What impact can mobile phones have on
their users’ health Many people worry about the supposed ill effects caused by
radiation from handsets and base stations, despite the lack of credible evidence
of any harm. But evidence for the beneficial effects of mobile phones on health
is rather more abundant. Indeed, a systematic review carried out by Rifat Atun
and his colleagues at Imperial College, London, rounds up 150 examples of the
use of text-messaging in the delivery of health care. These uses fall into three
categories: efficiency gains; public-health gains; and direct benefits to
patients by incorporating text-messaging into treatment regimes. The study,
funded by Vodafone, the world’s largest mobile operator, was published this
week. Using texting to boost efficiency is not rocket science, but big A. ProPagandized. B. conceived. C. spread. D. extolled. [多选题]低压配电室( )通道、( )通道均应铺设绝缘垫,通道上不准堆放杂物。
A.操作 B.维护 C.室内 D.消防 [单选题]TYJL—Ⅱ型计算机联锁办理列车正线通过进路时,先点压( )按钮,再点压出发咽喉的发车进路终端按钮。
A.接车进路始端 B.进站信号 C.始端 D.终端 [判断题]建设单位应当将拆除工程发包给具有相应资质等级的施工单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]对发热、腹痛、血性腹水的病人,应考虑
A. 胰源性腹水 B. 结核性腹膜炎 C. 肠穿孔 D. 肠梗阻 [简答题]The teachers felt unhappy because__________(新的教学楼何时建好还是个问题).
A. 借记"短期贷款"、贷记"单位活期存款" B. 借记"中长期贷款"、贷记"单位活期存款" C. 借记"短期贷款"、贷记"单位活期存款"或"现金" D. 借记"中长期贷款"、贷记"单位活期存款"或"现金" [多选题]根据《GB/T 35681-2017电力需求响应系统功能规范》,需求响应终端指的是能与用电系统或设备双向通信,实现(____)、(____)及(____)发送等功能,并能够与需求响应服务系统(聚合系统)进行信息交互的设备。
A.数据采集 B.数据存储 C.数据加工 D.控制信息发送 [单项选择]What was called the severest of many plagues that took place between 1348 and 1350( ).
A. Black Death. B. Black Day. C. Black Mail. D. Black Age. [多选题]伟大的民族精神体现在方方面面。例如 ( )
A. 面对外敌入侵,中华民族同仇敌忾,奋起抗争 B. 在无数自然灾害面前,中华民族百折不挠,从不低头 C. 中国人民在“一穷二白”的基础上建立起初步繁荣富强的社会主义祖国 D. 在抗洪斗争中,全国人民万众一心、众志成城 我来回答: 提交