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发布时间:2024-08-16 23:53:25

[不定项选择题]Question 51-52refer to the following information. The bad news about a slow-but-steady recovery is clear: lingering long-term unemployment, stagnant wages, and a housing recovery that is leaving many middle-income families behind. But one interesting side-effect of the boring recovery is that it puts to rest (for now) the popular fears of an AI/robot revolution taking all of our jobs. In that brave neo-industrial world, one thing you would expect to see is GDP growth rapidly outstripping employment, as robots did a bunch of work while Americans sat around waiting for federal welfare checks. Quite the opposite, in the last few years, GDP-per-worker has all but stopped growing. What does the word “outstripping “mean?

更多"[不定项选择题]Question 51-52refer to the "的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]Question 51-52refer to the following information. The bad news about a slow-but-steady recovery is clear: lingering long-term unemployment, stagnant wages, and a housing recovery that is leaving many middle-income families behind. But one interesting side-effect of the boring recovery is that it puts to rest (for now) the popular fears of an AI/robot revolution taking all of our jobs. In that brave neo-industrial world, one thing you would expect to see is GDP growth rapidly outstripping employment, as robots did a bunch of work while Americans sat around waiting for federal welfare checks. Quite the opposite, in the last few years, GDP-per-worker has all but stopped growing. What is author's attitude toward slow-but-steady recovery?
[不定项选择题]Question 64-65 refer to the following information. Techno Database Management 5197 Blackburn Pike Sidney, B. C. Canada V8L5G1 Stephanie Strickland, President E-mail: steph@techdatamgmt.com Tel: 468-298-9935/ Fax: 468-298-9934 www.techdatamgmt.com Techno Database Management provides data storage facilities for information technology and computer networking professional. For only $39.95 per month, subscribes may store up to 5000 gigabytes of data in an offline archive. TDM customer services include 24-hour technical support and free subscription to our online bimonthly newsletter, TDM news. Topics include ratings and reviews of current software and equipment, opinion articles, and a help wanted section directed toward information technology professionals. New customers who pay in advance for three months of offline service before July 30 will receive one month of the free data storage --- that`s nearly $180 value for just under $120! Call or e-mail today to set up your account. What is NOT featured in TDM News?
A.Technical support questions and answers.
B.Discussions about computer equipment.
C.Assessments of new software.
D.Job opportunities for computer technicians.
[不定项选择题]Question 66~70 refer to the following letter and information. APPLE AND CELERY SALAD 100ml mayonnaise 50g chopped fresh cilantro leaves 8 celery stalks 6 crisp red apples Whisk together mayonnaise, cilantro, and lemon juice in a small bowl until combined. Add salt and people to taste. Cut celery and apply into pieces. Toss together celery, apple, and dressing. Total preparation time: 5 minutes. Serves 8 as a side dish. To: Editors of Eat Right Magazine As a long-time subscriber to Eat Right Magazine, I have frequently sampled your recipes and must credit you with some excellent results. Your recent April-May issue was, as always, packed with healthy, delicious meals, many of which I have already prepared at home. Several days ago, however, I attempted to make the apple and celery salad from the recipe on page 57 of the magazine in the Healthy, Quick, and Easy section. While the salad was flavorful, I was not satisfied with the recipe for two reasons. First, it should be noted that a salad containing 100ml of mayonnaise, to be divided among eight servings, is not particularly healthy. I was surprised to find a recipe with so much mayonnaise in an Eat Right recipe. Second, while the directions suggested that five minutes' preparation time was sufficient, I found the time to be underestimated by quite a bit. Finely slicing so much celery and so many apples was quite time consuming and certainly took longer than five minutes. You might adjust this assessment when you publish this recipe in the future. I look forward to receiving the next issue of Eat Right Magazine, and I hope that it will contain more of the simple, nutritious recipes that I have come to expect. Sincerely. Francesca Bertolini What does Ms. Bertolini suggest?
A.Printing an apology in the next issue of the magazine.
B.Omitting mayonnaise from the recipe.
C.Modifying the stated preparation time of the recipe.
D.Verifying ingredients with an editor before publication.
[不定项选择题]Question 53-54 refer to the following information. An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 struck southwestern China on Sunday, resulting in the death of nearly 600 people in a remote area of Yunnan province as well as collapse of thousands of building, including a school. The earthquake also triggered more landslides that have blocked rivers and created rapidly growing bodies of water that could unleash more destruction on survivors of the disaster. More than 10000 soldiers and hundreds of volunteers have rushed to Ludian Country to clear roads and dig out possible survivors from the debris, but landslides and bouts of heavy rain have complicated rescue efforts. An estimated 80000 houses were destroyed and 12400 seriously damaged. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Landslides have brought about more destruction on the survivors.
B.It is soldiers who have undertaken a huge proportion of relief work.
C.The rescuing work has been going on quite smoothly with no interference.
D.The rain and the Landslides have added to the difficulty of rescue efforts.
[不定项选择题]Question 61-63 refer to the following email. To: Barry Weinstein (bweinstein@celgar.com) From: Andrew Kim (akim@celgar.com) Subject: Next month Date: August 3 Barry, Thanks again for arranging that videoconference last week. I just heard form Maxine Dawson, our account manager for the Johnson Company account, that the next product trial will be September 8 in their production plant in Denver. She has requested that I fly D. A presenter at an award ceremony. out there with her. Of course, I still plan to attend the Engineering Society awards dinner in San Francisco on September 9, so I've booked a flight there after the meeting. Let me know when you‘ll be arriving there. I'm looking forward to seeing you honored in San Francisco. You deserve it! Regards, Andrew Kim Celgar Associates What is the purpose of the e-mail?
A.To propose a meeting in Denver.
B.To request financial support for a trip.
C.To announce the winner of an award.
D.To confirm travel plans.
[不定项选择题]资料:The increasing amount of personal information that can be collected by computer programs that track how people use Facebook has been revealed by an extensive academic study. Such programs can show undisclosed private information such as Facebook users' sexuality, drug-use habits and even whether their parents separated when they were young, according to the study by the University of Cambridge academics. In one of the biggest studies of its kind scientists from the university’s team and a Microsoft-funded research center analyzed data from 58,000 Facebook users to predict traits and other information that were not provided in their profiles. The algorithms were 88 per cent accurate in predicting male sexual orientation, 95 per cent for race and 80 per cent for religion .And political leanings, personality types and emotional stability were also predicted with accuracy ranging from 62-75 per cent. The study highlights growing concerns about social networks and how data trails can be mined for sensitive information even when people attempt to keep information about themselves private :Less than 5 per cent of users were connected with explicitly gay groups. Michal Kosinksi ,one of the report’s authors told the Financial Times that the university’s techniques could easily be replicated by companies to inter personal attributes a person did not wish to share such as sexual orientation or political views:”We used very simple and generic methods :Marketing companies and internet companies could spend much more time and resources and hence get much higher accuracy than we did. The report also revealed some unexpected correlations such as people who liked ‘curly fries’ having higher IQs while those Who like Facebook’s “Sliding on Floors With Your Socks On”page were unlikely to use drugs. What is the main point of this passage?
A.The efficiency of computer programs in data analysis
B.The result of a study can be predictable by computers
C.Usefulness of some personal information in marketing
D.Personal Information could be collected and analyzed online


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