Problems in the IT industry{{/B}} In the information technology industry, it is widely acknowledged that how well IT departments of the future can fulfil their business goals will depend not on the regular updating of technology, which is essential for them to do, but on how well they can hold on to the people skilled at manipulating the newest technology. This is becoming more difficult. Best estimates of the current shortfall In IT staff in the UK are between 30,000 and 50,000, and growing. And there is no end to the problem in sight. A severe industry-wide lack of investment in training means the long-term A. ensure that permanent staff earn the same as contract staff B. expand company training programmes for new and old employees C. conduct more research into the reasons for staff leaving D. offer top rates to attract the best specialist consultants [单项选择] Russian president Vladimir Putin has inadvertently (不注意地) spotlighted one of today’’s momentous mysteries: collapsing birthrates in industrialized countries. Putin proposed that Russia pay women to have children to remedy a "critical" population outlook. Actually, he might have said "desperate." In 2000, Russia’’s population totaled almost 147 million.
Russia’’s case, though extreme, isn’’t isolated. There’’s no more population "explosion." In wealthier countries, motherhood is going out of style and plunging birthrates portend population loss. One way or another, the side effects will be massive for economics, politics and people’’s well being. Indeed, they may already have started. Is it a coincidence that Germany and Italy, two countries on the edge of population decline, are so troubled
First, some facts. On average, women must have two children for a society to replace itself. The actual number of children per woman is called the "total fertility rate," or TFR. Here
A. Growing urbanization. B. Women’’s access to education and jobs. C. More divorces. D. None of the above. [多项选择]一体化系统的辅助应用包括()。
A. 电源监控 B. 安全防护 C. 环境监测 D. 辅助控制 [判断题]机动车驾驶人驾驶车辆时,必须携带驾驶证和行驶证。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]目标要与当前能力持平,以便顺利的实现。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有关骨关节炎运动疗法,下列哪一项不正确
A. 强调等长收缩肌力练习 B. 注意维持正确姿势 C. 鼓励负荷运动 D. 避免过度负荷运动 E. 保持关节正常活动度 [单选题]位于足背第2、3趾间,趾蹼缘后方赤白肉际处的腧穴是
A.行间 B.侠溪 C.内庭 D.然谷 E.太冲 [不定项选择]蒸汽管道一般敷设在其前进方向的()。
A. 左边 B. 上边 C. 下边 D. 右边 [单项选择]据报道某市的林先生出差两天半回来后竟找不到家了,总共38平方米的三间平房连同屋里的所有物件统统没了踪影,眼前只是一片废墟。原来这一带正在拆迁。15日一早林先生离家出差办事, 17日下午回来一看就傻了眼,房子居然被拆了,而屋里的所有物品都不知去向。无奈,无家可归的林先生只好寄住到朋友家里。关于这一事件下列哪一说法是错误的( )
A. 林先生的财产安全受到了严重的侵犯 B. “风能进,雨能进,国王不能进”,林先生的家是独立的、不容侵犯的 C. 林先生的家被摧毁,这不应该被看做是一个一般意义上的民事案件,这是一个侵犯公民基本的宪法权利的案件 D. 为了城市的美观和发展,牺牲林先生一家是值得的 [单项选择]患者,女性,60岁,因胃溃疡出血行毕式Ⅱ式手术,术后7天患者出现切口不完全裂开,经保守处理后患者康复出院。今后患者可能发生的疝是()。
A. 腹股沟斜疝 B. 腹股沟脐疝 C. 脑疝 D. 腹股沟直疝 E. 切口疝 [单选题]煤矿的安全生产管理人员应当根据本单位的生产经营特点,对安全生产状况进行经常 性检查,检查及处理情况应当( )。
A.经领导认可 B.请示汇报 C.记录在案 [单项选择]采用生产能力指数法对建设投资进行简单估算,生产能力指数的正常取值范围为( )。
A. [-1,1] B. (-1,1) C. [0,1] D. (0,1) [单项选择]下列()不属于国内水路、陆路(公路、铁路)运输货物保险的除外责任。
A. 战争、军事行动、扣押、罢工、哄抢和暴动 B. 保险货物本身的缺陷或自然耗损,以及由于包装不善所致的损失 C. 因外来原因致使提货不着的损失 D. 属于发货人责任引起的损失 [判断题]不同液体在相同压力下沸点不同,但同一液体在不同压力下沸点也不同。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]不论何种轧钢原料其端部均不得有缩孔。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]轨道电路A类问题:在焊缝上钻跳线孔,或跳线孔距离焊缝距离小于( )mm处所。
A.200 B.300 C.400 D.500 [单项选择]阴道纵隔是因为
A. 尿生殖窦上皮未能贯穿前庭部所致 B. 尿生殖窦未参与形成阴道下段 C. 两侧副中肾管完全融合其中隔未消失或未完全消失 D. 两侧副中肾管未完全融合 E. 两侧副中肾管发育不全 [单项选择]风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄者,最常见的心律失常是
A. 房室传导阻滞 B. 室性期前收缩 C. 心房颤动 D. 室性心动过速 我来回答: 提交