On the evening of his arrival in New York, Jimmy wanted to make a call to his mother. He found a telephone booth nearby and put some coins into a box in it and dialed 734-8681. At first the line was busy and then his call was put through. Jimmy was very glad to say "Hello!" to his mother. Just then came a sweet lady’s voice behind him.
"Are you through"
"Yes," Jimmy turned and said.
With a polite "Excuse me", the lady took up the receiver and dialed. Jimmy had to wait aside until, she put down the telephone.
After a while, Jimmy dialed again and heard his mother’s voice from far.
"What’s wrong with you Why did you ring just now"
"I myself don’t know why," Jimmy didn’t finish calling when a young man ran over and asked anxiously.
"Are you through"
With saying "OK!" the man quickly set
A. He came from the United States.
B. He came from England
C. He came from New York.
D. We don’t know from the passag
Carving a jack-o-lantern is a tradition
or custom in many American families. Families will go to area stores that sell
pumpkins and spend hours just looking for the right one. When the right pumpkin
has been chosen, take it home and wash the outside of the pumpkin and dry it
completely. An adult will be needed to carefully cut open the top of the pumpkin
where the stem is located. Save the stem of the pumpkin. Next, you will need to
remove the pulp or stringy part of the pumpkin and the seeds using a large
spoon. Place all of the insides of the pumpkin on the sheets of newspaper to
keep your area clean. After all the seeds and pulp have been removed, you may
want to wash the outside of the pumpkin again to make sure you have a clean
surface to work on. Markers can be used to draw the fa A. To keep the area clean. B. To write on. C. To light the candle with. D. To place inside the pumpkin. [简答题]每一个新员工上岗之前都应该得到岗前培训,这关系到员工进入工作状态的快慢和对自己工作的真正理解以及对自我目标的设定。那么岗前培训主要包括哪些内容?
[多项选择]人民法院的刑事判决书应当送达( )。
A. 辩护人 B. 诉讼代理人 C. 被害人 D. 被告人 [单项选择]压力容器在试验压力下一般保持()min。
A. 5~10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 50 [判断题]对持有临时车牌车辆,收费员应手工输入车辆号牌并发放CPC卡。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]平衡调整方法之一是采用去重法,则具体加工方法为( )。
A. 用气割的方法 B. 用钻削的方法 C. 用冲压加工的方法 D. 用磨削和铣削加工的方法 E. 用錾削的方法 [判断题]根据《东京公约》规定,航空器被非法劫持,在缔约国降落后,应将航空器和所载货物交还给合法的占有人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设备缺陷与隐患的消除应优先釆取()。
A.停电作业方式 B.搭车检修作业方式 C.不停电作业方式 D.集中检修作业方式 [单项选择]男性患者,50岁,突发头痛、呕吐伴发热、精神行为异常5天。查体:体温:38.5℃,神志清,四肢肌力、肌张力正常,双Babinski征(-),颈抵抗(+),Kernig征及Brudzinski征均阴性。脑电图:广泛中度异常;头颅CT:未见异常。最主要治疗是()。
A. 三代头孢类抗生素 B. 抗结核治疗 C. 抗病毒治疗 D. 抗真菌治疗 E. 糖皮质激素治疗 [单项选择]依据《注册安全工程师管理规定》的规定,注册安全工程师在每个注册周期内应当参加继续教育,时间累计不得少于( )学时。
A. 36 B. 48 C. 24 D. 60 [简答题]入口效应(入口端产生更大压力降)的原因有?
[多选题]“实践-认识-再实践-再认识,这种形式,循环往复以至无穷,而实践和认识之每一循环的内容,都比较地进到了高一级的程度,这就是辩证唯物论的全部认识论。”这个论断揭示了( )
A.认识对于实践的依赖关系 B.主观与客观.理论与实践的具体的历史的统一 C.认识是一个辩证的发展过程 D.认识的本质和一般发展规律 [单项选择]项目决策分析与评价的目的是为( )提供科学的可靠依据。
A. 管理决策 B. 战略决策 C. 项目决策 D. 营销决策 [判断题]氟利昂的特性是化学性质稳定,不会燃烧爆炸,不腐蚀金属,不溶于油。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交