Henry Morris, an English professor,
asks his college English classes to count "loan words". These are words we use
that were taken directly from other languages. He jokes about the term "loan
words". "It is not like we’re going to give these words back after we’ve done
with them," he says. "Imported words" might be a better term. Simple sentences
may contain 15 percent or less of these. Complex. sentences may be 50 percent or
more "imports". Scientific papers might use mostly loan words. "We use imports
constantly,: Morris says, "generally without any idea we are using
them." Was there ever a time when people spoke just plain English7 No. Scholars estimate that one-third of the world’s languages are of Indo-European origin. These includes English, F A. goods imported from other countries B. acknowledged by people using them C. lent to English people without interest D. widely used especially in scientific field [多选题]对于同一尺寸的泵,如果它们的流量相差不大,比转数与扬程和轴功率三者之间关系是( )。
A.比转数越小 B.扬程就越高 C.轴功率越小 D.轴功率就越大 [单选题]眼球血管膜,有错的是
A.呈棕黑色 B.富含血管 C.为眼球壁外层 D.含色素细胞 E.由虹膜、睫状体和脉络膜三部分组成 [单项选择] NEW JOBS
A new clothing company is hoping to create as (29) as 500 jobs in its factory and nationwide chain of stores. The company, New Trend, was set (30) by Peter Dalton, a 36-year-old businessman (31) Liverpool. The company, (32) is due to start production early next year, will provide employment (33) 300 people in its factory on the edge of Liverpool. In 12 months’ time, (34) will be a further 200 jobs, as the company begins opening shops in towns in (35) parts of Britain. Peter Dalton is also (36) to open a shop in New York. He hopes that (37) this shop proves successful, the chain (38) expand across the whole of North America. “This project has (39) me over four years to finalize,” says Peter Dalton, “and (40) that it’s finally getting started, I’m really excited.” A. from B. at C. of [判断题]CRH1型动车组受电弓调压阀调节0.1bar压力会直接导致接触压力变化20N。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]‘年3月11日,某煤矿3201掘进工作面沿3号煤层底板掘进过程中发现突水征兆,勘探资料表明,该矿仅在3号煤层下方40m处发育有20m厚的奥陶系灰岩含水层。下列突水征兆中,不可能出现在3201掘进工作面的是( )。
A.工作面压力增大,底板鼓起 B.工作面滴水并逐渐增大,且水中含有少量细砂 C.工作面底板产生裂隙并逐渐增大 D.沿裂隙或煤帮向外渗水,随裂隙增大,水量增加 [单选题]人民法院在作出裁定前听取被执行人和行政机关意见的,应当自受理之日
A.10日 B.15日 C.30日 D.60日 [单选题]通气/血流比值增大称为
A.气体在肺部交换的时间缩短 B.呼吸膜面积减少 C.功能性动静脉短路 D.无效腔增大 E.呼吸膜面积增大 [单选题] 办案人民警察对于违法行为案发现场,( ),及时提取与案件有关的证据材料,判断案件性质,确定调查方向和范围
A. 应当进行勘验 B. 必须进行勘验 C. 必要时可以进行勘验 D. 可以勘验 [判断题]()变压器只能改变电压,而不能改变交流电的频率。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目前,生物加工食物体系要成为现实,还有几件事要做。先得能在培养基里培养出蔬菜和水果的组织,还得能扩大产量以应市场之需。而要大量经济地生产,还得研制出廉价原料,利用其中的基本营养成分进行批量生产。 由此可以推出( )。
A. 研制出廉价原料是生物加工食物体系的关键 B. 目前已经能在培养基里培养出蔬菜或水果的组织 C. 只要有廉价的原料就能扩大产量 D. 目前的原料太昂贵 [判断题]班杜拉、华生与斯金纳不同之处主要在于发现了认知的重要作用。
A.右房、右室增大,肺动脉段突出,肺血 增多 B.左房、左室增大,肺动脉段突出,肺血 增多 C.左、右心室增大,肺动脉段突出.肺血 增多 D.右心室增大,肺动脉凹陷,肺血减少 E.右房、右室扩大,肺动脉狭窄后的肺动 脉扩大至左肺动脉 [单项选择]甲因外出而委托乙全面照看其8岁的儿子丙,某日,丙将邻一小孩打伤,花去医药费500万元,这一损失应由_________。
A. 甲承担,如甲无力承担,则由乙承担 B. 甲承担,如乙有过错,则乙负连带责任 C. 甲承担,乙概不负责 D. 乙承担,甲负连带责任 [判断题]持续经营是指企业能持续不断地经营下去,因而它仅仅是种假设,缺乏客观存在的基础。( )
[单选题]阀式避雷器的保护比是指残压与( )电压之比。
A.冲击放电 B.额定 C.灭弧 D.工频放点 我来回答: 提交