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发布时间:2023-11-17 22:54:37

[简答题]In the course of my training in this summer camp, I’ve learned the meaning of brotherhood.

更多"[简答题]In the course of my training i"的相关试题:

[简答题]ln the course of my volunteering at the hospital l have discovered how to interact with others, learned to respect diversity, realized the importance of service, and gained perspective. (Para.3)
[简答题]I’ve gained strength in the course of my study in this university.
[单选题] In the summer vocation, I usually go to my relative’s home in the country to rest after many months in school in the city. The summer days I recently spent _1_ me with happy memories. Let me tell you our daily program _2_ the short stay and the country life we enjoyed there. We usually get up at six and took a walk _3_ the beautiful grassland of wild flowers. The air was so clean and fresh. The pretty birds had just risen from their sleep and were jumping from branch to branch, singing their merry songs. Soon the rays of the sun could be seen on the river. We _4_ under the shade of trees for an hour and then went home. During the afternoon, we went to swim in a small river till the glorious sun was _5_ in the west. Sometimes, after it rained, the sky _6_ to be more beautiful. After supper, people began to enjoy the refreshing soft wind outside. Then _7_ came the bright moon. Occasionally one or two meteors (流星) would suddenly run across the sky as if they were playing with the fireflies. _8_, the world was warpped in sleep. The sweet notes of flute were heard _9_ the woods. Oh, how touching the _10_ was! It made us forget all the worries of life. [共10题]
A. gave
C. filled
D. offered
[单选题] W: Hello. I’m Angela Scott. And this is my classmate Jennifer Smith.
M: I’m Alex Cooper. Nice to meet you.
Q: What is the man’s name?
A. Alex Scott.
B. Angela Cooper.
C. Alex Cooper.
D. Alex Smith.
[单选题]Transition training for dispatchers is required by the CAAC
[填空题]My English cannot c_________ with his.
[简答题]Summer in Northern Europe is quite short, but very long in Southern Asia.
[判断题]The aim of this course is to develop the students’reading skills. 此句中的“develop”翻译为:研制。
[单选题] What does Susan think of the course?(D)
A. The course is easy and there is no extra work to do.
B. The course is easy but there is too much work to do.
C. The course is difficult but there is no work to do.
D. The course is difficult and there is too much work to do.
[单选题] ( ) --What about __________ next summer vacation ?—Good idea.
A. go camping
B. going hiking
C. go fishing
D. going boat
[单选题]( )Where_____ Jim ________ last summer vacation ?
A. was, go
B. does, go
C. did, go
D. will , go
[判断题]词组“a required course”的汉语翻译是:选修课。
B. 一道菜
C. 垫子
D. 坐垫
[单选题]“Required course”的正确汉语翻译为(_____)。
B. 选修课
C. 研读课
D. 理论课
[单选题] My parents always give ________ money for my birthday.
A. me
B. I
C. mine
D. my
[单选题] ________ are my brothers, and ________ is my best friend, Lesley.
A. This, these
B. These, this
C. This, this
D. That, those


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