Once found almost entirely in the
western United States and in Asia, dinosaur fossils are now being discovered on
all seven continents. A host of new revelations emerged in 1998 that promise to
reshape scientists’ views of dinosaurs, including what they looked like and when
and where they lived. It is doubtful that Tyrannosaurus Rex had lips or that Triceratops had cheeks, says Lawrence Witmer, an assistant professor of anatomy at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. He reached its conclusions by using high-tech computerized axial tomography (CT or CAT) scans along with comparative anatomy studies. For example, the theory that Triceratops and similar dinosaur species had cheeks was based on past comparisons with mammals such as sheep. But Witmer’s careful analysis found the structure of the tricerato A. dinosaur’s geographical location B. shifting views of dinosaurs C. migration patterns of dinosaurs D. geologic activity of Earth [填空题]
part of a house [多选题]5号线受电弓额定工作气压约( ),最小升弓气压约( )。
A.5.5bar B.9.0bar C.4.00bar D.7.0bar [单选题]下列说法属于馈线自动化作用的是
A.减少线路故障次数 B.减少故障查找时间 C.增加班组人员工作量 D.减少配电网设备数量 [判断题]黄绿双色的导线只能用于保护线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]年利率换算公式是()
A.月利率*360 B.月利率*12 C.日利率*12 D.以上答案均正确 [单选题]长腿石膏管型可用于下列哪种骨折的治疗() ( )
A.股骨干上段骨折 B.股骨干中段骨折 C.胫腓骨骨干骨折 D.内外踝骨折 E.跖骨骨折 [简答题]在钻井液出口处,应提供安装出口传感器和脱气器的钻井液缓冲罐或高架槽,缓冲罐不小根据场地情况安排,罐底设有排砂口和排砂开关。
[多选题] 银行为办理过外债签约登记的( ) 开立外债专用账户,用于接收债权人汇入的外债资金。
A.企业 B.银行 C.非银行金融机构 D.个人 [判断题]工作票若只需变更或增设安全措施者,可使用原工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]所有作业人员(除带电作业外)进入作业现场要正确佩戴( ),穿全棉长袖工作服、绝缘鞋。
A.A-安全帽 B.B-近电报警装置 C.C-导电鞋 D.D-绝缘绳 [判断题]trp操纵子的转录调控除了阻遏系统外,还有激活系统。 ( )
[单选题]( ) 必须装设挡绳装置,如挡
绳杆, 以防钢丝绳脱出。
A.曳引轮悬臂 安装时 B.曳引轮的两 侧都有轴承 支承时 C.导向轮 D.导向轮 [多选题]葡萄胎刮宫术后应注意观察( )
A.腹痛 B.阴道排出物 C.阴道出血 D.体温 [单选题]根据列车车次,判断列车种类,43001次是( )货物列车。
A.摘挂 B.军用 C.小运转 D.路用 [判断题]对已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的未成年女性负有监护、收养、看护、教育、医疗等特殊职责的人员,与该未成年女性发生性关系的,以负有照护职责人员性侵罪定罪处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] United Nations
A major segment of the Untied Nations is the General Assembly, which consists of representatives from all governments that have ratified the UN Charter. As of 1995,185 states had membership in the general Assembly. Additionally, the Vatican, Switzerland, and the Palestine Liberation Organization have nonvoting observer status in the General Assembly. The General Assembly approves the UN’’s budget, acts with the Security Council to select the Secretary-general and judges of the International Court of Justice, and passes resolutions on issues ranging from self-determination and colonialism to women’’s rights and the global distribution of wealth.
The General Assembly can meet and vote on any subject, unless the Security Council is dealing with it (or at least pretending to). However, its decisions only carry moral force—unlike the Council’’s. They’’re not binding in international laws. But the Assembly votes are an important opini
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned [判断题]铁路局可对影响行车安全的其他情形,列入一般事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交