Broadband technology is seen as the key
to the new digital economy. In this rapidly changing world, media and technology information can be sent via phone calls and downloads like music, graphics, business information or films. The simpler the information, the smaller the package and the narrower the bandwidth needed to deliver it. Broadband is used for high speed Internet connections at a fixed monthly rate. It turns an exciting telephone line into a high speed digital line capable of carrying data up to 40 times conventional modern speeds. Any download is available at the click of a mouse-there is no dial-up as there is with standard Interact Service Providers. For home owners and families there are many advantages. One of the most important is simultaneous (同时的) access to both telephone lines and the Internet. N A. further B. critical C. costly D. global [单项选择]上表面紧实度高,下表面紧实度低的机器造型方法是()
A. 震击造型 B. 压实造型 C. 震压造型 D. 抛砂造型 [单选题] 机械在运转状态下,工人应( )。
A. 对机械进行加油清扫 B.与旁人聊天 C.严禁拆除安全装置 [多选题]以下属于运营公司人力资源部工作职责的是( )。
A.A、工会妇女工作 B.B、培训与开发 C.C、薪酬与福利 D.D、招聘与人员配置 [单项选择]Flood Devastates Bangladesh
A massive flood caused by heavy monsoon rains has devastated large parts of Bangladesh. Representatives of relief agencies such as the Red Cross are estimating that as many as 5 million people have been affected by the flooding. Temporary shelters constructed by UN authorities just outside the capital of Dhaka have filled with thousands of refugees whose homes have been destroyed. Power lines, roads and other infrastructure have sustained major damage as well. Hundreds of people have been killed in the initial flood, and there is concern that thousands more will die due to water-borne diseases and other hygiene-related health problems. The Bangladeshi government is appealing to the international community for increased aid. The basic clean-up operation is expected to take months, if not years. Observers say it could even take decades for this developing nation to fully recover from this disaster. From: Jamie Peterson To: A. maintained B. survived C. recovered D. suffered [单选题]以下哪项是错误的问诊方法?
A.对老年人问诊要先难后易地进行 B.对小儿问诊时态度尤其要和蔼 C.幼儿说的病情不一定真实,要注意判断 D.如患者说谎,不能强行纠正 E.对重危患者要边救治边问诊 [判断题]在节流循环压井过程中,控制井底压力略大于地层压力是借助压井管汇来实现的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在旅游活动中,处于旅游接待工作的中心地位的是()
A. 购物参谋 B. 酒店服务 C. 餐饮服务 D. 导游服务 [判断题]进货价格和进货渠道都属于客户的商业机密,客户经理不应该问客户
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对于单出口继电器,可以在出口继电器跳(合)闸触点回路中串入电流自保持线圈,并满足如下条件()。
A.自保持电流不应大于额定跳(合)闸电流的 50%,线圈压降小于额定值的 10% B.出口继电器的电压起动线圈与电流自保持线圈的相互极性关系 C.电流与电压线圈间的耐压水平不低于交流 1000V、1min 的试验标准(出厂试验应为交流 2000V、1min) D.电流自保持线圈接在出口触点与断路器控制回路之间 [多选题]智能化综采工作面系统包含( )
A.液压支架电液控系统 B.智能采煤机系统 C.智能三机系统 D.智能胶带输送机系统 E.智能泵站系统 F.监测、监控、集中控制系统 [判断题]DG-150型高频软插电动捣固机可用于道床石捣固、道岔捣固、提速线路捣固是一种新型铁路养护机械( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列疾病属于干性咳嗽的是
A. 慢性咽喉炎 B. 慢性支气管炎 C. 肺脓肿 D. 肺癌 E. 肺炎 [单选题]游标卡尺是测量零件内径、外径、长度、宽度、厚度、深度或孔距的常用工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下属于驻站联络员的职责的有( )。
A.必须按规定接受培训教育并持证上岗 B.按规定做好运统-46的登销记 C.按规定做好列车运行情况的通报、人员机具下道情况的确认 D.对现场防护员进行管理和指挥,有权对所辖防护员提出考核建议,受作业负责人和所在工区工长、班长的领导 [多项选择]期货交易所有权约见指定的会员高管人员谈话提醒风险的情形包括( )。
A. 期货价格出现异常 B. 会员资金异常 C. 交易所接到涉及会员的投诉 D. 会员涉及司法调查 [多选题]坚持依法执政,各级领导干部要带头遵守法律,带头依法办事,不得违法行使权力,更不能( )。
A.权力寻租 B.以言代法 C.以权压法 D.徇私枉法 [填空题]目前,规模最大、用户最多的互联网络是 【17】 ,它是集各类信息资源为一体的数据资源网。
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