Learning{{/B}} Students should be jealous. Not only do babies get to doze their days away, but they’ve also mastered the fine art of learning in their sleep. By the time babies are a year old they can recognise a lot of sounds and even simple words. Marie Cheour at the University of Turku in Finland suspected that they might progress this fast because they learn language while they sleep as well as when they are awake. To test the theory, Cheour and her colleagues studied 45 newborn babies in the first few days of their lives. They exposed all the infants to an hour of Finnish vowel sounds — one that sounds like "oo", another like "ee" and a th [判断题]汇款回单作为该笔汇款已转入收款人账户的证明。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]直流电机中,主极的作用是(),换向极的作用是()。
[单项选择]我国最高人民法院的有关司法解释中规定:“当事人协议选择的或者人民法院按照最密切联系原则确定的处理合同争议所适用的法律,是指现行的实体法,而不包括冲突规范和程序法。”这表明我国在解决涉外合同的法律适用时采用的是下列何种制度( )
A. 排斥反致制度 B. 完全接受反致制度 C. 仅接受狭义的反致制度,排斥转致和间接反致制度 D. 接受转致和狭义反致制度,仅排斥间接反致制度 [单项选择]卡介苗接种后所致结核菌素阳性反应是指硬结直径()
A. <5mm B. 5~9mm,3~5天后反应消失 C. 10~19mm,1周后留有色素 D. 15~20mm E. >20mm [多项选择]宏观经济发展的总体目标包括( )。
A. 经济增长 B. 充分就业 C. 通货膨胀和缓 D. 物价稳定 E. 国际收支平衡 [简答题]护理程序的四个目的是什么?
A. 氧弹的密封性能应保持完好 B. 氧弹应定期进行耐压试验 C. 氧弹内充氧压力不能超过3.2Mpa D. 实验过程中,点火后的最初30秒内不要把身体的任何部位伸到热量计上方 [单项选择]已有广泛的骨转移,但不出现骨扫描阳性的恶性肿瘤是( )
A. 乳癌 B. 卵巢癌 C. 前列腺癌 D. 多发性骨髓瘤 E. 肺癌 [判断题]消防泡沫枪是由接口、泡沫发生器、枪管和吸液管等部分组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]招标文件一般规定商务和技术条款(参数)允许偏离的最大范围、最高项数以及在允许偏离范围内对条款(参数)进行评标价格调整计算的方法,参数的偏离加价一般为(),最高不得超过()。
A. 1%;1.5% B. 0.5%;1% C. 0.5%;1.5% D. 1%;2% [填空题]Recently more and more attention has been
focused to the problem of preserving the 62. ______ environment. The fact that a Government Ministry being called the Department of the Environment has 63. ______ been created shows how unimportant the issue is 64. ______ considered to be. Over the past thirty years or so the quality of many people’s lives have deteriorated in some respects 65. ______ because of technological progress. Those people living near airports are constantly attacked by the noise of increasingly larger and more powerful jet aircraft taken off and landing. The motor car has been 66. ______ responsible for many changes in the environment. On the one hand it has brought mobility to millions of [单选题]在网络体系结构中,OSI表示( )
A.Open System Interconnection B.Open System Information C.Operating System Interconnection D.Operating System Information [单项选择]患者男性,35岁。从坦桑尼亚回国。低热伴乏力、纳差及消瘦3个月余。查体:可见口腔黏膜布满白色膜状物,颈部、腋下淋巴结肿大,有不洁性交史。该患者最可能的临床诊断是()
A. 肠结核并淋巴结结核 B. 恶性组织细胞病 C. 淋巴瘤 D. 艾滋病 E. 克罗恩病 [单选题]某中药煎剂口服有明显泻下作用提示其含
A..黄酮 B..蒽醌 C..香豆素 D..鞣质 E..皂苷 [单选题]发电车应配备4L水型灭火器( )具。
A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8 [单选题]配电箱、开关箱应装设端正、牢固。移动式配电箱、开关箱应装设在固定、稳定的支架上。其中心点与地面的垂直距离宜为( )m。
A.0.8~1 B.0.8~1.2 C.0.8~1.4 D.0.8~1.6 [多选题]液化石油气的主要成分是 ( )。
A.. 甲烷 B.. 丙烷 C.. 丙烯 D.. 丁烷 E.. 丁烯 [单选题]保温炉容量:( )T
A.20 B.21 C.22 D.25 [多选题]在R、L、C串联电路中,下列情况正确的是( )。A. ωL>ωC,电路呈感性 B. ωL=ωC,电路呈阻性 C. ωL>ωC,电路呈容性 D. ωC>ωL,电路呈容性
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E F.F [简答题]社会主义民主政治的本质和核心是什么?
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