How Should Teachers Be Rewarded We never forget our best teachers-those who inspired us with a deeper understanding or an enduring passion, the ones we come back to visit years after graduating, the educators who opened doors and altered the course of our lives. It would be wonderful if we knew more about such talented teachers and how to multiply their number. How do they come by their craft What qualities and capacities do they possess Can these abilities be measured Can they be taught Perhaps above all:How should excellent teaching be rewarded so that the best teachers--the most competent, caring and compelling--remain in a profession known for low pay and low status Such questions have become critical to the future of public education in the U.S. Even as politicians push to hold A. She is planning to cancel the merit pay program. B. She advocates the merit pay for individual teachers. C. She agrees the school staff should be paid based on performance. D. She supports that teachers are paid based on working experience. [单项选择]传统教学的“三中心”指( )。
A. 学生中心、活动中心、生活中心 B. 学生中心、社会中心、实践中心 C. 教师中心、实践中心、生活中心 D. 教师中心、课堂中心、课本中心 [单项选择]正常人粪便细菌,叙述错误的是()。
A. 细菌约占粪便于重的1/3 B. 成人粪便中主要的菌群是大肠埃希菌、肠球菌和厌氧菌,约占80% C. 粪便中球菌和杆菌的比例大约为10:1 D. 过路菌不超过10% E. 长期使用广谱抗生素患者,引起革兰阴性杆菌数量严重减少甚至消失 [填空题]搭设( )在地面、楼面、屋面或其他平台结构之上的脚手架称之为( )。
A.只有一种上报方式 B.不上报 C.手动上报 D.周期性上报 [简答题]刚玉砖的主要化学成份为__________。
[单选题]消防救援机构在实施责令停产停业、停止施工或者停止使用,对经济和社会生活影响较大的,应经( )报请当地人民政府决定。
A.上级消防救援机构 B.同级公安机关 C.应急部门 D.上级主管机关 [判断题]遇险情时要先顾别人后顾自己。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]阳偏衰,一般以哪些脏为主
A. 脾肾 B. 心肾 C. 肺肾 D. 肝肾 E. 肺脾 [单项选择]下述哪种改变为良性病变
A. 上皮钉突呈滴状 B. 有丝分裂象增多 C. 核浆比例增加 D. 细胞异形性 E. 上皮过度角化 [单选题]关于风险概率估计的说法,正确的是()。
A.风险的客观概率可以根据历史统计数据推定 B.风险的客观概率不能用于完全可重复事件 C.基于专家经验推断出的概率是客观概率 D.主观概率估计是在有效数据充足时采用的方法 [单项选择]What’s tree about Professor Lawrence
a. She has found a new job at another university. b. She has become the head of the graduate school. c. She will continue to work part-time. [单选题]下列关于输血前的准备工作哪一项是错误的 ( )
A.备血做血型鉴定和交叉配血试验 B.需有两人核对姓名、血型及交叉配血结果 C.输血前先输少量生理盐水 D.从血库取出库存血后勿剧烈振荡 E.冬季库存雪在输入前应加温以免寒冷刺激 我来回答: 提交