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发布时间:2023-12-05 18:13:01

[单选题]( )S1: How do you sell eggs here? By the dozen or by the kilo? S2:We sell them by thedozen. 50 dozen in a case. Q:How many eggs are there in a case?
A.30 eggs
B.50 dozen eggs
C.50 kilos of eggs
D.5 kilos

更多"[单选题]( )S1: How do you sell eg"的相关试题:

[单选题]( )S1: How do you sell eggs here? By the dozen or by the kilo? S2:We sell them by thedozen. 50 dozen in a case. Q:How many eggs are there in a case?
A.30 eggs
B.50 dozen eggs
C.50 kilos of eggs
D.5 kilos
[简答题]The first thing you need to learn here is how to___________information.
[单选题]S1:How are you feeling,James? S2:Fine at the moment.A little tired. S1:I heard about your accident yesterday. S2:Yeah, it was awful.Who told you about it? S1:0h, Chris did. He said that you entered a toxic space. S2:Yeah, I did. But did he tell you why I wasnS1: carrying any safety equipment with me? S1:No, he didn’t. He said you didn’t have your breathing apparatus. That’s all. S2:Well, the Bosun told me that the area I entered was safe. S1:So what was the problem if he told you it was safe? S2:It was the wrong area! He thought I was entering a different hatch. S1:Uh oh? bad mistake. S2:Right. I was very lucky. I can, t even remember going past the hatch. S1:Carl found you immediately after
You went in, didn’t he? S2:Yeah. He was right behind me. He was collecting the tools when I entered the toxic area. Then I immediately fell unconscious. S1:That’ s frightening because you were expecting it to be safe. S2:Yeah, well, I’ ve learned my lesson. I will always check the air before I work in enclosed spaces. I donS1:want that to happen again. 问题 1:Who entered the toxic space?
A. Chris.
B. James.
C. Carl.
D. Bosun.
[单选题] --How do you do?
A. Fine, thank you.
B. How do you do?
C. Not too bad.
D. Very well.
[单选题] —How do you know that Tom is telling a lie?
—His eyes have given him ( ).
[单选题]( )S1:What do you do in your spare time? S2:I often listen to music, read books and watch TV. Q:What is not mentioned in the dialogue?
A.See movies
B.Read books
C.Watch TV
D.Listen to musiC
[单选题]( )S1: Do you have an automatic pilot? S2:Yes, we have an automatic pilot. Q:What are they talking about?
A.the RADAR system of the ship
B.the communication system onboard
C.the steering system of the ship
D.the pilotage services of the port
[单选题]( )S1:Do you have any rooms available? S2:There are two rooms free at the moment, but they are only available tonight. Q:Who is the second speaker most probably?
A.An immigration officer
B.A customs officer
C.A hotel clerk
D.A bank clerk
[单选题]( )S1:How shall we pay you, in cash or through our agent here? S2: If you pay in cash, I can allow you more discount. Q:What can you learn from the conversation?
A.The first speaker will pay in cash
B.The first speaker will pay through the agent
C.The second speaker prefers to be paid m cash
D.The second speaker prefers to be paid through the agent
[单选题]( )S1:Do you have your seaman’s book and passport? S2: Yes, here you are. Q:What does the first speaker want to do?
A.He wants to obtain his seaman’s book and passport
B.He wants to show his seaman’s book and passport
C.He wants to give the second speaker’s seaman’s book and passport
D.He wants to see the second speaker’s seaman’s book and passport
[单选题]( )S1:Do you need some bonded stores? S2: We just got some at the last port. But if your prices are more reasonable, we may buy some more wine and cigarettes. Q:What can you learn from the conversation?
A.The vessel didn ‘ t need any bonded stores
B.The vessel may take some bonded stores
C.The wine and cigarettes are expensive at this port
D.The wine and cigarettes are expensive at the last port
[单选题] — It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?
— ________
A. Yes, please.
B. No, please.
C. Sure, please.
D. I don't like it.
[单选题]( )S1:Do you have tension winches? S2:Yes, we have tension winches forward and aft. Q:What are they talking about?
A.Winches for cargo handling
B.Winches for mooring lines
C.State of mooring lines
D.State of the cargo handling


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