A. 特性 B. 属性 C. 特点 D. 类别 [计算题]3.已知某车辆空车自重Q=40t,允许制动率θ=70%,制动缸活塞直径D=356mm,紧急制动时的制动缸压力P=400kPa,基础制动装置传动效率η=0.9,请计算该制动杠杆倍率为多少?
Smartphone Customers up for Grab
About 10 years ago I met an advertising executive in New York who explained the difficulty of advertising a new brand of deodorant(除臭剂)to consumers."Most people never change their deodorant,"I remember him saying."They pick one brand when they are young,and stick with it for a long,long time.If it works,why switch?" The same theory can be applied_______(46)Once they have picked a type of phone,whether it's Apple iOS,Google Android or something else,it's difficult,and often expensive,to switch? Consumers become comfortable with the interface and design of the phone and the apps they have purchased on that platform._______(47) That is why the race to pull in smartphone buyers is going to be especially severe over the next 18 to 24 months._______(48)there are still hundreds of millions of mobile phone owners around the world who have yet to move from a standard mobile or feature phone to its smarter,more intelligent big brother:the smartphone. Yet the change is happening at a much quicker pace than technology analysts and companies originally theorized.A report issued this week by Nielsen,the market research firm,found that among Americans_______(49)55 percent opted for a smartphone.This is up from 34 percent a year ago. At this point,who will lead that market is not up for debate.Android has been growing at a pace no one could have imagined,even Google.The company said this week that it now activates more than 500,000 Android devices each day. Mr. llamas said Apple,which changed the smartphone game in 2007 when it introduced the iPhone,potentially has a ceiling with consumers as its mobile phone is often more expensive than those of its competitors. Although millions of customers flock to Apple products for their beauty,simplicity and powerful brand,many can't afford a new iPhone.This could change_______(50)as some analysts expect. "Right now the iPhone only comes in one flavor;it's not like other Apple products like the iPod where there are several different sizes,shapes and prices,"Mr. Llamas said. ________(48) A.Although it may seem that everyone owns a smartphone these days, B.if Apple offers a less expensive model of the iPhone later this year, C.to customers who are making the switch to smartphones today. D.who purchased a new mobile phone in the last three months E.The smartphone race is still raging. F.If it works,why switch? [单选题]为确保装置油管路密封符合要求,装置法兰密封胶圈优先选用()密封结构,并严格与法兰凹槽匹配:( )
A.双线型 B.单线型 C.三线型 D.四线型 [单项选择]对于容量为8KB的存储器,寻址所需最小地址位数为()。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 12 D. 13 [多项选择]对自动症概述正确的是()
A. 动作有一定的适应性 B. 出现在癫痫发作过程中 C. 表现意识模糊 D. 动作不协调 E. 出现在癫痫发作过程后 [简答题]请简述有限空间作业施工安全管理基准技术措施要求中,严守“六个必须”及严格执行“七个不准”的内容是什么?
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}} Dwight attended Lincoln elementary school, directly across the street from his home. The curriculum emphasized rote learning. "The darkness of the classrooms on a winter day and the monotonous hum of recitation," Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs ...” are my sole surviving memories. I was either a lackluster student or involved in a lackluster program." He came to life for the spelling bee and arithmetic. Spelling contests aroused in him his competitive drive and his hatred of careless mistakes —he became a self-confessed martinet on the subject of orthography. Arithmetic appealed to him because it was logical and straightforward —an answer was either right or wrong. The subject that really excited him, however, was one that he pursued on his own, military history. He became so engrossed in it, in fact, that he neglected his chores and his schoolwork. His first hero was Hannibal. Then he became a student of t A. his eager pursuit of military history B. his excellent grades in all subjects C. his remarkable memory D. his organizational ability [判断题]低压触电时,因触电者的身体是带电的,其鞋的绝缘也可能遭到破坏,救护人不得接触触电者的皮肤,也不能抓他的鞋。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高速公路的里程碑内容具有唯一性。任何一段高速公路其里程碑只显示一条高速公路的里程桩号。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]带风作业时,必须执行一关(关折角塞门)、二摘(摘制动软管)、三提钩的作业程序。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]引起小儿血尿的常见泌尿系疾病有()
A. IgA肾病 B. 急性肾小球肾炎 C. 肾病综合征 D. 膀胱炎 E. 多囊肾 [多选题]严禁违规做出“三重一大”决策,请问“三重一大”包括哪些?( )
A.企业重大(问题)决策 B.重要人事任免 C.重大项目(投资)安排 D.大额度资金运作(使用) [单选题]( )的断路器可以就地强制手动合闸。不允许解除机械闭锁手动分断路器。
A.手动操作 B.电动操作 C.远程操作 D.程序操作 [判断题]创新注重的是解决发展动力问题。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]张三是一名退伍军人,在北京旅游期间,发现旅行团有名外国游客形迹可疑,多次徘徊在军事管理区附近拍照。根据《国家安全法》规定,下列行为正确的是:( )
A.将发现的情况及时向有关机构报告。 B.提供自己掌握的该2名游客形迹可疑的证据。 C.必要时协助前来询问的有关军事机关。 D.我是来旅游的,多一事不如少一事,不去理睬。 [单项选择]男性,5岁。跌倒时左手掌着地,查体:肘部向后突出并处于半屈状,肘部明显肿胀及压痛,肘后三角关系正常。该型骨折未能矫正时,最常见的晚期后遗症是()
A. 肘关节后脱位 B. 尺神经损伤 C. 肘内翻畸形 D. 肘关节前脱位 E. 前臂缺血性肌挛缩 [多选题]WDM/OTN系统最大中心频率偏移类型( )。
A.16/32/40波×2.5G B.40波×10G C.N×2.4 Gb/s D.N×10 Gb/s [单项选择]茵陈的药用部位为()
A. 肉质茎 B. 地上部分 C. 带叶茎枝 D. 全草 E. 草质茎 我来回答: 提交