Ask an American schoolchild what he or
she is learning in school these days and you might even get a reply, provided
you ask it in Spanish. But don’t bother, here’s the answer. Americans nowadays
are not learning any of the things that we learned in our day, like reading and
writing. Apparently these are considered fusty old subjects, invented by white
males to oppress women and minorities. What are they learning In a Vermont college town I found the answer sitting in a toy store book rack, next to typical kids’ books like "Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy is ’Dysfunctional’". It’s a teacher’s guide called "Happy To Be Me", subtitled "Building Self-Esteem". Self-esteem as it turns out, is a big subject in American classrooms. Many American schools see building it as important as teaching reading and writing. They call it "whole l A. Self-criticism has gone too far. B. Evaluating criteria are inappropriate nowadays. C. Communication is a more comprehensive category than language skills. D. This column does not meet the demanding evaluating criteria of today. [单选题]下列不属于重大、恶性案件的是( )
A.涉案金额等值人民币一千万元(含)以上的; B.性质恶劣,造成挤兑、区域性或系统性风险等重大社会不良影响的; C.造成重大人员伤亡的; D.银行业监督管理机构认定的其他属于重大、恶性的案件。 [单选题] 标准物碳酸钠用前需要在 270℃烘干,可以选用( )。
A.电炉 B.马弗炉 C.电烘箱 D.水浴锅 [单选题]从事武装守护押运服务的保安服务公司,国有独资或者单一国有主体持有的股份应当占注册资本总额的()以上
A.0 B.1 C.0 D.0 [多选题]破拆车辆时应采取哪些安全防护措施?( )
A.应对被救人员实施安全保护。破拆车辆时应进行固定,防止溜车、倾覆。 B.应避开安全气囊,防止气囊弹出伤人。 C.对破拆车辆的棱角进行包扎保护,防止刮戳伤人。 D.对新能源车进行破拆时,应注意避开电池及高压装置等部位,防止高压放电伤人。 [单选题]HDSL高速数字环局端( )灯灭说明外线正常,和用户端数据传输正常。
A.POW B.ALM C.LINK D.DSL [单选题]发布B2947/14取消14年第2929份B系列航行通告。LRBB飞行情报区,自14年5月26日08时05分起,危险区TSA 1A停止活动。
A.(B2947/14 NOTAMC B2929/14 Q)LRBB/QRDAK/IV/BO/W/285/460/4409N02814E022 A)LRBB B)1405260805 E)DANGER AREA TSA 1A DEACTIVATED.) B.(C2947/14 NOTAMR C2929/14 Q)LRBB/QRDAK/IV/BO/W/285/460/4409N02814E022 A)LRBB B)1405260805 E)DANGER AREA TSA 1A DEACTIVATED.) C.(B2947/14 NOTAMR B2929/14 Q)LRBB/QRDAK/IV/BO/W/285/460/02814E 4409N022 A)LRBB B)1405260805 E)DANGER AREA TSA 1A DEACTIVATED.) D.(B2929/14 NOTAMC B2947/14 Q)LRBB/QRDAK/IV/BO/W/285/460/4409N02814E022 A)LRBB E)DANGER AREA TSA 1A DEACTIVATED.) 我来回答: 提交