Passage 2
Kindergarten students are typically four or five years of age. In class, they are introduced to the alphabet, numbers, and colors; they study their bodies, their, families, and their communities; they listen to stories lead aloud; they make art projects; and they learn about holidays, plants, animals, and other topics in science and social studies. Some kindergartens also teach introductory reading and mathematical skills. Kindergartens tend to offer children a foundation for the development of social skills, self-confidence, motivation, and the process of knowing.
The first kindergarten was started by German educator Friedrich Froebel in 1837 in Blankenburg, Prussia (now part of Germany). Froebel chose the German term kindergarten (children’s garden) because he intended children in his school to grow as freely as flowers in a garden. Frocbel’s kindergarten was based on the then idea that children’s play was significant
A. kindergartens could increase the social ability of mothers and children
B. kindergartens were associated with liberalism and free-thinking
C. they would not be banned by the Prussian government in the future
D. kindergartens could increase the social position of mothers and children
{{B}}FAMILY BUSINESSES{{/B}} A great many people maybe at some stage in their lives consider setting up a business with their family members. The idea may seem very attractive, but the reality of working with someone close to you can often cause unforeseen problems. 80% of family-run businesses think that when times get tough, love, romance or family bonds will see them through. But the fact is that although 70% of businesses are family-run, only 40% of these companies survive to the second generation. Why do so many family businesses fail While money has traditionally been thought to be the root of all difficulties, the major problem is mu A. It creates few opportunities for employees. B. It is controlled within the family. C. Small committees have to be set up. D. Sometimes there are too many people involved in decision making. [单项选择]女性,21岁,医学院学生,近一周来睡眠不足。上午在参观手术时自觉胸闷、乏力,继而出现精力不集中、颜面苍白、出冷汗,跌倒伴意识不清数秒。此后检查血压、脉搏、心脏听诊、神经系统检查、胸部X线、心电图等未见明显异常。既往中学二年级时类似发作一次。其可能的诊断为()
A. 脑缺氧发作 B. 血管迷走性晕厥 C. 特发性起立性地血压 D. 一过性脑缺血发作 E. 脑血管畸形 [单项选择]()是指产品在进入总装配之前的装配的工作
A. 组建装配 B. 部件装配 C. 固定连接装配 D. 动连接装配 [判断题]深圳出入境检验检疫局是广东省人民政府设在深圳的检验检疫机构。( )
[单选题]乙类物品库房(规范另有规定者除外)与重要公共建筑之间的防火间距不宜小于( )m,与其他民用建筑不应小于( )m。
A.14,12 B.25,20 C.30,25 D.50,25 [简答题]消防水枪的定义?
[多选题]动火工作运维许可人的安全责任包括( )。
A.工作票所列安全措施是否正确完备,是否符合现场条件 B.动火设备与运行设备是否确已隔绝 C.向工作负责人现场交待运维所做的安全措施是否完善 D.始终监督现场动火工作 [单选题]两相接地故障时(____)。
A. 只有正序故障分量 B. 只有负序故障分量 C. 只有零序故障分量 D. 正序、负序、零序故障分量都有 [单项选择]具有抗油脂氧化作用的营养素
A. 维生素B1 B. 铁 C. 碘 D. 维生素E E. 维生素C [单项选择]下列辅音音素都是塞音的一组是()
A. [d,1] B. [b,k] C. [p,n] D. [t,v] [单选题]炸药反应放岀大量的热是炸药爆炸的( )条件。
A.主要 B.首要 C.必要 [判断题]各级消防救援机构不得公开涉及国家秘密,以及可能妨害正常执法活动或者影响社会稳定的执法信息。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是转录本重构?
A.领导决策 B.常委会决定 C.德才兼备、以德为先 D.组织推荐、个别酝酿 [单项选择]微博小说方兴未艾,但已有业内人士一针见血地指出,微博小说可能会因为形式与概念上的新鲜而引起一时注意,但终归避免不了成为一种“短命文体”。因为情节的延续性是小说的魅力所在,但微博小说多以语录体为主,这无疑是对小说情节延续性的巨大破坏。此外,微博小说的碎片式结构,也会使其失去生存根本。
这段文字主要说明了: A. 微博小说区别于传统小说的特点 B. 微博小说形式与概念上的独特魅力 C. 微博小说的缺陷及发展前景 D. 微博小说方兴未艾的表象 [多项选择]贷款担保中的人的担保主要指由作为第三人的( )或( )向银行提供的,许诺借款人按期偿还贷款的保证。
A. 自然人 B. 病人 C. 监护人 D. 法人 E. 被监护人 [多选题]KPI是绩效管理的常用方法,KPI体系的特点包括( )。
A.自下而上分解目标 B.以控制为中心 C.自上而下分解目标 D.以战略为中心 E.财务考评指标为主 [判断题]巡视人与任职资格:掌握《国网北京市电力公司架空输电线路通道运维人员培训手册》中的输电护线知识,了解所负责输电线路信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]小型多旋翼无人机至少配备( )遥控手柄。
A.一个 B.两个 C.三个 D.四个 [单项选择]以下菌既可引起浅部真菌感染,又可引起深部真菌病的是
A. 球孢子菌 B. 组织胞浆菌 C. 念珠菌 D. 隐球菌 E. 马尔菲尼青霉菌 [单选题]《普速铁路接触网安全工作规则》(铁总运[2017]25号),远离作业——在距接触网带电部分()m 及其以外的处所进行的作业。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交