{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} |
America’s love affair with the credit
card began in 1949. When businessman Frank McNamara finished a meal in a New
York restaurant and then discovered he had no cash. In those days, gasoline and
store charge cards were common, but cash was standard for almost everything
else. McNamara called his wife, who rushed over to bail him out. His
embarrassment gave him the idea for Diners Club. Within a year some 200 people carried the world’s first multi-use card. For an annual fee of $5, these card holders could charge meals at 27 restaurants in and around New York City. By the end of 1951 more than a million dollars had been charged on the growing number of cards, and the company was soon turning a profit. The problem was to persuade enough people to carry the cards. Diners Club turned to promotions. It gave away a round-the- A. cause B. flame C. burn D. reason [单选题] 0902(诱发突变及诱变剂)
Mu噬菌体属于下列哪一类生物诱变剂( ) A.)转导诱发突变剂 B.)转化诱发突变剂 C.)转座诱发突变剂 D.)定点诱变 [判断题]在同杆(塔)架设的10(20)kV及以下线路带电情况下,当满足表5-1规定的安全距离的情况下,方可进行下层线路的登杆停电检修工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某地级市位于沿海低氟区,有人口25万,20年来龋齿患病水平呈上升趋势,市卫生行政部门计划开展社区口腔预防保健工作,要求专业技术人员做出具体规划和工作步骤。为此,项目技术指导组提出了切实可行的方案如下。首先为收集资料要进行()。
A. 起草口腔保健计划 B. 口腔流行病学调查 C. 选择口腔预防项目 D. 研讨质量监控指标 E. 口腔保健培训班 [单项选择]以下哪座城市没有获得过全国性比赛的冠军()
A. 长春 B. 成都 C. 辽宁 D. 广州 [单选题]患者25岁,急产,胎儿娩出后产妇突然发生呼吸困难,紫绀、血压下降、迅速出现循环衰竭、休克及昏迷状态,该产妇发生了( )
A.疼痛性休克 B.虚脱 C.子痫 D.羊水栓塞 E.心力衰竭 [单项选择]在我国,成人二尖瓣狭窄最常见的病因是()
A. 先天性心脏病 B. 风湿热 C. 创伤 D. 腱索过长 E. 左心衰 [判断题]转供电、共用电的电源端OCC设备调度(电力)与受电端OCC设备调度(电力)为平级调度关系。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交