The pollution of Hong Kong’s beaches by
oil from a damaged tanker last year recalls a similar incident which took place
in Britain in 1967 when the Torrey Canyon, a huge oil tanker, split in two and
caused disaster in coastal areas. Shoals of fishes were killed, sea birds
hopelessly fouled with oil and coastal holiday resorts put out of business for
several weeks. As a result of this particular incident scientists are becoming
restless at the thought of Britain’s inability to cope with national disasters
on a large scale. The reason for their concern is that technology is rapidly
outstripping(超越) man’s ability to control it. Oil tankers, for instance, have been allowed to get bigger and bigger without sufficient thought being given to emergency braking and manoeuvring arrangement. Collisions at sea continue, but little effect has A. safety precautions in aircraft are not as effective as those used on ships B. modern oil tankers can stop or turn easily in spite of their size C. there are now fewer collisions at sea because of modern safety devices D. oil tankers are so big that special devices are needed [多选题]多层建筑火灾扑救,下列注意事项正确的是?
A.参战人员加强个人安全防护,预防危险化学品、爆炸物、放射性物质等造成伤害。 B.登高时要做好人员、器材、支点的固定保护,防止坠落。 C.对于特殊使用性质的多层建筑,如医院、档案馆、文史馆等火灾,要合理选用灭火剂,防止水渍损失。 D.做好火灾现场影像摄录和相关证据的保留,避免火灾扑救后造成民事纠纷。 [单选题]肢体能抬离床面,但不能抗阻力提示肌力
A.1级 B.2级 C.3级 D.4级 E.5级 [单选题]癫痫发作持续30分钟或间歇性癫痫发作持续30分钟或更长,发作间歇期意识不恢复者称为( )
A. 癫痫持续状态 B. 痉挛性癫痫 C. 癫痫连续状态 D. 僵直 [多项选择]根据《政府采购法》的规定,政府采购可以采用的方式包括( )。
A. 公开招标方式 B. 邀请招标方式 C. 竞争性谈判方式 D. 单一来源方式 [判断题]TDCS站机屏幕右下角显示了该站的站名以及通信情况.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]地籍调查成果具有显著的( )特征,丰富的属性描述以及强烈的时态性。
A. 现势 B. 应势 C. 见证 D. 空间 [判断题]空气制动的施加与缓解、防滑控制等功能由EP09阀在列车的控制下自动完成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]换热器升温比较困难时可以联系中控室适当提升蒸汽压力。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]片剂的湿润剂是()
A. 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮溶液 B. L-羟丙基纤维素 C. 乳糖 D. 乙醇 E. 硬脂酸镁 [判断题]高速公路终点有4个预告标志。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]影响药物肾排泄的因素说法正确的是
A.药物与血浆蛋白结合后不能经肾排泄 B.尿液的pH小有利于弱酸性药物排泄 C.尿量小有利于排泄 D.肾病时药物排泄量不变 E.一般原型药物比其代谢物更易排泄 [单选题]木质锚桩应使用()的木料,有严重损伤、纵向裂纹和出现横向裂纹时禁止使用。
A.耐腐性较好 B.木质较硬 C.任意 D.韧性较好 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]在数据结构中,构成数据元素的最小单位称为( )。
A. 字符 B. 关键字 C. 数据元素 D. 数据项 我来回答: 提交