Questions 91-95 are based on
the following passage. It is amazing how many people still say, "I never dream", for it is now decades since it was established that everyone has over a thousand dreams a year, however few of these nocturnal productions are remembered on waking. Even the most confined "non-dreamers" will remember dreams if woken up systematically during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) periods. These are periods of light sleep during which the eyeballs move rapidly back and forth under the closed lids and the brain becomes highly activated, which happens three or four times every night of normal sleep. It is a very interesting question why some people remember dreams regularly—perhaps several a night on occasion—while others remember hardly any at all under normal conditions. In considering this, it is important to bear A. practical B. unrealistic C. disorganized D. imaginative [不定项选择题]A.丙磺舒
A.双氯芬酸 B.美洛昔康 C.秋水仙碱 D.吲哚美辛 E.以上对环氧酶-2有选择性抑制作用的药物是 [单选题] 相差高频保护中,两侧高频信号重叠角的存在减小了脉冲间隔,从保护的灵敏度考虑_ _。
A.使灵敏度提高了 B.使灵敏度降低了 C.对灵敏度没有影响 D.视重叠角的大小而定。 [判断题]在生产制造领域,为推动电能替代应在浙江、福建、安徽、湖南、海南等地区,推广电制茶、电烤烟、电烤槟榔。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Throughout the colonial period there was a marked shortage of women, which varied with the (36) and was always greatest in the frontier areas. This (37) ratio enhanced women’s status and position and (38) them to pursue different careers.
The Puritans, the religious group that (39) the early British colonies in North America, regarded (40) as a sin, and believed that life in an under-developed country made it (41) necessary that each member of the (42) perform an economic function. Thus work for women, married or single, was not only (43) , it was regarded as a civil duty. Puritan town councils expected widows and unattached women to be self-supporting and for a long time provided poor unmarried women with parcels of land. There was no social sanction against married women working; on the contrary, (44) . The vast majority of women worked within their homes, (45) [单选题]以各种化学状态或化学形态存在的重金属,在进入环境或生态系统后会存留、积累和迁移,造成危害。而它藏在土壤中更________,污染需要更长的时间才会暴露,容易被人们________,因此比水污染和大气污染更危险。
A.分散 轻视 B.隐蔽 忽视 C.持久 遗忘 D.严重 淡忘 [单项选择]某公司进口一批旧设备,报检时错报为新设备并办理了通关手续。下列表述中正确的是( )。
A. 如果检验检疫机构发现后该公司立即办理更改手续,则不会受到处罚 B. 此行为不是故意造成,所以不应受到处罚 C. 新旧设备的报检要求基本一样,因此该公司虽存在报检失误也不应受到处罚 D. 检验检疫机构核实后将依法对该公司进行处罚 [单选题]门立柱罩开有( ),用于车门平衡压轮和下摆臂的检修。
A.检修孔 B.手柄 C.铰链 D.支撑板 [判断题]( )液压道岔漏油或油量不足可能会造成道岔空转。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]产品/服务资源的生命周期有四个阶段,分别是需求、获取、经营和管理、回收或分配。其中决定需要多少产品和资源,获取它们的计划,以及执行计划要求的度量和控制的阶段是
A. 需求 B. 获取 C. 经营和管理 D. 回收或分配 [填空题]( )受空间的限制,往往只适用于面对面小范围的信息交流。
[单选题](单选题,1 分)
计算预产期的方法是从末次月经 A.第3天算起 B.第4天算起 C.第2天算起 D.第1天算起 E.第5天算起 教师批阅 [多项选择]商务手机银行账户信息变更包括()等。
A. 账户账号变更 B. 新增下挂账户 C. 删除下挂账户 D. 交易限额修改 我来回答: 提交