Made with wild sementri chosanthis(恬楼仁——食品名)growing in the remote mountains at the south bank of Taihu Lake, the product has fragrant and agreeable taste. It is a new tourist food and is also an ideal gift for friends.
Trade name: Trichosanthes Kirilowii Seeds (吊瓜子)
Ingredients: Trichosanthes Kirilowii Seeds, salt, natural flavoring
HWSZ: SSZ No. 126293
Standard Code: Q/IQNS09-2003
Production date: at the seal
Shelf life: 120 days
Storage: Keep it at the cool and dry place, away from the direct sunlight or moisture. Better to keep it in a refrigerator.
Packer: Shanghai Hulin Food Co. Ltd. Lin’an Subsidiary
Address: No. 12, Block 8, Wanle Garden, Jincheng Town, Lin’an City, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-68765467
General agency: Shanghai Hulin Food Co. Ltd.
Address: No. 136, Xundao Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Tel: 021-63676569
Fax: 021-63676569
某县2003年小麦、棉花、大豆、玉米产量占四种作物总产量的比重分别为:54%,12%, 10%,24%。2000年小麦、棉花、大豆、玉米比重分别为:56%,8%,11%,25%。
该县以下农作物,占主导地位的是()。 2009年以来,山东省工业生产增速呈波动回升态势,8月份规模以上工业增加值增长
15.0%,比年初增速提高3.3个百分点。1-8月,累计实现增加值12188.4亿元。增长12.6%,较上半年增速提高0.6个百分点,比全国平均增速快4.5个百分点。工业品产量回升面继续扩大,增势稳步升高。8月份,在国家重点调度的120种工业产品中,有95种产品产量同比增长,占重点调度产品的79.0%,占比较7月份提高14.0个百分点;增速较7月份提高的有77种,占重点调度产品的64.2%。 1-8月,全社会固定资产投资完成12872.1亿元,增长23.0%,增幅比上半年提高0.2个百分点,同比提高1.5个百分点。其中,城镇投资10557.4亿元,增长22.7%。增幅比上半年提高 0.2个百分点。第一、二产业投资保持稳定增长,依次增长19.2%和16.2%;第三产业投资增速加快,增长33.0%,增幅比上半年提高1.0个百分点;上年同期的三次产业投资构成之比为 3.9:56.3:39.8。1-8月,房地产开发投资完成额1507.0亿元,增长22.5%,比全国平均增速高7.8个百分点。房屋销售面积3424.1万平方米,增幅由上半年、1-7月的11.0%、19.5%提升至 24.9%。 今年以来,全省消费市场逐步走强,社会消费品零售额增长由2月份的14.4%:增至8月份的18.8%,提高4.4个百分点。1-8月累计实现零售额7808.4亿元,增长18.1%,增速同比回落 5.4个百分点,比上半年提高0.2个百分点,比全国平均增速高3.0个百分点;扣除价格因素,实际增长19.2%,同比提高2.4个百分点。其中,县以上城市市场实现零售额5075.0亿元,增长 18.56%;县及县以下农村市场实现零售额2733.4.亿元,增长17.4%。 8月份,居民消费价格比上月上涨0.3%,为自今年3月份以来首次出现月环比上涨。与上年同月比,居民消费价格下降0.7%,比上月降幅收窄0.1个百分点。1-8月,居民消费价格同比下降0.2%,继续 A. 2009年1-8月,全国累计实现增加值的平均增速为8.1% B. 2009年1-8月。全国居民消费价格同比平均降幅为1.2% C. 与去年同期相比。2008年1-8月山东省县以上城市市场实现零售额增加值比县及县以下农村市场零售额增加值多508.3亿元 D. 2009年1-8月,山东经济稳步提升,向好趋势进一步展现 [多选题]"要主钩“通用手势信号是()自然(),置于,轻触胸前
A.单手 B.握拳 C.胸前 [简答题]高处作业点有可能造成坠落处下方需设置()。
[单项选择]Pollution: A Life and Death Issue
One of the main themes of Planet under Pressure is the way many of the Earth’s environmental crises reinforce one another. Pollution is an obvious example--we do not have the option of growing food, or finding enough water, on a squeaky- clean planet, but on one increasingly tarnished and trashed by the way we have used it so far. Cutting waste and clearing up pollution cost money. Yet time and again it is the quest for wealth that generates much of the mass in the first place. Living in a way that is less damaging to the Earth is not easy, but it is vital, because pollution is pervasive and often life-threatening. Air: the World Health Organization (WHO) says three million people are killed worldwide by outdoor air pollution annually from vehicles and industrial emissions, and 1.6 million indoors through using solid fuel. Most are in poor countries. Water: diseases carried in water are responsible for 80% of illnesse A. They are sick because of years of pollution. B. They are sick because of industries on their doorsteps. C. They are sick because of pesticides from agriculture. D. They are sick because of air pollution. [多选题]在堤防和护堤地,禁止( )、葬坟、晒粮、存放物料、开采地下资源、进行考古发掘以及开展集市贸易活动”。
A.建房 B.放牧 C.开渠 D.打井 E.挖窖 [单选题]段管线采用对称道岔,不得小于( )号。
A.6 B.12 C.18 D.30 [多项选择]有关运料斜道,下列说法正确的有:()。
A. 宽度不应小于1m B. 宽度不应小于1.5m C. 坡度不应大于1:5 D. 坡度不应大于1:6 我来回答: 提交