Business engagements these days are also a part of social life. If you are invited to drinks in a business setting, it is generally a good idea to arrive a little later, but within half an hour of the time given. If you are not greeted by the host or hostess when you come into the party, then, you should ask for them and make yourself known. They usually will introduce you to the other guests. But if for any reason you should be left alone, it is sensible to introduce yourself to someone near at hand and make conversation. Don’ t overstay the time of the party and always thank the host and hostess as you leave.
Thanks should be repeated either by letter or telephone later on. Older people tend to prefer a written note, but those with whom you are on more friendly terms will be pleased to receive a telephone call.
If it is a business dinner, your host or hostess will tell you whether you are expected to come with a partner. Sometimes only business is
A. arrive at the party too early
B. arrive at the party too late
C. leave the party too early
D. leave the party too late
Passage 5 Some politicians are scurrying about with much zest and anticipation. It’s time, their polls inform them, to find the quick fix for what they have determined is a society plagued by the irregular heartbeat of deficient values. But there are contradictions that intrude on this denunciatory atmosphere. If there are moral omissions in the society, they cannot be sealed by instant, slenderly based attacks on entertainment. The plain fact is we are rearranging our priorities in the wrong way. We are today misplacing our energies and our funding by directing all sorts of incentives to high schools and colleges. Too late. The moral scaffolding has been built by then, for better or worse. How then to begin this revision of life conduct We must introduce in pre-school, and keep alive through grade five, a new school course. The course could A. for young children training in listening is more valued than that in reading B. teachers at elementary level of schools are the best teachers C. one’s early education influences him/her all his/her life D. one’s early school years are the best time in his/her memory [多项选择]对消渴病的预防调摄,应着重注意()
A. 忌糖 B. 忌盐 C. 戒烟酒 D. 气血保持情志平和 E. 限制淀粉类食物 [简答题]爆炸按性质可分为几类?
A. 护目镜 B. 胶皮手套 C. 绝缘手套 D. 防滑手套 [不定项选择题]某企业的产品组合为2种液晶电视机、3种空调机、5种洗衣机和4种电冰箱。为了扩大液晶电视机的销量,该企业与经销商签订协议,约定“10天内付款的客户可享受2%的价格优惠,30天内付款的客户全价付款”。同时,该企业拟开发一种新型电冰箱,经测算,投资额为5000万元,单位成本为2000元,预期销售量为50000台,投资收益率为20%。该种电冰箱推出后,该企业拟建立营销渠道:只选择一家销售商代理该种电冰箱的销售,再由该销售商销售给消费者。
根据目标利润定价法,该企业的新型电冰箱的目标价格为( )元。
A.2020 B.2200 C.3000 D.3200 [判断题]溴化锂吸收式制冷运行时,如果吸收器液位过高,溶液泵吸空,将产生汽蚀和噪声。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()在私法体系占有及其重要的地位,是罗马私法的主体和核心。
A. 左前分支阻滞 B. 完全性左束支阻滞 C. 不完全右束支阻滞 D. 左后分支阻滞 E. 完全性右束支阻滞 [多选题]放空点燃作业需要注意哪些方面?()。( )→易
A.放空点燃必须采取远距离点燃的方法。包括:使用电子打火、信号枪、“魔术棒”爆竹、长火炬、火焰喷射器、预置火炉或者着火油盆等,并且设置防回火装置 B.放空点燃必须从上风或者侧上风方向接近,并保持足够的安全距离 C.担负放空点燃人员要专业精干,必须事先确定好紧急撤离路线、方式,必要时设置掩体,组织水枪实施掩护 D.放空点燃前,应认真检查警戒区,清理警戒区内的无关人员和车辆 [判断题]CRH5型动车组常用制动时,列车制动管的压力应随制动缸压力变化而变化。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]建设统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系,是使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用的基础,关于现代市场体系基本要求的说法,错误的是( )。
A.企业自主经营、公平竞争 B.消费者自由选择、自主消费 C.商品和要素自由流动、平等交换 D.政府宏观调控、精准施策 [单选题]甲将摄录自己婚礼庆典活动的仅有的一盘录像带交给个体户乙制作成VC保存,乙的店铺因丙抽烟不慎失火烧毁,导致录像带灭失。下列说法正确的是( )。
A.甲可对乙提起违约之诉,并请求精神损害赔偿 B.甲可对乙提起侵权之诉,并请求精神损害赔偿 C.甲只能对丙提起侵权之诉,并请求精神损害赔偿 D.甲可对乙提起违约之诉或侵权之诉,不能请求精神损害赔偿 [单选题]危险货物容器编码中代表容器种类的数字“6”表示()。
A.罐 B.袋 C.桶 D.复合容器 [多选题]主动脉弓的三大分支是( )
A.头臂干 B.左颈总动脉 C.左锁骨下动脉 D.右颈总动脉 E.右锁骨下动脉 [填空题]水浸液在日光下显碧蓝色荧光的药材是(),水提液在紫外灯下显蓝色荧光的药材是()。
[多选题]23003】电流形成的内因是导体内部存在大量的自由电荷,下面属于自由电荷的是( )。 ( )
A. 电子 B. 自由电子 C. 离子 D. 原子核 [判断题]肠套叠多见于年龄较大的肥胖儿,被套入的肠子由于血液供应受到阻碍会引起疼痛,时间过长可能发生肠管坏死。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]由于气象观测既有高度分散又高度集中的特点,所以,对()、()、()、()及要素的准确度等方面,均提出严格要求和统一标准。
[填空题]网关指网络层以上互联设备。可连不同工作协议的主机设备,通过对不同协议的转换,实现 ( ) 。
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