Tests conducted at the University of
Pennsylvania’s Psychological Laboratory showed that anger is one of the most
difficult emotions to detect from facial expression. Professor Dallas E. Buzby
confronted 716 students with pictures of extremely angry persons, and asked them
to identify the emotion from facial expression. Only 2 percent made correct
judgments. Anger was most frequently judged as "pleased." And a typical reaction
of a student with the picture of a man who was hopping mad was to classify his
expression as either "bewildered", "quizzical", or simply "amazed". Other
students showed that it is extremely difficult to tell whether a man is angry or
not just by looking at his face. The investigators found further that women are
better at detecting anger from facial expression than men are. Paradoxically,
they found that psychol A. use adults rather than students as judges B. ask women in fields other than psychology to judge C. ask women rather than men to judge D. ask psychologists to judge [单选题]( )几乎是熔焊时氮的唯一米源.
A.母材中的氮 B.焊条药皮中的氮化物 C.焊剂中的氮化物 D.空气中的氮气 [单项选择]原发性纤溶亢进症的诊断标准的是
A. D-二聚体阳性 B. 无明显的出血表现 C. 实验室检查Fg≤1.5g/L D. F1+2、TAT、FPA明显升高 E. FDP降低 [单项选择]6岁小儿因发热2周,双膝关节痛1周入院,查T38℃,P101次/分,咽稍充血,心肺(-),双膝关节红肿,活动受限,化验血沉98mm/h,CRP(+),为证实风湿热的诊断,需化验的指标是()
A. 血常规 B. 尿常规 C. 粘蛋白 D. ASO E. 血清抗核抗体 [填空题]HTK-391型轴温探测系统数传板上AM7911是单片()[FSK]调制/解调器。
A.20ml B.30ml C.50~100ml D.250~300ml E.400ml [单选题]水喷雾灭火系统报警阀调试中,要求自动和手动方式启动的雨淋阀,并应在( )s之内启动。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [单选题]用于将充油电缆线路的油道分隔成两段供油的中间接头称为( )。
A.直通接头 B.转换接头 C.塞止接头 [单项选择]The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might. Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying: "Won’’ t the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollable anti-competitive force"
There’’s no question that the big are getting bigger and more powerful. Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% of international trade in 1982. Today the figure is more than 25% and growing rapidly. International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment. In Argentina, for instance, after the reforms of the early 1990s, multinationals went from 43% to almost 70% of the industrial production of the 200 largest firms. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over th
A. To take in more foreign funds. B. To invest more abroad. C. To combine and become bigger. D. To trade with more countries. [简答题]ATC包括哪几个子系统
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]主要表现在血液的生成和运行( )
A. 心与脾的关系 B. 脾与肾的关系 C. 肺与肾的关系 D. 肺与脾的关系 E. 肺与肝的关系 [单项选择]具有对自己行为应该负道德责任的自觉认识和自我评价能力的是()
A. 护理伦理情感 B. 护理伦理良心 C. 护理伦理义务 D. 护理伦理责任 E. 护理伦理荣誉 [单项选择]以下关于债权人行使撤销权的具体条件的说法不正确的是( )。
A. 债务人实施了处分财产的行为 B. 债务人处分财产的行为发生在债权人的债权成立之前 C. 债权人处分财产的行为已经发生效力 D. 债务人处分财产的行为侵害债权人债权 [单选题]装配“O”形密封圈时,密封圈不得有扭曲和损伤,并正确选择( )。
A.预压量 B.预紧量 C.预紧力 D.间隙 [单项选择]再生障碍性贫血血液检查显示()
A. 全血细胞减少 B. 红细胞与血红蛋白减少 C. 血小板减少 D. 白细胞减少 E. 幼稚白细胞增多 [单选题]患者男性,55岁。有高血压病史20余年,患者有糖尿病病史10余年,有长期吸烟史。因情绪激动出现昏睡,呼之不醒,即送医院急诊。体检:患者意识不清,瞳孔缩小,双眼凝视一侧,右侧肢体偏瘫,血压165/95mmHg。呼吸26次/分,心率108次/分,初步诊断为脑出血。若要确定诊断,最有价值的检查是( )
A.脑血管造影 B.脑部同位素扫描 C.头颅CT或MRI检查 D.头颅X线检查 E.头颅超声波检查 [填空题]以下程序运行后的输出结果是______。
main( ) int a=3,b=4,c=5,t=99; if(b<a && a<c)t=-a;a=c;c=t; if(a<c && b<c)t=b;b=a;a=t; printf("%d %d %d/n",a,b,c); [单选题]救援人员将被救者背起的救人方法称为。( )
A.托抱法 B.肩负法 C.双人肩负法 D. 背人法 [多选题]以下纳税人,应办理增值税一般纳税人登记的有( )
A.立邦贸易公司年销售额330万 B.飞翔加油站年成品油销售额70万元 C.万创传媒有限公司年营业额800万元 D.威华时装旗舰店服装年销售额500万元 E.蓝天农业合作社农产品年销售额520万元 [多选题]进入作业现场应正确佩戴安全帽(),现场作业人员还应穿全棉长袖工作服、()。
A.A.实验室计量工作除外 B.B.保护室计量工作除外 C.C.绝缘鞋 D.D.绝缘靴 [判断题]压力容器制造中热处理分为:焊后热处理和改善力学性能热处理两类。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交