In information theory, "information" is regarded as knowledge which reduces or removes (71) about the occurrence of a specific event from a given set of possible events. The concept "event" is to be understood as used in the theory of probability. For instance, an event may be the occurrence of a (72) character or word in a given message or in a given position of a message.
In communication theory, channel is defined as that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink. An encoder may be inserted between the message source and the input to the channel, and a (73) between the output of the channel and the message sink. Generally, these two units are not considered as being parts of the channel. In certain cases, however, they may be considered as pans of the message source and message sink, (74) . In information theory (75) to Shannon, the channel can be characterized b
A. decided
B. determined
C. concrete
D. specific
We arrived in Naples on the Sunday
night, and spent the night on the ship. The next morning we went ashore. We
weren’t leaving again till six o’clock that evening, so we had the day to see
Naples. Well, we walked around the streets a bit, and looked at this and that.
And then I wanted to see the ruins of Pompeii, of course. I saw a taxi, and we stopped it, and asked the taxi-driver to take us to Pompeii. He said something, and shook his head. We couldn’t understand what was going on. You know what taxi-drivers are alike, all over the world. Eitherit’s too far, or too close, or the wrong dis- trict, or they’re just going home to dinner, or they don’t know the place you are talking about, or they can only take you there if you pay a special rate. I tried to find out what the reason was this A. France B. Italy C. Pompeii D. Vesuvius [多选题]人在成长和发展过程中,( )、( )、( )、( )、适应变化的一种完好状态称之为心理健康。
A.认知合理 B.行为适当 C.人际和谐 D.情绪稳定 [判断题]电网业务高质量发展评价中,数字化发展指数由设备联网率、产业数字化率、数字产业化率和产业带动系数构成。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我们要提高武器装备的信息化水平。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客户申请开通交易明细簿功能的,应携带本人有效身份证件及借记卡,在借记卡()办理。
A.开户网点 B.开户网点所属法人机构内任一营业机构 C.开户网点所属市辖范围内任一营业机构 D.全省任一营业机构 [多选题]经皮给药制剂的处方组成包括
A.药物 B.经皮吸收促进剂 C.高分子材料 D.压敏胶 E.抛射剂 [单项选择]在风险-收益二维平面上,不考虑做空机制,由风险证券A和无风险证券B建立的证券组合一定位于().
A. 连接A和B的直线上 B. 连接A和B的直线的延长线上 C. 连接A和B的曲线上,且该曲线凹向原点 D. 连接A和B的曲线上,且该曲线凸向原点 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}} As well as the problems concerned with obtaining good quality audio recordings, recording also raises important theoretical problems. The main problem is usually referred to as the observer’s paradox. Ideally we want to know how people use language when they are not being observed. When speakers know they are being observed, their language shifts towards more formal styles, probably rather erratically, as not everything in language is under equal conscious control, and as speakers probably go through cycles of half forgetting they are being recorded. So the most casual language is the most difficult to record. The language that linguists would most like to be able to record is the language which is most susceptible to contamination by observation. With modem audio-recording equipment, there is, of course, no difficulty in recording speakers in many face-to-face situations or on the telephone. Some resea A. talking about file practical problems concerning obtaining good quality audio - recordings B. talking about the theoretical problems concerning obtaining good quality audio - recordings C. talking about the observer’s paradox D. talking about the speaker’s styles and conscious control [单项选择]应定期检查油罐及其附件上的()是否完好。
A. 警示标志 B. 跨接装置 C. 防锈漆 D. 螺丝 [单项选择]对于慢性扁桃体炎反复急性发作,常用的有效的治疗方法是()
A. 药物治疗 B. 免疫疗法 C. 物理疗法 D. 激光治疗 E. 手术治疗 [单项选择]哪项是类风湿关节炎的最主要临床特点
A. 有晨僵 B. 类风湿因子阳性 C. 有关节肿 D. 有关节畸形 E. 以小关节为主的、对称的、反复发作的关节炎 [多选题]CRH380A统型动车组中央装置的TRC板是信号传输卡。该卡有8个传输通道,包含( )。
A.20mA电流环 B.100mA电流环 C.HDLC同步通信电路 D.HDLC异步通信电路 [简答题]什么是沥青路面的再生利用?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]设备内单程票清点后,必须把票务室所有票进行()(按封包清点总数)。()与()进行核对,避免漏统计或重复统计。
[单选题]ZD9型电动转辙机电源电压为直流( )。
A.160V B.180V C.200V D.220V [单选题]《细则》规定:钻井工程设计中,对地层破裂压力试验的要求。每次下套管固井后,在钻出(),做一次地破试验,绘出泵入量~压力曲线。
A.套管鞋进入第一个易漏层 B.安装防喷器开钻之日起 C.即将钻开目的层之前 D.开始录井之日起 [判断题]旅客和机组在托运行李、手提行李及随身携带物品中不应携带装有锂电池或烟火物质的保密型行李,如外交公文包、现金箱、现金袋等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 微型载客汽车的发动机气缸总排量小于等于_______升。
A.1.2 B.1.0 C.0.8 D.1.1 [单选题]《特种设备安全法》规定,()应当使用取得许可生产并经检验合格的特种设备。
A.特种设备使用单位 B.特种设备检验检测机构 C.特种设备监督管理部门 D.安全生产管理部门 [单选题]当验明确已无电压后,应立即将检修的高压配电线路和设备接地并()短路。
A.单相 B.两项 C.三相 D.中相和边相 [多选题]集中区调车作业返信号机.非集中区返道岔不得少于10m,前端领车人员必须落实“()”制度。
A.联系 B.眼看 C.手指 D.口呼 [单选题]极目洞察选址平台,可以从哪些方面给客户提供帮助?
A.提供运营商人口数据纳入经营分析 B.以平台产品形式方便使用 C.平台可输出数据、报告 D.以上都是 [单选题]党的十九大报告中强调要坚持多边主义,建设全球伙伴关系,走出一条“( )”的国与国交往新路。
A.对话不对抗、结盟友好 B.自主对抗,结盟友好 C.对话对抗、结盟结伴 D.对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟 [判断题]继电保护远方操作时,至少应有一个指示发生对应变化,且所有这些确定的指示均已同时发生对应变化,才能确认该设备已操作到位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]柱状图用于对不同类别或组别的频数或数值大小进行比较。我们可以通过柱子的长短清晰地分辨出各组数据之间的数量关系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]社区民警入户走访联系群众的方法原则是什么
A.普通走访与重点走访相结合的原则 B.征求群众意见 C.随意走访 D.每个人都要重点调查 [单选题]有限空间所使用的呼吸防护用品主要包括正压式呼吸器和紧急逃生呼吸器。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]哪项不属于个人史
A.A:受教育程度 B.B:业余爱好 C.C:工业毒物接触情况 D.D:饮食的规律 E.E:计划生育状况 [单选题]外包施工单位(包括省管产业施工单位)应将工作票等相关记录复印件报送,工作票会签部门应( )装订、保管。
A.每天 B.每月 C.每季 D.每年 [多项选择]对于特定被审计单位而言,审计风险组成要素和审计证据的关系为()。
A. 审计人员对固有风险的估计水平与所需证据的数量是同向变动关系 B. 审计人员对控制风险的估计水平与所需证据的数量是同向变动关系 C. 审计人员可接受的检查风险水平与所需证据的数量是反向变动关系 D. 审计人员可接受的总体审计风险与所需证据的数量是反向变动关系 我来回答: 提交