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发布时间:2024-02-21 22:10:42

[单选题]Near the beginning of his presidency,Barack Obama gave a speech to Congress that laid out a goal for the future:"By 2020,America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.At the time,America was 12th,according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Almost a decade later,and with 2020 not far off,where do things stand?The percentage of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 who had earned an associate's degree rose only by 7.4 percent be-tween 2007 and 2017-a difference of more than 5 million people,according to the U.S.Census Bureau's American Community Survey.Still,that puts America at 10th in the world,according to the latest available data But even though progress has been made,the data remain quite uneven.A pair of reports released on Wednesday by The Education Trust,an advocacy group for low-income and minority students,break down the attainment data more finely.They found that the share of black adults who hold a bachelors or associate's degree--31 percent-is roughly two-thirds that of white ones-47 percent.And Latinos,at about 23 percent,are just half as likely.Further,the report shows,there is not a single state in the country where black and Latino adults are as likely to have earned a college credential as their white counterparts At the root of these differences in attainment rates are social and economic disparities that continue to benefit certain races over others.Still,graduation rates have improved over the past decade,particu larly among latinos,as a report from the left-leaning Center for American Progress shows--and there is a significant difference between the rates of native-born Latino adults and those who were born outside of the United States.(The latter are less likely to have earned a degree.It's these race-by-race attainment rates that the report advises policymakers to pay attention to-overall graduation rates can obscure how the educational system underserves certain groups More than 40 states have outlined goals for these attainment rates in the past decade,often including specific goal rates for black and Latino residents.What can be done to reach those goals?Well,for one,lawmakers can make sure race factors centrally into policy conversations-and that can look different for different states.For some,it could be as simple as diverting more resources to campuses that primarily serve minority students.A recent report from the American Council on Education,a leading higher-education trade group,found that minority-serving institutions have a special knack for changing students socio economic fortunes of students.Such institutions--including historically black colleges and universities and Hispanic-serving institutions-propelled students from the lowest rung of the economic ladder to the highest at least double the rate of colleges that were not focused on enrolling a particular minority What would be the best title for the text?
A.Obama's Endeavor for Educational Equality
B.The College-Graduation Problem All States Have
C.The Fight Against Educational Inequality
D.Higher Attainment Rates and More Elites

更多"[单选题]Near the beginning of his pres"的相关试题:

[单选题]Near the beginning of his presidency,Barack Obama gave a speech to Congress that laid out a goal for the future:"By 2020,America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.At the time,America was 12th,according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Almost a decade later,and with 2020 not far off,where do things stand?The percentage of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 who had earned an associate's degree rose only by 7.4 percent be-tween 2007 and 2017-a difference of more than 5 million people,according to the U.S.Census Bureau's American Community Survey.Still,that puts America at 10th in the world,according to the latest available data But even though progress has been made,the data remain quite uneven.A pair of reports released on Wednesday by The Education Trust,an advocacy group for low-income and minority students,break down the attainment data more finely.They found that the share of black adults who hold a bachelors or associate's degree--31 percent-is roughly two-thirds that of white ones-47 percent.And Latinos,at about 23 percent,are just half as likely.Further,the report shows,there is not a single state in the country where black and Latino adults are as likely to have earned a college credential as their white counterparts At the root of these differences in attainment rates are social and economic disparities that continue to benefit certain races over others.Still,graduation rates have improved over the past decade,particu larly among latinos,as a report from the left-leaning Center for American Progress shows--and there is a significant difference between the rates of native-born Latino adults and those who were born outside of the United States.(The latter are less likely to have earned a degree.It's these race-by-race attainment rates that the report advises policymakers to pay attention to-overall graduation rates can obscure how the educational system underserves certain groups More than 40 states have outlined goals for these attainment rates in the past decade,often including specific goal rates for black and Latino residents.What can be done to reach those goals?Well,for one,lawmakers can make sure race factors centrally into policy conversations-and that can look different for different states.For some,it could be as simple as diverting more resources to campuses that primarily serve minority students.A recent report from the American Council on Education,a leading higher-education trade group,found that minority-serving institutions have a special knack for changing students socio economic fortunes of students.Such institutions--including historically black colleges and universities and Hispanic-serving institutions-propelled students from the lowest rung of the economic ladder to the highest at least double the rate of colleges that were not focused on enrolling a particular minority What should be done to increase the attainment rates
A.The government should allocate more resources to the minorities.
B.The leaders should fully consider the different races when making policies.
C.More independent educational organizations should be built for the majorities.
D.The social and economic status of minority students should be enhanced.
[单选题]The vacuum tube,invented near the beginning of our century,gave us the use of radio waves,an energy source never before( ),and later opened the road for television.
A.was captured
D.has been captured
[单选题]Mr. White wanted to park his car near the roadside but the police asked him __________.
A.not to do
B.not do
C.not to
D.do not
[单选题]题目 126
O.ld Mr Black lives happily with his three dogs. ( )of them are part of his family.
A. Both
B. All
C. None
D. Neither
[单选题]He was made__his working because of his poor health.
A.to give up
B.given up
C.give up
D.giving up
[单选题]题目 24
He promised _____his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.
D.to see
[单选题]By measuring his radials from _______ VOR station, a pilot can check his position.
B.more than one
D.only two
[单选题]Deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East Tennessee is a bady?of water known as the Lost?Sea.It is listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world′s largest underground lake.The Lost Sea is part of an extensive and historic cave system called Craighead Caverns. The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Cherokee Indian nation.The cave?expands into a series of huge rooms from a small opening on the side of the mountain.Approximately?one mile from the entrance,in a room called-The Council Room",many Indian artifacts have been?found.Some of the items discovered include pottery,arrowheads,weapons,and jewelry. For many years there were persistent rumors of a large underground lake somewhere in a cave,but it was not discovered until 1905.In that year,a thirteen-year-old boy named Ben Sands crawled through a small opening three hundred feet underground.:He found himself in a large cave half filled?with water. Today tourists visit the Lost Sea and ride far out onto it in glass-bottomed boats powered by electric motors.More than thirteen acres of water have been mapped out so far and still no end to the lake has been found.Even though teams of divers have tried to explore the Lost Sea,the full extent of it is still unknown. The Lost Sea is unique because it is__________.
A.part of a historical cave system
B.the biggest underground lake in the world
C.listed in the Guinness Book of World Records
D.the largest body of water in Tennessee
[判断题]在RNase(核糖核酸酶)分子中存在His12、His119侧链的咪唑基及Lys41-NH3由于多肽链是按特定方式折叠成一定空间结构,这三个在一级结构上相距甚远的氨基酸残基才彼此靠近构成RNase的催化中心。( )
[单选题]题目 2
Old Mr Black lives happily with his three dogs. _____of them are part of his family.
[单选题] The river near our village is about ()long.
A. three-hundreds-metres
B. three-hundred-metre
C. three-hundred-metres
D. three hundred metres
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