What produces a waterproof super glue,
acts like a vacuum cleaner, and even teaches scientists about gene repair The
humble little shellfish known as the mussel (贻贝)。 Mussels are found worldwide. Some live in the sea. Others inhabit freshwater streams and lakes. When you try to move a mussel from a rock, you will discover what an incredibly firm grip it has- a necessity if the mussel is to resist the sharp grab of a hungry seabird or the pounding waves of the sea. How does it manage to cling so tight When it choose a place to set up home, it pokes its tongue-shaped foot out of its shell and presses it against a solid surface. Special glands give off a fluid mixture of proteins into a channel that runs the length of the foot. The liquid quickly hardens into a fine, elastic thread about an inch long. Then a tiny pad-like structur A. seal itself from being damaged by sea water B. protect itself from being the food of other animals C. protect itself from being blown away by strong wind D. produce the waterproof super glue [单项选择]Cloning(克隆):Future Perfect
1 A clone is all exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell. Since Scottish scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997,research into cloning has grown rapidly.In May 1998,scientists in Massachusetts managed to create two identical calves(牛犊)using cloning technology.A mouse has also been cloned successfully, But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement:“We will have managed to clone a human being within the next two years,”he told the world.
2 Seed’S announcement provoked a lot of media attention,most of it negative.In Europe, nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the US the President announced:”We will be introducing a law to ban all human cloning and many states in the US will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year.’’
3 Many researchers are not so negative about cloning,They
A.增加肺脏功能残气量 B.扩张萎陷的肺泡 C.增加吸入氧浓度 D.促进肺泡水肿消退 E.减少肺内动静脉分流 [判断题]钢轨打磨后应及时清理轨道板、钢轨表面上的打磨碎屑。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][单选题]电流互感器二次侧和铁心要可靠接地( )。
A.接相 B.接零 C.接地 [单项选择]对急性扁桃体炎的描述,错误的是()
A. 常发生于儿童及青少年 B. 是一种特异性急性炎症 C. 多是在慢性扁桃体基础上反复急性发作 D. 主要致病菌为乙型溶血性链球菌、葡萄球菌、肺炎双球菌 E. 有时可为急性传染病的前驱症状 [单选题]辅警张某为巡逻一班队员,在执勤时接到队长指示,要求支援其他班组进行安保维护,张某以自已到下班时间为由拒不前往支援点,该行为属于下列哪种行为( )。
A.违反办公秩序行为 B.违反组织管理行为 C.失职、渎职行为 D.违反日常管理行为 [单选题]室内消防竖管直径不应小于()。
A.DN50 B.DN65 C.DN100 D.DN150 [判断题]现场检查的内容是物流中心分拣环节,是否对即将配送的卷烟均进行了扫码并100%喷打了32位激光码,是否存在不打码,打通码、测试码的现象。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1798、集线器工作在OSI模型上的()。
A.A、物理层 B.B、数据链路层 C.C、网络层 D.D、传输层 [单项选择]可摘局部义齿基托伸展范围错误的是
A. 基托的唇颊侧边缘伸展至黏膜转折处,不妨碍唇颊的正常活动 B. 下颌基托的舌侧边缘伸展至舌侧黏膜转折处,不妨碍舌的正常活动 C. 上颌基托的后缘伸展至翼上颌切迹,远中颊侧盖过上颌结节 D. 上颌基托后缘中分伸展至腭小凹 E. 下颌基托后缘应覆盖磨牙后垫 1/3~1/2 [单选题]BB20074装设接地线的顺序是:( )。
A.先装中相后装两边相; B.先装接地端,后装导体端; C.先装导体端,后装接地端; D.随意装。 [多项选择]甲意图杀死张某,当其得知张某当晚在单位值班室值班时,即放火将值班室烧毁,其结果却是将顶替张某值班的李某烧死。下列哪些判断不符合甲对李某死亡所持的心理态度( )
A. 间接故意 B. 过于自信的过失 C. 疏忽大意的过失 D. 意外事件 [判断题]( ) 按《t油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:自动点火装置在油气层钻进时每周应试点火1..次。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]凸轮从动件选择组合运动规律既满足了工作需要,又避免了刚性冲击,改善了其动力性能。: ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某机械制造厂为增值税一般纳税人,适用的消费税税率为8%。2010年1月发生下列经济业务:
(1)购进原材料一批,已验收入库,取得增值税专用发票注明的税款为600万元。 (2)销售库存商品一批,取得销售收入(不含税)总额为8000万元。 (3)兼营大型机械租赁业务,取得收入100万元。 (4)兼营运输业务,取得收入50万元。 该厂本月应纳增值税为( )万元。 A. 900 B. 1360 C. 1050 D. 760 [单选题]LAB20108扑救可能产生有毒气体的火灾时,扑救人员应使用( )。
A.正压式消防空气呼吸器; B.负压式消防空气呼吸器; C.吸水的毛巾; D.含水的棉被。 [多选题]电流互感器后续检验必做的检验项目有()
A.外观检查 B.绝缘试验 C.基本误差测量 D.绕组极性检查 E.二次实际负荷下计量绕组的误差测量 [单项选择]常用的螺纹连接、销连接是属于()连接。
A. 固定不可拆卸 B. 固定可拆卸 C. 活动不可拆卸 D. 活动可拆卸 [单项选择]( )是指能够通过大自然的作用不断地繁衍的资源。
A. 不可再生资源 B. 可再生资源 C. 社会资源 D. 人力资源 [单选题]转录过程中需要的原料是
A.左手定则 B.右手定则 C.左手螺旋定则 D.右手螺旋定则。 我来回答: 提交