Questions 166-169 refer to the
following article. We most often think of communication as talking, but it commonly occurs in other forms as well. In addition to words, communication can occur in the form of pictures or through actions. When we speak or write, we are using words to communicate our ideas and feelings. It is essential for people to use words effectively in order to communicate clearly. Although words may seem straightforward, they are as subject to misinterpretation as any other form of communication. Pictures can be a quite powerful form of communication. You will understand this if you think of any great work of art. Businesses can successfully use pictures in posters, charts, signs, and packaging. When combining words and pictures, the design should be carefully planned out. The pictures used on posters A. (A) Silence B. (B) A wink C. (C) Television D. (D) A handshake [判断题]申请人可以查阅被申请人提出的书面答复.证据.依据和其他有关材料,第三人查阅需要通过复议机关的批准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]集中监测湿度检测测量精度:±5%RH。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开门器只能用( ))供油工作。
A.电动泵 B.空气泵 C.手动泵 D.水力泵 [单选题]每个空调机组含有冷凝器的数量为( )个。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题] 王某受到人身威胁, 向公安机关请求保护, 公安机关予以拒绝,致使王某受到殴打, 王某对公安机关不履行法定职责的行为不服提起行政诉讼, 人民法院应作出何种判决?
A.撤销判决 B.履行判决 C.撤销并责令被告重新作出具体行政行为的判决 D.确认违法判决 [单选题]两线间距离小于( )不得停留人员和放置机具、材料。
A.6.5m B.5m C.4.5m D.4m [判断题][114]由于线路维修作业会扰动道床,致使道床纵向阻力降低,只有采取限制作业轨温的方法来保证无缝线路的正常工作状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在起升机构提升或下降钢包时,严禁开动大.小车运行机构,以避免发生( )而导致发生事故。
A.较大的电气冲击 B.电源电压出现波动 C.误动作 [单选题]登杆用的踩板,必须进行承力试验,其要求是:静荷重( ),持续时间:5min。
A.150kg B.175kg C.200kg D.225kg [单项选择]活动度测量轴心不在肩峰的是()。
A. 肩关节屈伸 B. 肩关节内外旋 C. 肩关节外展 D. 颈部前屈 E. 颈部后伸 [判断题]真空灭弧室是保证真空断路器工作性能的关键部件。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]强化( )服务,推进共赢发展;提高( )和管理品质;提高( )标准,快速推进( );坚持以人才培养为目标,助推企业持续高速发展,实现“2+5”战略规划。
[单选题]活动后血尿常见于( )[单选题]
A.肾结石 B.膀胱结石 C.尿道结石 D.前列腺增生 E.前列腺炎 [单项选择]Because there was little heat in the bedroom, Evan was cold ______.
A. much through the night B. most of the night C. many parts of the night D. the majority part of the night [单选题]单选题:在( )情形下,人民法院应当为被告人指定辩护人。
A.在一起共同犯罪的案件中,犯罪嫌疑人甲、乙都委托了辩护人,而丙没有委托辩护人 B.王某犯罪时刚刚年满16周岁,没有委托辩护人 C.张某涉嫌犯罪被人民检察院提起公诉,而人民法院认为起诉意见和移送的案件证据材料不够客观 D.外国人约翰涉嫌抢夺罪,被人民检察院提起公诉时没有委托辩护人 [单项选择]单独运行的发电机的功率因数是由()决定的。
A. 负载性质 B. 励磁电流 C. 动力矩 我来回答: 提交