Real policemen hardly recognize any
resemblance (类同之处) between their lives and what they see on TV—if they ever get
home in time. There are similarities, of course, but the cops (警官)don’t think
much of them. The first difference is that a policeman’s real life revolves round the law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court, He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and What is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to. Little of his time is spent in chatting to pretty girls and beautiful women or in dramatic (戏剧性的) confrontations with desperate criminals. He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hu A. Policemen B. Policemen’s Life—Fact and Imagination C. The Reality of Being a Policeman D. Drama and Reality [单选题]二级膜组入口温度联锁值?
A.20 B.30 C.35 D.38 [填空题]Historians are detectives searching out the evidence of the past in their pursuit of history. This is a challenging and frequently engaging quest 1 its own, but evidence must be turned to 2 . Primary sources that are uncovered 3 many forms that vary 4 the questions asked and the period studied, but written records are 5 historians use more than any other. The historian does not 6 evidence in the manner of courts of law, where questions of admissibility and truth versus falsehood are 7 . The historian’’s use of evidence is much more 8 Determining how and with what end 9 mind any piece of evidence came into existence are the first tasks 10 the historian in the internal criticism of historical sources. It is important to know, for instance, who 11 a particular census and with what instructions, or 12 a correspondent was addressing a friend or foe, colleague or opponent.
For many years historians divided evidence into the two 13 of primary and secondary sources. The former were conside
A. A.which B.what C. that D.who [判断题]视频生命探测仪摄像头表面应用专用镜头纸或干软布进行擦拭,没有时可用干净的报纸替代。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前 IFC 标准的信息交换与共享主要是通( )过实现的。
A.IFC 数据直接输入输出 B.IFC 平台 C.COBIE 标准转换 D.COBIE 平台 [单项选择]以下药物中,不含手性碳原子的药物是
A. 重酒石酸去甲肾上腺素 B. 盐酸异丙肾上腺素 C. 盐酸多巴胺 D. 盐酸克仑特罗 E. 硫酸沙丁胺醇 [单项选择]宫颈原位癌累及腺体是指( )
A. 子宫腺体发生的原位癌 B. 子宫颈表面发生的原位癌 C. 宫颈原位癌突破基膜,浸润至腺体 D. 宫颈原位癌延伸至腺体,基膜未突破 E. 早期浸润癌 [单项选择]直流互感器的一次侧接在整流电路的直流侧,二次侧接上电流表,该表指示的是()值。
A. 直流电流; B. 交流分量电流; C. 零序分量电流; D. 负序电流。 [单选题]矿井在采掘产过程中只要发生( )煤与瓦斯突出,该矿井即确定为突出矿井。
A.一次 B.两次 C.三次 D.五次 [多项选择]与顾客见面之前,必须注意以下三个问题()
A. 热情洋溢 B. 温文尔雅 C. 头发整齐 D. 坚忍不拔 E. 仔细周到 [填空题]铁路行车组织工作,必须贯彻( )的方针,坚持高度集中、统一领导的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]排污单位以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段申请取得排污许可证的,由审批部门依法撤销其排污许可证,处20万元以上50万元以下的罚款,()年内不得再次申请排污许可证。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]夏柯三联征是指( )。
A.腹痛.寒战与高热.黄疸 B.休克.精神症状.黄疸 C.腹痛.寒战与高热.休克 D.腹痛.精神症状.黄疸 E.腹痛.黄疸.休克 [单项选择]排水器之间的距离不得超过()米。
A. 250 B. 300 C. 350 D. 400 [判断题]工作中若有特殊情况,工作许可人可变更运行接线方式和安全措施,变更后需告知工作负责人。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]注射剂中等渗调节剂常用()、葡萄糖。
[多选题]创新对企、事业单位和个人发展的作用表现在它是( )。
A.企、事业单位竞争取胜的重要手段 B.企、事业单位持续、健康发展的巨大动力 C.个人事业获得成功的关键因素 D.个人提高自身职业道德水平的重要条件 [多选题]防高温手套具有( )性能。。
A.防火 B.隔热 C.耐高温 D.防切割 E.防刺 [单选题]人民警察遇有下列()情形,可以使用制服性警械。
A.犯罪嫌疑人侮辱妇女,被人民警察喝止 B.犯罪嫌疑人被当场抓获,拒不交代违法犯罪事实 C.犯罪嫌疑人袭击人民警察,经警告无效的 D.犯罪嫌疑人被抓获后,对人民警察谩骂不止 [简答题]有人认为“寒衣处处催刀尺”指的是赶制寒衣急送前线打仗的出征战士,你的看法如何?
[判断题]授信额度的有效期限一般由银行根据客户的资产状况单方确定,适用于规定期限内的各类授信业务,主要是用于解决客户长期的流动资金需要。( )
A.m、kg、s、 B.N、J C.min、S、h、 D.-10&<8451;~+20&<8451; E.-20&<8451;~+40&<8451; F.-20&<8451;~+50&<8451; G.-20&<8451;~+60&<8451; [多选题]高层建筑发生火灾时,根据现场火灾发展态势,综合利用消防电梯、疏散楼梯等内攻救人,利用( )等从建筑外部救人。
A.举高消防车 B.缓降器 C.软体、安全绳 D.登高平台车 [单项选择]脑脊液耳漏,严禁冲洗、堵塞、腰穿是为了防止
A. 头痛 B. 颅内压下降 C. 形成脑疝 D. 颅内压升高 E. 颅内感染 我来回答: 提交