The Microsoft antitrust trial inched
close to a final ruling from U. S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson on
Tuesday, as the software vendor fried a brief refuting his contention that the
company has a monopoly in PC operating systems. Microsoft also claimed that U.
S. government prosecutors have not satisfied the burden of proof for any
of their antitrust claims. Microsoft made the arguments in its proposed
conclusions of law—a document of more than 100 pages—fried with the court
Tuesday stating the company’s interpretation of how antitrust law should be
applied to Jackson’s findings of fact. The software giant said having an
extremely popular product—Windows—does not make it a monopolist. In his findings
of fact issued November 5, 1999, Jackson said Microsoft "enjoys a monopoly" in
the personal computer market. A month later the government and 19 U A. (A) the integration of Web browsing software into Windows benefits milfions of consumers B. (B) the software vendor does not prevent users from obtaining Netscape Navigator C. (C) many consumers can benefit from Microsoft’s provision of Web browsing functionality with its Windows operating system free of charge D. (D) all of the above [判断题]33、中暑按病性轻重可分为轻症中暑和重症中暑两种情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]可转换债券对投资者的吸引力在于,当企业经营前景看好时,可转换债券可以转换为()。
A. 其他债券 B. 优先股 C. 普通股 D. 企业发行的任何一种债券 [单项选择]甲公司的某项固定资产原价为1 000万元,采用年限平均法计提折旧,使用寿命为10年,预计净残值为0,在第5年年初企业对该项固定资产进行更新改造,并对某一主要部件进行更换,发生支出合计500万元,符合准则规定的固定资产确认条件,被更换部件的原价为300万元。甲公司更换主要部件后的固定资产原价为( )万元。
A. 1100 B. 920 C. 800 D. 700 [判断题]灭弧罩的作用是避免在使用开关时瞬间打火造成的短路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择][复合型非选择题]患者男,48岁,因“突发眩晕、呕吐伴声嘶、呛咳2h”来诊。有糖尿病病史。查体:BP125/75mmHg;意识清楚;心律齐;左侧眼裂小、瞳孔小,水平眼震(+),鼻唇沟对称,伸舌居中,左侧面部出汗少,左手指鼻不准。颅脑MRI:急性脑梗死。患者最可能还出现的症状、体征是()
A. 左侧鼻唇沟浅,示齿口角右偏 B. 左侧面部、右侧肢体痛觉减退 C. 右侧肢体瘫痪 D. 右侧面部、左侧肢体痛觉减退 E. 颈强直 [判断题]饲养动物,干扰他人正常生活的,ga机关可对违法行为人处以行政拘留处罚。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交