M: Excuse me, Could you help me
W: What’s the matter
M: I need a photograph, But I can’t read English very well. How do I get a photo from this machine
W: Oh, I see. Well, do you want color or black and white
M: Color.
W: Right. So that’s this booth. First of all select your background.
M: Could you say that again please
W: "Select". That means "choose" the curtain behind you. You see. Which color do you want
M: Blue.
W: Adjust. Oh, move the stool to the correct height like this. Do you want one large or four small photos
M: Four small.
W: So turn the dial to the four photos.
M: Dial
W: Yes. That’s the thing you turn. Yes, that’s it. Right. Sit down and put your money in. Have you got a pound
M: Yes. Two fifty pieces.
W: Don’t put them in. It only takes pound coins.
M: Oh. Have you got one Could I h
A $54m lawsuit over a pair of
pinstriped trousers that went missing from a Washington, DC, cleaners was thrown
out by a judge this week. It had attracted worldwide ridicule. The fact that the
case was brought, not by a random loony, but by a former judge has added to the
sense that something is wrong not just with America’s litigation laws, but with
the kind of men and women Americans choose to sit in judgment over
them. A whole series of judicial misdemeanors, ranging from the titillating to the outrageous, has emerged over the past year. Take the Florida state judge, John Sloop, who was ousted after complaints about his "rude and abusive" behavior. This included an order to strip-search and jail 11 defendants for arriving late in traffic court after being misdirected. Or the Californian judge, José Velasquez, sacked in April for a plethora of m A. (A) Distrust of the judiciary is a very dangerous signal for society. B. (B) Electing judges for fixed terms might be a pitfall for the judiciary. C. (C) Judges in America are often held in low esteem. D. (D) Most judges in Britain are appointed on merit for life. [单选题] 喷嘴喷射超高压微细水雾的初速度≥200m/s,喷射距离≥()。(易)
A. 13m B. 15m C. 18m D. 20m [单项选择]写不合格报告时,尽可能不要写上()。
A. 问题所在区域 B. 有关当事人姓名 C. 文件编号 D. 有关当事人所述内容 [多选题]途中无线列调电台无法正常使用,车辆乘务员确认旅客列车是否运行在( )处,列车通过该处后再进行通话测试。
A.长大弯道 B.隧道 C.隧道群 D.长大桥梁 [单项选择]患者男,23岁,咳嗽1个月,伴低热、痰中带血1周,胸片示:左肺上叶尖段炎症,伴空洞形成。最可能的诊断是()。
A. 肺脓肿 B. 支气管扩张 C. 浸润型肺结核 D. 癌性空洞伴感染 E. 大叶性肺炎 [单选题]1.7 办理持军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证申领机动车驾驶证业务时,不属于受理岗审核事项的是________。
A.确认初次领取军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证时申请人已年满18周岁 B.《身体条件证明》 C.军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证档案 D.军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证 [单选题]( )是事故赔偿、事故处理以及事故责任追究的依据。
A.《铁路交通事故认定书》 B.《铁路交通事故责任书》 C.《铁路交通事故报告书》 D.《铁路交通事故判定书》 我来回答: 提交