{{B}}Feast On Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving{{/B}} Four weeks ago US children dressed as monsters and asked for sweets. That was Halloween. In a few weeks American houses will be red and green and filled with presents for Christmas. As if all this isn’t enough, on Thursday this week, America will enjoy another festival— Thanksgiving. Children will have two days off school, shops will close and houses will be filled with families enjoying mountains of food. Every year, in Gainesville, Florida, all entire class celebrate Thanksgiving together. The class dresses up and puts on plays for their families. After the plays the families share a feast of traditional Thanksgiving foods like turkey and pumpkin pie. A. On Halloween. B. On Thursday. C. On Thanksgiving. D. On Christmas Day. [判断题]装车后,车辆转向架任何一侧旁承游间不得为零。
患者男,30岁,因“发热2周”来诊。查体:体温38℃;皮肤针刺处可见大片淤斑;胸骨压痛,心、肺无异常,肝、脾不大。血常规:血红蛋白97g/L,白细胞2.2×109g/L,血小板14×109g/L。骨髓穿刺涂片:幼稚细胞0.91,细胞质内颗粒粗大,过氧化酶染色强阳性。 不属于维A酸不良反应的是()A. 白细胞升高 B. 颅内压升高 C. 氨基酸转移酶升高 D. 手足麻木 E. 皮肤干燥 [单选题]燃烧产物对灭火有利方面( )。(易)
A.引起人员中毒、窒息 B.在一定条件下有阻燃作用 C.影响视线 D.成为火势发展、蔓延的因素 [单选题]根管工作长度确定的时间是
A.打开髓腔之后 B.拔除牙髓之前 C.根管预备之前 D.根管预备之后 E.根管充填之前 [判断题]PSCADA检查系统时钟的准确度,系统时间与 OCC 时间差,不大于500ms。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业后通过手动泵或液动泵,将油缸总成置于( )位置,移除闸板总成
A.中间 B.开启 C. 关闭 [判断题]
岩层产状包括走向、倾向和倾角 正确错误 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]0.023的有效数字为()。(1分)
A.A.二位 B.B.三位 C.C.四位 D.D.五位 [单选题]会议电视的编解码器可以接受PAL,NTSC制式( )彩色信号。
A. 模拟 B. 数字 C. 平稳 D. 实时 [多选题]消防员年度考核按照本人述职、民主评议、综合测评、组织鉴定的程序进行,结果分为()四个等次。
A.优秀 B.良好 C.称职 D.不称职 [多选题]根据《营销现场作业安全工作规程(试行)》,低压公共区域(计量箱)仅涉及个别设备、箱体内停电的工作,应先断开(),再断开()
A.隔离开关 B.负荷侧开关 C.电源侧总开关 D.空气开关 [单选题]如图所示三极管工作于放大状态,其电流方向如图所示,则这只三极管是______
A.PNP型,放大系数为40 B.NPN型,放大系数为41 C.PNP型,放大系数为41 D.NPN型,放大系数为40 [填空题]
Before you fall in love, you’d better get a job As told by Lee Joon-ho, 20, a senior in law at Seoul National University, Korean TV dramas have shown a lot of rebellious youth, (46) . Confucianism has a great influence on us. For instance, Confucius said that we should be dutiful to our parents and value the family. Thus we prefer a school that’s close to home so we can go back every day. (47) . The other day, my professor was flying to Vienna on a business trip. Instead of waiting for hours in the queue, he was told to check in first and didn’t have any problem with overweight luggage. When it comes to important decision-making, such as choosing a university, a job, and a wife, we listen to our parents’ suggestions. Most parents seem liberal in study decisions, (48) . Male chauvinism (大男子主义) is prevalent among our parents’ generation, since they had to support the whole family through hard work. [单选题]茶艺师的职业道德不仅包括具体的职业道德水平,而且还包括反映职业道德本质特征的( )( )。
A.道德原则 B.道德准则 C.行为准则 D.行为规范 [单选题]禁止在栏杆、管道、联轴器(靠背轮)、安全罩上或运行中设备的轴承上行走或坐立,如必须在管道上坐立才能工作时,应做好( )。
A.A.绝缘措施 B.B.防滑措施 C.C.安全措施 D.D.防坠措施 [判断题]风力超过5级时,禁止砍剪高出或接近导线的树木。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]闭塞设备分为( )、( )和( )。
A.电话闭塞 B.自动闭塞 C.自动站间闭塞 D.半自动闭塞 [填空题] 严禁在钢轨上、轨枕头、道心内、机车车辆顶部坐卧、( )、行走或滞留。
[不定项选择题]女,48岁。近1个月来出现口渴。每日饮水量约2000ml。身高156cm,体重70kg。患者空腹血糖7.6 mmol/L,餐后血糖14.8mmol/L。过去无糖尿病病史。
【假设信息】4年后该患者被发现有浸润性肺结核,降血糖治疗宜选用( )。
A.增加原降血糖药剂量 B.改用降血糖作用更强的口服降血糖药 C.增加一种口服降血糖药 D.使用胰岛素 E.联合使用双胍类、磺脲类、α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂 [简答题]男方是甲省(区、市)户口、女方是乙省(区、市)户口,在甲省(区、市)城镇居住,这种情况应怎样办理生育服务登记?
[判断题]杂质将不会改变聚合物的分子量分布,但它会影响催化剂活性和产生静电,因此,必须脱除。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 如果被行政拘留人被刑事拘留、逮捕的时间已超过被行政拘留的时间的,则行政拘留不再执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项可促进铁的吸收( )
A. 维生素C B. 浓茶 C. 植酸 D. 草酸 我来回答: 提交