According to studies cited by the
National Eating Disorders Association, 42 percent of girls in first through
third grade want to be thinner, 81 percent of 10-year-olds are afraid of being
fat, and 51 percent of 9-and 10-year-old girls feel better about themselves if
they are on a diet. In many ,ways, this fixation on weight at ever earlier ages comes at an inopportune time physiologically. At a recent Hadassah meeting at the Woodlands Community Temple in White Plains, Dr. Maxcie Schneider, the director of adolescent medicine at Greenwich Hospital, and Erica Leon, a registered dietitian, spoke about early adolescence as a time when a little bit of pudginess is necessary for proper growth, and youngsters wrestle constantly with their body image. "I can’t tell you how many kids I’ve seen who’ve been on the Atkins diet, or on the So A. it is too bad for youngsters to be a bit fat B. it is necessary for the children to be a bit fat C. youngsters should struggle with their body image D. overweight children should not diet [单选题]主要用于治疗非典型病原(肺炎支原体、肺炎衣原体、军团菌)所致肺炎的抗菌药物种类是
A.β-内酰胺类抗生素 B.大环内酯类抗生素 C.氨基苷类抗生素 D.氟喹诺酮类 E.磺胺类 [单选题] 甲为中国银行工作人员,工作期间利用职务上的便利窃取了大量信用卡信息,并以1万元的价格将其出卖给乙甲的行为( )
A. 构成窃取信用卡信息罪与非法提供信用卡信息罪,应数罪并罚 B. 构成窃取、非法提供信用卡信息罪 C. 不构成犯罪 D. 构成窃取信用卡信息罪与非法提供信用卡信息罪,择一重罪处罚 [单项选择]支原体与细菌L型的区别,说法正确的是()
A. 二者在自然条件下广泛存在 B. 二者菌落大小一致 C. 支原体在固体培养基上生长,形成明显油煎蛋样集落,细菌L型油煎蛋样菌落不典型 D. 二者均需高渗培养基培养 E. 在一定条件下均可恢复为原菌 [判断题]在饮酒8小时之内,血液中酒精含量等于或大于0.04%的电信执照人员,从事通信导航监视服务保障岗位工作的,情节严重的,暂停其执照权利3-6个月。(2446)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]建设单位与施工总承包单位依法订立书面工程施工合同,应当约定( ),并按照保障农民工工资按时足额支付的要求约定人工费用。
A. 工程款计量周期 B. 工程款进度结算办法 C. 人工费用拨付周期 D. 工程款支付担保办法 [多项选择]第一批公布的中成药非处方药品种包括
A. 当归苦参丸 B. 鼻通宁滴剂 C. 金莲花冲剂 D. 烧伤喷雾剂 E. 葛根芩连片 [判断题]轨道作业车在调动有乘坐人员或装载爆炸品、气体类危险货物、超限货物的车辆时,不得超过15km/ h。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]每一分支电缆可串接( )信号机。[331030203]
A.4~5架 B.5~6架 C.7~8架 D.8~9架 [判断题]净资产收益率越高,表明企业自有资本获取收益的能力越强。( )
[单选题]机具和安全工器具应( )。
A.统一编号、统一保管 B.统一编号、个人保管 C.统一编号、专人保管 D.统一编号、分别保管 我来回答: 提交