Small business owners must accept the burdens of entrepreneurship. Being in business for your- self requires your full attention. You seldom leave the office or shop at 5 p.m. (31) do you leave job problems there. They follow you home as business homework. This (32) less time for your personal life.
The (33) you sought can put you on the spot. You don’ t report to a boss. But you do (34) as hard as possible to serve your customers. They are you" (35) ". You also have to compete with creditors, employees, suppliers, and tax collectors. In other words, you are never really (36) . Small firms can seldom ’afford to (37) enough employees so that each can specialize. You may have to prepare ads, (38) records, make sales calls, and collect bad debts.
You must be able to "wear many hats". (39) all these tasks takes up lots of time. But you cannot (40) long-range plann
A. deny
B. offend
C. refuse
D. neglect
{{B}}The Threat to Kiribati{{/B}} The people of Kiribati are afraid that one day in the not-too-distant future, their country will disappear from the face of the earth - literally. Several times this year, the Pacific island nation has been flooded by a sudden high tide. These tides, which swept across the island and destroyed houses, came when there was neither wind nor rain. "This never happened before," say the older citizens of Kiribati. What is causing these mysterious high tides The answer may well be global warming. When fuels like oil and coal are being burned, pollutants (污染物) are released; these pollutants trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere. Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and also create more water [判断题]解开或恢复杆塔、配电变压器和避雷器的接地引线时,应戴线手套。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列试剂与鉴定的物质及颜色变化对应,不正确的一组是( )。
A.双缩脲试剂—蛋白质—紫色:健那绿染液—线粒体—蓝绿色 B.碘液—淀粉—蓝色:重铬酸钾溶液—酒精一灰绿色 C.二苯胺—DNA—蓝色:斐林试剂—麦芽糖一砖红色 D.醋酸洋红染液—染色体—红色:苏丹Ⅳ染液—脂肪—橘黄色 [单选题]横过车辆场、段线路时,应与其保持( )米以上的距离
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]待测试的配置包括项目编译运行所需的
A. 源文件路径 B. 编译参数 C. 链接参数 D. 以上全部 [简答题]䠁2】有一110kV线路,导线型号为LGJ-240/40,垂直排列的中相在防震锤外9m处断13股铝股(总26股),前后两档均无接头。请提出处理方案,如有两个以上方案,需选择最佳方案。
[单选题]HXD2型电力机车牵引装置采用中间推挽式牵引杆与车体连接,牵引杆倾斜布置,与轨道成( )。
A. 8° B. 11° C. 21° [单选题]铁路营业线施工按高速铁路和普速铁路进行管理。普速铁路分为( )。
A.繁忙干线、干线 B.干线和其他线路 C.繁忙干线、干线和其他线路 D.干线和客运专线 [判断题]消防员应选择与本人身材匹配的帽、盔、服装、手套、靴、鞋等装备,严禁穿着不合体装备参与作战训练行动。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]FTP是Internet 中的一种文件传输服务,它可以将文件下载到本地计算机中。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在轨道电路分路不良的股道上停放车辆时,必须对股道( )信号进行钮封。
[多选题]安全用电检查主要内容是( )
A.绝缘情况 B.接地情况 C.电气设备的技术指标 D.制度执行情况 [填空题]继电器运用中规定的端电压或电流值称为____。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于网络图绘制的基本规则,说法错误的是()。
A. 节点代表事件 B. 允许设置循环回路 C. 箭线代表工作 D. 网络图的流向一般是从左向右 [单项选择]
[听力原文] A. Two hours. B. Five hours. C. Three hours. D. Seven hours. [单项选择]( )是人民政府行使监察职能的主管机关。
A. 反贪局 B. 纪委 C. 考核办 D. 行政监察机关 [单选题]根据《建设项目职业病防护设施“三同时”监督管理办法》,建设项目职业病防护设施“三同时”工作( )与安全设施“三同时”工作一并进行。
A.可以 B.不可以 C.视同 我来回答: 提交