Can exercise be a bad thing Sudden death during or soon after strenuous exertion on the squash court or on the army training grounds, is not unheard of. (1) trained marathon runners are not immune to fatal heart attacks. But no one knows just (2) common these sudden deaths linked to exercise are. The registration and investigation of such (3) is very patchy; only a national survey could determine the true (4) of sudden deaths in sports. But the climate of medical opinion is shifting in (5) of exercise, for the person recovering from a heart attack as (6) as the average lazy individual. Training can help the victim of a heart attack by lowering the (7) of oxygen the heart needs at any given level of work (8) the patient can do more before reaching the point where chest pains indicate a heart starved of oxygen. The question is, should middle-aged people, (9) particular, be screened for signs of heart d
A. taking up
B. trying on
C. getting over
D. doing with
Our present generation of cultural
critics, arriving after the assault of postmodernism and the increasingly
widespread commercialization of culture, has been cast adrift, without any firm
basis for judgments. Publications and institutions to support serious criticism,
in this view, either no longer exist or are few in number. Critics today, it is also claimed, are too cozy behind the ivied walls of academe, content to employ a prose style that is decipherable only to a handful of the cognoscenti. The deadly dive of Uniersity critics into the shallow depths of popular culture, moreover, reveals the unwillingness of these critics to uphold standards. Even if the reasons offered are contradictory, these Jeremiahs huddle around their sad conclusion that serious cultural criticism has fallen into a morass of petty bickering and bl A. When literary critics discuss issues with political judgments, their views are likely to be meaningless. B. It is reasonable for writers to seek limelight since we are living in the age of commercialism. C. Critics should be encouraged to write and publish poignant articles which would scorch the landscape. D. It is the critics’ responsibility to lament the downfall of serious fiction and reviewing. [单项选择]审查托管证券的真实性时,审计人员应采取的主要审计程序是()。
A. 审阅投资明细账 B. 向代管机构函证 C. 询问管理部门 D. 检查股票和债券登记簿 [多选题]绩效评价标准通常包括()等,用于对绩效指标完成情况进行比较。
A.计划标准 B.行业标准 C.历史标准 D.现实标准 [名词解释]项目建设必要性评估
A. 0.6-0.8g/kg.d的优质蛋白 B. 低盐,高糖饮食 C. 低盐,高蛋白饮食 D. 低盐,高钙饮食 E. 饮食清淡、易消化、富有营养 [单选题]Ⅰ.Ⅱ类故障由使用单位.维护单位对故障进行全面调查.分析.总结,并在故障处置结束后( )个工作日内将分析及处置报告报送总公司运输局。
A.5 B.4 C.3 D.2 [单选题]连结员进档作业用语为:( )。
A.“×号进车档作业,×号作业完毕,撤离车档” B.“进车档,××(作业内容),×号×道作业完毕” C.“×号进车档,××(作业内容),×号作业完毕” D.“×号进车档,×号进档作业完毕” [单选题]立、撤杆应设专人统一指挥。开工前,应交待施工方法、指挥信号和( )。
A.安全措施 B.技术措施 C.组织措施 D.应急措施 [单选题]武装力量在临近战争爆发或作战部队、分队受领作战任务后进行的有针对性的训练称为()。
A.战前训练 B.临战训练 C.临时训练 D.战后训练 [单项选择]关于宿主的免疫性的叙述,哪一项是不正确的()
A. 非特异性免疫作用范围较广,应答迅速,但无特异性,个体出生时不存在 B. 屏障结构:包括皮肤和黏膜、血脑屏障、胎盘屏障等 C. 正常组织和体液中存在补体、溶菌酶、防御素等多种抗菌物质,常配合其他杀菌因素而发挥作用 D. 细胞免疫的相应细胞为细胞毒性T细胞和CD4+Thl细胞。在抗感染免疫,尤其是抗细胞内寄生菌、病毒和真菌感染中发挥重要作用 E. 抗体通过抑制致病菌黏附、调理吞噬作用,中和外毒素、抗体和补体的联合溶菌作用,抗体依赖性细胞介导的细胞毒作用等而发挥抗感染效应 [单项选择]存在一个等待事务集{T0,T1,…,Tn},其中T0正等待被T1锁住的数据项,T1正等待被n锁住的数据项,Tn-1正等待被Tn锁住的数据项,且Tn正等待被T0锁住的数据项,则系统的工作状态处于( )。
A. 并发处理 B. 封锁 C. 循环 D. 死锁 [单选题]当公称直径大于65mm且小于125mm时,减压阀的最大渗漏量不大于( )滴(气泡)/min.
A.5 B.12 C.20 D.25 [多项选择]病毒性心肌炎的常见病原体有
A. EB病毒 B. 埃可病毒 C. 流行性感冒病毒 D. 柯萨奇病毒 [单选题]同一变电站的各路电源电缆线路,宜选用不同的通道路径,若同通道敷设时应(____)布置。
A.同侧 B.两侧 C.蛇形 D.交叉 [判断题]在中性点电容隔直/电阻限流装置单独检修或故障处理时,应将变压器中性点直接接地,并将装置与运行变压器中性点可靠隔离。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下所列的药物中.推荐用于治疗反复性偏头痛者的处方药是()
A. 谷维素 B.地西洋 C. 维生素B1 D.阿司匹林 E.麦角胺咖啡因片 [单项选择]The police forced their way into the room,only to find the safe empty()
A. 刚刚发现保险箱是空的,警察就进入了房间。 B. 为了找到那只空保险箱,警察强行进入了房间。 C. 警察破门而人,结果发现保险箱已被洗劫一空。 D. 为了找到那只空保险箱,警察被迫进入通向房间的通道。 [判断题]搜索推广旭日账户中,在一个推广组内最多可以添加50条创意和5000个关键词。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]光纤的纤芯采用高纯度的(),并掺有少量的掺杂剂。
A.SiO2 B.TiO2 C.PbO [单选题]当建筑场地的施工控制网为方格网或轴线形式时,采用( )进行建筑物细部点的平面位置测设最为方便。
A.直角坐标法 B.极坐标法 C.角度前方交会法 D.距离交会法 [判断题]付款人承兑汇票,不得附有条件;承兑附有条件的,视为拒绝承兑
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不属于大气卫生基准制定方法的是( )。
A.流行病学研究 B.危险度评价 C.环境毒理学研究 D.经济技术可行性研究 E.快速计算方法 我来回答: 提交