制霉菌素、咪康唑 D. 肤轻松软膏 E. 龙胆紫水溶液 [判断题]2104
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交