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发布时间:2023-09-29 17:51:07

[单选题]Passage Four Thediscovery of a dwarfed(矮个子)"humanbeing"who lived in Flores,Indonesia,up to 18,000 years ago is changingthe way we think about the human family.This"Flores Human"was threefoot tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp(黑猩猩),yet she and her relatives apparently lived fully human lives.They seem to have made tools,worked together to find food and cook it,andperhaps even burried their dead with ceremony. It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the newhuman family member.The tools are like those formerly seen only with Europeanfossils(化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens(智人);and the oldest of them were made 9,400 years ago.Homo sapiens isthought to have arrived in the island about 4,000 years ago,much too late tobe responsible for the tools.If this tiny human made the tools,then theinside structure(结构)of its brain must have been morelike our own than a chimp′s,despite being just a third the size of ours. This"new human"was suspected to be a dwarfed branch ofHomo erectus(直立人,).When creatures are separated in regionswith rare resources but few enemies,being big is a disadvantage,and evolutiontends to shrink them,a process known as island dwarfing.Could naturalselection make a human smaller while keeping--even improving--mental ability?Quite possibly,believes Christopher Wills of the University of California. Has the"Flores Human"even shown the ability oflanguage?"I find it difficult to imagine that people could make tools,use fire,and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication,"Wills says.Did"Flores Human"possess the basic components of humanculture--such as the burying of the dead with ceremony?Emiliano Bruner of theItalian Institute points out that Indonesia′s hot,wet environment is bad forfossilization.It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000-year-oldbones of the most complete Flores woman were well-preserved because she wasburied with special care. This passage mainly talks about__
A.the tools made by"FloresHuman"
B.the language used by"FloresHuman"
C.the evolution of"FloresHuman"
D.the major surprising findings about"Flores Human"

更多"[单选题]Passage Four Thediscovery of "的相关试题:

