Abortion The word alone causes civil
conversation to flee the room. This is largely because the pro-choice and
pro-life positions are being defined by their extremes, by those who scream
accusations instead of arguments. More reasonable voices and concerns, on both sides of the fence, are given little attention. For example, pro-life extremists seem unwilling to draw distinctions between some abortions and others, such as those resulting from rape with an underage child. They would make no exception in the recent real-life case of a woman who discovered in her fifth month that her baby would be born dead due to severe disabilities. On the other hand, pro-choice extremists within feminism insist on holding inconsistent positions. The pregnant woman has an unquestionable right to abort, they claim. Yet if the biological f A. a pregnant woman cannot abort her baby if its father agrees to keep it B. a pregnant woman has an absolute right of choice over an abortion C. the baby’s father also has a say over its mother’s choice of abortion D. the baby’s father has an unalienable obligation to support the baby [单选题]
在OSI参考模型中的网络分层中,通信子网与资源子网 的分界层是() A.表示层 B.会话层 C.网络层 D.运输层 [填空题]现场人工准备进路时,在来车方向距故障道岔约( )米处道床中央设置红闪灯。
最适合做这段文字标题的是( )。
A.不可因小失大 B.切莫贪图方便贻害环境 C.环保事业人人有责 D.从身边小事做起,保护环境是民族美德 [单项选择]变压器的不正常运行状态会()。
A. 导致引出线的相间短路 B. 造成变压器绝缘强度降低 C. 形成接地短路 D. 烧坏铁芯 [单项选择]关于肾脏结核的影像学检查,下列叙述错误的是()
A. 平片可发现肾脏的改变,包括肾脏体积的缩小、肾脏多发性形态不一的钙化灶 B. 肾小盏正常杯口结构消失,肾小盏变形或消失,可见虫蚀样破坏 C. 因为发生干酪样坏死形成空洞,造影可有"云朵状"、"小水潭样"改变 D. 晚期可形成"肾自截",输尿管、膀胱也可受累 E. CT可较好地显示肾脏结核病变的钙化和脂肪 [单项选择]Waldenstram巨球蛋白血症的表现,描述不正确的是().
A. 好发于老年人 B. 溶骨性病变较多见 C. 可多年无症状 D. 可有神经系统损害 E. 血液黏滞度增高 我来回答: 提交