John Shilling is a twenty-year-old student at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. It is a small school (1) different from Cornell University in New York State which is huge and famous. John (2) have gone to any college of his (3) , but he chose this school because of its small size and its excellent (4) in his major field—physics.
He likes Cornell as well as he (5) to. There are just three students in his physics class, (6) the professor often invites the three to his home for dinner. (7) maintaining an "A" average in his (8) , John finds time to play (9) the football and tennis teams, and he has (10) with his girl friend, Linda Spies. They study together in the library (11) go for walks in the nearby meadow. Linda, who is (12) in elementary education, is one of the many college students who give free (13) to children of poor families in a city near Cornell.
A. on
B. among
C. for
D. against
There is no question that the old style
of air pollution could kill people. In one week following the infamous
"peasouper" fog in December 1952, 4, 700 people died in London. Most of these
people were elderly and already had heart or lung diseases. A series of these
killer fogs eventually led to the British Parliament passing the Clean Air Act
which restricted the burning of coal. Fortunately the effect of smog on the lungs is not so dramatic. Scientists have now conducted a number of laboratory experiments in which volunteers are exposed to ozone inside a steel chamber for a few hours. Even at quite low concentrations there is a reversible fall in lung function, an increase in the irritability of the lungs and evidence of airway inflammation (发炎). Although irritable and inflamed lungs are particularly seen in people with asthma (哮喘) and other lung disea A. ozone and fall in lung function B. ozone and lung diseases such as asthma C. nitrogen dioxide and worse lung function D. smog and chronic bronchitis and emphysema [单项选择]大、中型药品批发和零售连锁企业质量管理负责人应具有()
A. 药士或相应职称的专业技术人员 B. 高中以上文化水平 C. 药师或相应专业的助理工程师 D. 主管药师或相应专业的工程师 E. 执业药师 [单选题][T]B-A-C-030 4 2 1
通常用PONA分别表示四大烃族组成,其中P表示( )。 A. 芳香烃 B. 环烷烃 C. 烯烃 D. 链烷烃 [单项选择]对踝管的描述,正确的是()。
A. 由屈肌支持带与内踝、跟骨围成 B. 是小腿与足的唯一通道 C. 有胫后血管与腓骨肌腱通过 D. 有伸肌腱通过 E. 有隐神经与腓肠神经通过 [判断题]配电箱送电操作顺序:末级配电箱→分配电箱→总配电箱。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者江某,男,35岁。持续高热5天,精神萎靡,每晨9am测得口腔温度39.2℃左右,下午4.pm测得口腔温度39.8℃左右,发热程度属()
A.低热 B.中等热 C.高热 D.超高热 E.极高热 [单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第12.1.1条规定:在( )周围不应使用钢卷尺、皮卷尺和线尺(夹有金属丝者)进行测量工作。
A.带电设备 B.停电设备 C.待投运设备 D.检修设备 [单选题]需确保人员安全疏散的出口和通道,应设置照明。
A.正常 B.警卫 C.疏散 D.安全 [填空题]SS4改型电力机车主司控器换向手柄置“( )”位,电线403、406得电。
[单选题]抢险救援靴靴帮材料的最大刺穿力不小于( )。(难)
A.25N B.35N C. 45N D. 55N [单选题]司机室控制机柜每列车有( )套。
A.1 B.2 C.4 D.6 [判断题]职工再次发生工伤,根据规定应当享受伤残津贴的,按照原有认定的伤残等级享受。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]检查的工序活动的结果,一旦发现问题,即停止作业活动进行处理,直到符合要求。判定符合要求的标准是( )
A.各专业的施工质量验收规范,规范必须是现行的有效版本 B.各专业的施工质量验收规范,规范可以是任意的有效版本 C.各专业的施工质量设计规范,规范可以是任意的有效版本 D.各专业的施工质量设计规范,规范可以是任意的有效版本 [单选题]注水井钻井停注期间( )录取1次关井压力。
A.每天 B.每周 C.每旬 D.每月 [多选题]在“理念”如何产生事物的问题上,柏拉图提出了不起以下学说()
A.分有说 B.工匠说 C.回忆说 D.影象说 E.摹仿说 [单选题]
三绕组变压器防雷保护优先考虑(____)。 A. 低压绕组 B. 中压绕组 C. 高压绕组 D. 任意一个绕组 [多选题]以下关于“十四五”时期国家电网有限公司“一体四翼”发展布局目标表述正确的是,到202.5.
年,()多选题 A.服务大局再上新台阶 B.引领带动展现新作为 C.全面形成能源互联网产业生态 [单选题]甲、乙系邻居,某天,甲使用随身携带的手机对乙进行殴打,后经鉴定乙构成轻微伤,以下说法错误的是( )。
A.公安机关可以进行调解 B.甲可以在收到鉴定书后3日内申请行政复议 C.对甲使用的手机可以扣押 D.对扣押的手机应当妥善保管,不得挪作他用 [判断题]国际部收到汇入行同意退汇确认电或汇入行退汇电,在确认
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]出租汽车驾驶员文明驾驶行为不包括()。
A.A.宁停三分,不抢一秒 B.B.礼让行人,安全为上 C.C.礼让三先 D.D.盛气凌人,赌气开车 [多项选择]根据《关于印发<建设工程工程量清单计价规范>(GB50500-2008)附录浙江省补充内容的通知》(建建发[2009]125号)的有关规定,市政工程中对下列( )施工措施项目进行了编码列项。
A. 行车干扰费 B. 洞库照明费 C. 周转材料回库照明费 D. 施工降水 E. 洞内施工的通风、供水、供电、照明及通讯工程费 [单选题] 外部过电压通常指( )过电压。
A.操作 B.感应 C.雷电 [多选题]双路交流输入切换实验前,应验证()正常工作,并做好实验过程监视。
A.整流模块 B.两路交流输入 C.蓄电池组 D.连接蓄电池组的直流接触器 [单项选择]Becoming aware of our mother's age, not just in numbers of years but ______her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.
A. in spite of B. on account of C. in terms of D. by means of [单选题]35kv及其以上高压供电的,电压正、负偏差的绝对值之和不超过额定值的()%。
A.5 B.7 C.10 D.12 [单项选择]肺总量减少最少见于()
A. 肺水肿 B. 张力性气胸 C. 大量胸腔积液 D. 阻塞性肺不张 E. 阻塞性肺气肿 [多项选择]把计划生育作为我国的一项基本国策,这是因为:
A. 人口因素是社会发展的决定力量 B. 人口因素对社会发展具有制约和影响作用 C. 人口增长过快会增加劳动力就业的压力 D. 人口增长过快会影响全民族科学文化素质的提高 [单项选择]《全国土地利用总体规划纲要(2006—2020年)》提出,经国务院批准,通过实施土地整理复垦开发重大工程,在全国范围内统筹安排( )建设项目的补充耕地任务。
A. 国家工程 B. 国家重大工程 C. 优化开发地区 D. 重点开发地区 我来回答: 提交