[单选题]Passage Four Thediscovery of a dwarfed(矮个子)"humanbeing"who lived in Flores,Indonesia,up to 18,000 years ago is changingthe way we think about the human family.This"Flores Human"was threefoot tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp(黑猩猩),yet she and her relatives apparently lived fully human lives.They seem to have made tools,worked together to find food and cook it,andperhaps even burried their dead with ceremony. It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the newhuman family member.The tools are like those formerly seen only with Europeanfossils(化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens(智人);and the oldest of them were made 9,400 years ago.Homo sapiens isthought to have arrived in the island about 4,000 years ago,much too late tobe responsible for the tools.If this tiny human made the tools,then theinside structure(结构)of its brain must have been morelike our own than a chimp′s,despite being just a third the size of ours. This"new human"was suspected to be a dwarfed branch ofHomo erectus(直立人,).When creatures are separated in regionswith rare resources but few enemies,being big is a disadvantage,and evolutiontends to shrink them,a process known as island dwarfing.Could naturalselection make a human smaller while keeping--even improving--mental ability?Quite possibly,believes Christopher Wills of the University of California. Has the"Flores Human"even shown the ability oflanguage?"I find it difficult to imagine that people could make tools,use fire,and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication,"Wills says.Did"Flores Human"possess the basic components of humanculture--such as the burying of the dead with ceremony?Emiliano Bruner of theItalian Institute points out that Indonesia′s hot,wet environment is bad forfossilization.It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000-year-oldbones of the most complete Flores woman were well-preserved because she wasburied with special care. According to the passage,it isbelieved that"Flores Human"__
A.was dwarfed by its enemies
B.could use language
C.left a lot of fossils in the hot andwet environment
D.reached Flores 40,000 years ago
[单选题]“矮个子里挑高个”的评价是( )
[单选题]Passage Four Ideasabout polite behaviour differ from one culture to another.Some societies,such asAmerica and Australia,for example,are mobile and veryopen.People here change jobs and move house quiteoften.As a m result,they have a lot of relationships that often last only mashort time,and they need to get to know people quickly.So it′s normal to havefriendly conversations with people that they have just met,and you can talk aboutthings that other cultures would regard as personal. On the other hand,there are more crowded and less mobile societies where long-termrelationships are more important.A Malaysian or Mexican business person,for example,willwant to get to know you very well before he or she feels happy to startbusiness.But when you do get to know each other,the relationship becomes muchdeeper than it would in a mobile society. To Americans,both Europeans and Asians seem cool and formal atfirst.On the other hand,as a passenger from a less mobile society puts it,it′s no fun spending several hours next to a stranger who wants to tell you allabout his or her life and asks you all sorts of questions that you don′t want to answer. Cross-cultural differences aren′t just a problem for travelers,but also for people in daily life.Some societies have"universalist′′cultures.These societies strongly respect rules,and they treat every personand situation in basically the same way."Particularist"(强调特性的)societies also have rules,but they are less important than thesociety′s unwritten ideas about what is right or wrong for a particularsituation or a particular person.So the normal rules are changed to fit theneeds of the situation or the importance of the person. What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Polite behaviour varies with differentcultures.
B.Less mobile societies have fewer rules.
C.People from mobile societies are morepolite.
D.Cultural differences are important.
[简答题]晏子是一个身高不满六尺的矮个子,却能三世显名于诸侯。从文中看,你认为晏子哪些地方值得人仰慕 (6分)
[不定项选择题]Passage Four Magic(魔法)often forces us not to believe our own eyes or even appears to be breaking the laws of physics or nature! The word“magic”has many different meanings.When a bird appears in a hat or when someone declares that he could see into the future--both can be called magic.When a sick person suddenly becomes well or a well person(or even animal)becomes ill, magic is the cause.The British author Terry Pratchett uses magic a great deal in his popular Discworld series of books. Magic has always been used for fun.People enjoy working out in which cup the little ball is or how he knows which card l was thinking of.Harry Houdini was one of the first world-famous magicians—famous for escaping from deadly situations.Recently David Copperfield,or David Blane,has become very popular for his“unbelievable abilities”,such as making the Statue of Liberty disappear or rise. Magical rings and three—headed dogs may not be real,but does this mean nothing magical really exists? Can you always explain how the magician has done the card trick? Maybe it is better not to explain,but to leave a little magic in our lives.Pick a card.any card... Who is mentioned as a great escape artist?
A.David Blane
B.Harry Houdini.
C.Terry Pratchett.
D.David Copperfield
[单选题]Passage Four How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs? These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time,They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage. For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce.But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.The things in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby,buildings.In Paris,France,some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year.The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil. Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount if garbage piling up on the earth. The best title for the passage may be______
A.Garbage and the Earth
B.Fossil Fuel and Garbage
C.Land and Garbage
D.Garbage?Energy Source
[单选题]请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。 Passage 1 A lyric is a subjective poem of intense personal emotion whose principal quality is its musical form. Poe, master of the lyric, was led to explain all poetry as the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. Because great poetry is often pure music, haunting melody, and chiming syllables, the reader should not glance through poetry as he read his newspaper or the latest magazine--skipping a word here and a line there, and still hope to get what the author had intended for him. Poetry being music, like all other forms of music, it gains its meaning when interpreted by the human voice. It is the special function of lyrical poetry to give pleasure through this musical quality no less than through fine contemplation of beauty it inspires--beauty of thought, of feeling, of expression, and of technical skill. But poetry is more than a great pleasure. It should also be an outlet for our own unspoken thoughts and our varied moods. It makes articulate our choked-up passageways of speech, giving adequate expression to our pent-up loves and joys and glories, and furnishes release and relief to our fears, grieves and sorrows. A great poet takes our half-formed thoughts, or suppressed moods, our crushed desires, and needs, and leads them out into the open, endowing them with a harmony, and completeness ... Great verse can help to vitalize our thinking about the commonplace and elemental in life, and can idealize and give meaning to the simplest things in creation. Listen to Tennyson: Flower in the crannied wall, I pluck you out of the crannies, I hold you here, root and all, in my hand, Little flower--but if I could understand, What you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man is. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 查看材料
A.The lyric is beautiful poetry of action and story.
B.The most important feature of the lyric is its musical form.
C.Poetry gains its meaning when read silently and carefully.
D.Poe defined all poetry as pure music with chiming syllables.


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