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发布时间:2024-02-07 21:26:34

[不定项选择题]共用题干 The Benefits of Lifelong Learning for Adults

Lifelong learning is the process of keeping your mind and body engaged一at any age一by actively pursuing knowledge and experience.In fact,it has many benefits.Firstly,it keeps the mind sharp and it improves the memory.Secondly,it improves self-confidence and offers an opportunity to try something new. Thirdly,it gives the learner the feeling of accomplishment. Also,it offers the learner the opportunity to keep in touch with people who share with him/her the same interests and make new acquaintances.Finally,it offers an opportunity to learn a new skill or trade.
Achieving retirement means having a lot of spare time and becoming more stressed and bored. However,some adults think that learning at that age is a way to get rid of this situation of boredom and stress.For them learning should be a lifelong process and even retirement should be an opportunity to try new things rather than being passive and pessimistic. After retirement,people tend to feel more pressure.
C.Not mentioned

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[不定项选择题]共用题干 The Benefits of Lifelong Learning for Adults

Lifelong learning is the process of keeping your mind and body engaged一at any age一by actively pursuing knowledge and experience.In fact,it has many benefits.Firstly,it keeps the mind sharp and it improves the memory.Secondly,it improves self-confidence and offers an opportunity to try something new. Thirdly,it gives the learner the feeling of accomplishment. Also,it offers the learner the opportunity to keep in touch with people who share with him/her the same interests and make new acquaintances.Finally,it offers an opportunity to learn a new skill or trade.
Achieving retirement means having a lot of spare time and becoming more stressed and bored. However,some adults think that learning at that age is a way to get rid of this situation of boredom and stress.For them learning should be a lifelong process and even retirement should be an opportunity to try new things rather than being passive and pessimistic. Learning ends after retirement.
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities are very common.They affect perhaps 1 0 percent of all children.Four times as many boys as girls have learning disabilities.
Since about 1970,new research has helped brain scientists understand these problems better.Scientists now know there are many different kinds of learning disabilities and that they are caused by many different things.There is no longer any question that all learning disabilities result from differences in the way the brain is organized.
You cannot look at a child and tell if he or she has a learning disability.There is no outward sign of the disorder.So some researchers began looking at the brain itself to learn what might be wrong.
In one study,researchers examined the brain of a learning-disabled person who had died in an accident. They found two unusual things.One involved cells in the left side of the brain,which control language.These cells normally are white.In the learning disabled person,however,these cells were gray.The researchers also found that many of the nerve cells were not in a line the way they should have been.The nerve cells were mixed together.
The study was carried out under the guidance of Norman Geschwind,an early expert on learning disabilities, Doctor Geschwind proposed that learning disabilities resulted mainly from problems in the left side of the brain. He believed this side of the brain failed to develop normally.Probably,he said,nerve cells there did not connect as they should.So the brain was like an electrical device in which the wires were crossed.
Other researchers did not examine brain tissue.Instead,they measured the brain's electrical activity and made a map of the electrical signals.
Frank Dully experimented with this technique at Children's Hospital Medical Center in Boston.Doctor Dully found large differences in the brain activity of normal children and those with reading problems.The differences appeared throughout the brain.Doctor Dully said his research is evidence that disabilities involve damage to a wide area of the brain,not just the left side. According to the passage we can conclude that further researches should be made______.
A.to help learning-disabled children to develop their intelligence
B.to study how children learn to read and write,and use numbers
C.to investigate possible influences on brain development and organization
D.to explore how the left side of the brain functions in language learning
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Learning Disorder一Dyslexia

As many as 20% of all children in the United States suffer from some form of the learning disorder
called dyslexia.
Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease.They say that persons with dyslexia use infor-
ination in a di价rent way.One of the world's great thinkers and scientists Albert Einstein was dyslexic.Ein-
stein said that he never thought in words the way that most people do.He said that he thought in pictures in-
stead.The American inventor Thomas Edisoii was also dyslexic.Dyslexia first was recognized in Europe and
the United States more than 80 years ago.Many years passed before doctors discovered that persons with the
disorder were not mentally slow or disabled.The doctors found that the brains of persons with dyslexia are
different,In most people,the left side of the brain一the part that controls language一is larger than the right
side.In persons with dyslexia,the right side of the brain is bigger. Doctors are not sure what causes this
difference.However,research has shown that dyslexia is more common in males than in females,and it is
found more often in persons who are left-handed.No one knows the cause of dyslexia,but some scientists
believe that it may result from chemical changes in a baby's body long before it is born.They are trying to
find ways to teach persons with dyslexia. Dyslexic persons think differently and need special kinds of teaching
help.After they have solved their problems with language,they often show themselves to be especially intelligent
or creative. Dyslexic people often turn out to be intelligent or creative once they have learned to handle languageproperly.
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Teaching and Learning Medicine Award
Two scientists who have won praise for research into the growth of cancer cells could be candidates for the Nobel Prize in medicine when the 2008 winners are presented on Monday,kicking off six days of Nobel announcements.
Australian-born U.S.citizen Elizabeth Blackburn and American Carol Greider have already won a Series of medical______(51)for their enzyme(酶)research and experts say they could be among the front-runners for a Nobel.
Only seven women have______(52)the medicine prize since the first Nobel Prizes were______(53) out in 1901.The last female winner was U.S.researcher Linda Buck in 2004,who______(54)the prize with Richard Axel.
Among the pair's possible______(55)are Frenchman Pierre Chambon and Americans Ronald Evans and Elwood Jensen,who______(56)up the field of studying proteins called nuclear hormone receptors(核激素受体).
As usual,the award committee is giving no______(57)about who is in the running before presenting its decision in a news conference at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute.
Alfred Nobel,the Swede who______(58)dynamite(炸药),established the prizes in his will in the ______(59)of medicine,physics,chemistry,literature and peace.The economics prize is technically not a Nobel but a 1968 creation of Sweden's central bank.
Nobel left few instructions on how to______(60)winners,but medicine winners are typically______(61)for a specific breakthrough rather than a body of research.
Hans Jornvall , secretary of the medicine prize committee , said the 10 million kronor(瑞典克朗)prize encourages______(62)research but he did not think winning it was the primary goal for scientists."Individual researchers probably don't______(63)at themselves as potential Nobel Prize winners when they,re______(64)work,"Jornvall told the Associated Press-They get their kicks from their research and their interest in how life______(65)." 61._________


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