Travelers arriving at Heathrow airport
this year have been met by the smell of freshly-cut grass, pumped from a
discreet comer via an "aroma box", a machine which blows warm, scented air into
the environment. It can scent the area of an average high street shop with the
smell of the chocolate, freshly-cut grass, or sea breezes, in fact any synthetic
odors that can be made to smell like the real thing. Heathrow’s move into "sensory" marketing is the latest in a long line of attempts by businesses to use sensory psychology — the scientific study of the effects of the senses on our behavior to help sell products. Marketing people call this "atmosphere" — using sounds or smells to manipulate consumer behavior. On Valentine’s Day two years ago the chain of chemist s 3uperdog scented one of its London shops with chocolate. The smel A. It can send a lot of synthetic fragrance into the environment. B. It is a machine which blows warm and fresh air into the environment. C. It often pumps the smell of freshly-cut grass from a high-street shop. D. It is a box which sends out not only aroma but also music. [多选题]消防救援人员在行走时,不得( )。
A.边走边吸烟 B.吃东西 C.扇扇子 D.搭肩挽臂 [判断题]装卸作业时,经货主同意可以拆卸铁路货车车门等货车设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]
当机场飞行区跑道、滑行道、机坪或其部分的关闭、恢复或运行限制发生变化,机场管理机构应当及时向驻场空中交通管理部门提供航行资料。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不是“三违”其中一项的是( )
A.违章指挥 B.违章作业 C.违反劳动纪律 D.违法 [单选题]汽轮发电机在启动升速过程中,没有临界共振现象发生的称为( )转子。
A.挠性 B.刚性 C.重型 D.半挠性 [判断题]传送物件不得抛掷,不得将易滚、易滑的工具、材料堆放在脚手架上,工作完毕应及时将工具、零星材料、零部件等一切易坠落物件清理干净,严禁掉物伤人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]阿普米司特关键注册研究为
A.ESTEEM 1 研究 B.LIBERATE 研究 C.ADVANCE 研究 D.UNVEIL研究 [判断题]创伤抢救前先使伤员安静躺平,防止失血过多而休克。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CRJ900NG机型咖啡机水箱内部压力大于80-85PSI 时,压力释放活门释放压力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《民用航空安全检查手册》第 169 条,遇有航空货物、航空邮件运输文件资料提供不全的货邮快件安检设备 操作员应当通知航空货物、航空邮件运输文件资料。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Question 26 to 27 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.
How many people have held a domonstration A. About 2,000. B. About 1,000. C. About 3,000. D. About 4,000. [单项选择]高压分离器操作压力为()MPa。
A. 15.0 B. 16.4 C. 16.8 D. 13.8—14.6 [判断题]当违法犯罪行为人停止实施违法犯罪行为时,公安民警应当立即停止使用约束性警械。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者小腹冷痛1月余,经行腹痛加重,喜热恶寒,得热痛缓,经行错后,经血量少,色暗,带下淋漓,神疲乏力,腰骶冷痛,小便频数,舌暗红,苔白腻,脉沉迟。治疗应首选的方剂是()
A. 少腹逐瘀汤 B. 血府逐瘀汤 C. 膈下逐瘀汤 D. 桃核承气汤 E. 逍遥散 [单选题]一般住宅区内,高层和超高层物业每层楼消防栓(箱)内均应配置瓶。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [简答题]以《雨,沙沙沙》、《小鲍庄》、“三恋”、《叔叔的故事》和《长恨歌》为例,简要说明王安忆小说创作的变化。
A. 制动踏板有轻微的振动 B. 制动踏板有轻微的下沉 C. 底面上有拖印 D. 汽车跑偏 [单项选择]最易发生脐带脱垂的胎位是()
A. 单臀先露 B. 枕后位 C. 枕横位 D. 足先露 E. 完全臀先露 [单项选择]かれは えいごもちゅうごくご( ) はなせます。
A. が B. など C. を D. も [简答题]工程车在封锁区域内作业,原则上进路的 不得转动。
[单选题]中枢神经系统白血病最常发生于急性白血病的阶段是( )。
A.起病时 B.缓解时 C.复发时 D.耐药时 我来回答: 提交