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发布时间:2024-08-01 07:19:05

[多选题]About the fossa ovalis, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is located on the posteriomedial wall of left atrium.
B.It is the thinnest part of the interatrial septum.
C.It is a foramen in fetus ovale foramen in fetus ( 胎儿) called the foramen ovale.
D.If the foramen ovale can not been closed in child, it is one of congenital heart disease (先天性心脏
E.All of above descriptions are correct.

更多"[多选题]About the fossa ovalis, which "的相关试题:

[多选题]About the eyeball wall, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The cornea occupies the anterior 1/6 of the fibrous tunic.
B.The sclera is a transparent (透明的) and non-vascular structure.
C.In the center of the iris is the pupil.
D.The ciliary body is a part of the vascular tunic and has the function to secrete the aqueous humor (
E.The retina can be divided into two parts: ciliary part and optic part.
[多选题]About the uterine tube, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The paired uterine tubes transport ovums from the overies to the uterus.
B.It can be divided into 3 parts.
C.The isthmus of uterine tube is the narrowest part and is the region where the ligation of the uterin
D.Fertilization occurs in the uterine part of uterine tube.
E.The infundibulum of the uterine tube bears s number of finger-like processes called fimbriae of uter
[多选题]About the right atrium, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It can be divided into the atrium proper (固有心房) and the sinus venarum cavarum (腔静脉窦).
B.It pumps the venous blood to the right ventricle through the right atrioventricular orifice.
C.It forms the right border of the heart.
D.It has 3 inlets:orifice of superior vena cava (上腔静脉口), orifice of inferior vena cava, and orifi
E.The fossa ovalis is located on its posteriomedial wall.
[多选题]About the spinal nerve, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.There are 30 pairs spinal nerve: 7 pairs of cervical nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of
B.The anterior root (前根) of spinal nerve only contains motor fibers.
C.The posterior root of spinal nerve only contains sensory fibers.
D.The anterior branch (前支) of spinal nerve only contains motor fibers.
E.The posterior branch of spinal nerve only contains sensory fibers.
[多选题]About the median nerve, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It originates from the branchial plexus by two roots.
B.It descends along the lateral side of the biceps branchii.
C.It perforates the pronator teres.
D.It passes through the carpal canal.
E.The motor fibers of median nerve innervate the anterior group muscles of upper arm.
[多选题]The brain stem includes which of the following structures.
E.medulla oblongata
[多选题]The middle ear includes which of the following structures?
A.tympanic cavity
C.auditory tube
D.mastoid antrum (乳突窦)
E.mastoid cells (乳突小房)
[单选题]When maching cast iron, which of the following coolants should be used:( )。
A.mixture of soluble oil and water
C.mineral oil
D.no coolant is required
[多选题]About the gallbladder, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It produces the bile to promote the digestion and absorption of fat..
B.It located in the fossa for gallbladder (胆囊窝) of the liver.
C.It can be divided into three parts: fundus of gallbladder (胆囊底), body of gallbladder and cystic d
D.The surface marking of the fundus of gallbladder lies at the point where the right midclavicular lin
E.The cystic duct and the common hepatic duct (肝总管) join together to form the common bile duct .
[多选题]About the pericardium, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is a fibrous sac which encloses only the heart.
B.It consists of the fibrous pericardium and serous pericardium.
C.The serous pericardium can be subdivided into visceral layer (脏层) and parietal layer (壁层).
D.The pericardial cavity is a potential space between the fibous pericardium and serous pericardium.
E.The transverse sinus and oblique sinus are located within the pericardial cavity.
[多选题]About the esophagus, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is a muscular tube, approximately 25 cm long.
B.It can be divided into cervical , thoracic and abdominal portions.
C.Posteriorly, the cervical portion is adjacent to the anterior wall of trachea.
D.The three narrows in the esophagus course are called constrictions of esophagus (食管狭窄).
E.The third constriction lies at the place where it passes through the esophageal hiatus.
[多选题]About the stomach, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the most distensible part of the alimentary canal.
B.It is divided into four regions: cardiac part, body of stomach, pyloric antrum (幽门窦)and pyloric c
C.It has two surfaces, two borders and two orifices.
D.The right concave border is named the lesser curvature of stomach (胃小弯).
E.The orifice by which the stomach communicates with the duodenum is called the cardiac orifice.
[多选题]About facial nucleus, which of the following descriptions are correct ?
A.It situates in the pons.
B.It is deep to the facial colliculus.
C.It is one of the special visceral motor nuclei.
D.It gives fibers to form the facial nerve.
E.The abdducent nerve wind it.
[多选题]About the laryngeal cartilages, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The arytenoid cartilage is the only unpaired cartilage.
B.Thyroid cartilage is the largest of the laryngeal cartilages.
C.The cricoid cartilage is the only intact cartilage ring of the respiratory tract.
D.The epiglottic cartilage is attached to the medial surface of the anterior angle of thyroid cartilag
E.The arytenoid cartilage has an apex of arytenoid cartilage (杓状软骨尖)above and a base of arytenoid
[多选题]About the pancreas, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the largest gland in the body.
B.It can be divided into 4 parts: head of pancreas, neck of pancreas, body of pancreas and tail of pan
C.The head of pancreas lies in the C-curve of the duodenum.
D.The tail of the pancreas is narrow, and usually lies in contact with the hilum of spleen (脾门).
E.The pancreatic duct and the common bile duct join together to form the hepatopancreatic ampulla (肝
[多选题]About the liver, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the largest gland in the body.
B.Its main function is to secrete the bile (胆汁) to promote the digestion and absorption of fat.
C.Its large portion lies in the right hypochondriac region (右季肋区)and epigastric region (腹上部), s
D.The visceral surface can be divided into right lobe, left lobe, quadrate lobe (方叶) and caudate lob
E.The structures that enter or come out the porta hepatis are enclosed by connective tissue and form t
[多选题]About the kidney, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Each kidney has two ends, two borders and two surfaces.
B.The central part of the lateral border has the renal hilum (肾门).
C.The structures, which pass through the renal hilum, are enclosed together by the connective tissue t
D.From superior to inferior, the order of structures in the renal pedicle is renal vien, renal artery,
E.The left kidney is lower than the right kidney
[多选题]About the heart, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The coronary sulcus (冠状沟) marks the division between the atria and ventricles.
B.The anterior interventricular groove (前室间沟) and posterior interventricular groove denote the par
C.The anterior interventricular branch (前室间支) of the left coronary artery passes through the anter
D.The great cardiac vein (心大静脉) passes through the posterior interventricular groove.
E.The interatrial groove (房间沟) indicates the partition between the right and left atria.


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