Advertising is a form of selling. For
thousands of years there have been individuals who have tried to (56)
others to buy the food they have produced or the goods they have made
or the services they can (57) . But in the 19th century the mass production of goods (58) the Industrial Revolution made person-to-person selling inefficient. The mass distribution of goods that (59) the development of the railway and highway made person-to-person selling too slow and expensive. At the same time, mass communication, first newspapers and magazines, then radio and television, made mass selling through (60) possible. The objective of any advertisement is to convince people that it is in their best (61) to take the action the advertiser is recommending. The action (62) be to purchase a product, us A. similarly B. supposedly C. approximately D. accountably [单选题]《监察法》规定,被调查人逃匿,在通缉( )后不能到案,或者死亡的,由监察机关提请人民检察院依照法定程序,向人民法院提出没收违法所得的申请。
A.一年 B.二年 C.三个月 D.六个月 [单项选择]温度计读数时,为了消除视觉误差,眼睛一定要与液面()。
A. 远离 B. 平行 C. 垂直 D. 倾斜 [不定项选择题]紧急制动时,制动方式为( )。
A.仅空气制动 B.电-空混合制动 C.仅电制动 D.空气、电制动、停放制动全部施加以达到最大制动力 [单选题]规定安全生产许可证制度的法律法规是( )。
A.煤炭法 B.矿山安全法 C.煤矿安全监察条例 D.安全生产许可证条例 [单选题] 叉架类零件主视图选择主要依据( )。
A.形状特征原则 B.工作位置原则 C.加工位置原则 D.便于绘制原则 [简答题]使用人字架或走线滑子起重有哪些应检查的事项?
A. 冷却水管(水梁)吸热 B. 火焰的位置 C. 燃烧调节 D. 冷却水管(水梁)包扎的遮蔽 [单项选择]男性,50岁,刺激性咳嗽,痰中带血4个月。胸片示右肺上叶前段不张,痰找病理细胞阴性。为明确诊断,应首选下列哪项检查()
A. 超声下肿块穿刺活检 B. 胸部CT检查 C. 抗炎治疗3个月复查 D. 纤维支气管镜检查 E. 再次痰中找病理细胞 [判断题]当拒绝运输旅客的情况发生时,乘务组将旅客移交地面服务人员,根据实际情况和需要协同安全员做好客舱的清舱工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]204.UPS发生下列( )情况时,必须发出音响及灯光告警信号:①交流输入电压超过设定之告警范围时②交流输出电压超过设定之告警范围时③交流输出电压超过设定之告警范围时④保护电路动作时
A.①②③④ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①②③ [单选题]板材是指宽厚比( )的木材。
A.>2 B.>3 C.>4 D.>5 [单选题]旅客列车列尾装置尾部主机的安装与摘解、风管及电源的连结与摘解,由( )人员负责。
A.车辆部门 B.车务部门 C.机务部门 我来回答: 提交