In order to work here the foreigner
needs a work permit, which must be (31) for by his
prospective employer. The problem here is that the Department of Employment has
the right to (32) or refuse these permits, and there is
little that can be (33) about it, it would be extremely
unwise (34) a foreign visitor to work without a permit, since
anyone doing so is (35) to immediate deportation. There are
some (36) to this rule, most notably people from the Common
Market countries, who are (37) to work without permits and
who are often given (38) residence permits of up to five
years. Some (39) people, such as doctors, foreign
journalists, authors and others, can work without (40)
. The problem with the Act is not just that some of its rules are unfair but the way it is administere A. apt B. likely C. liable D. inclined [判断题][881]( )为了使示波器显示 CH1 和 CH2 通道信号叠加后的波形,应将通道输入选择方式开关置于 DUAL 处。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是指在票据签章人之后签章的其他票据债务人。
A.签章人 B.持票人 C.前手 D.后手 [单选题]绕线式异步电动机修理装配后,必须对电刷进行()
A.研磨 B.更换 C.调试 D.热处理 [单选题]在铁路职业道德建设方面, ( )提出了“严字当头,铁的纪律,团结协作,优质服
务”十六字要求。 A.1985年 B.1984年 C.1983年 D.1982年 [简答题]>连铸坯表面夹杂的特征是什么?对轧钢生产有何影响?
A.消防登高立面 B.可靠的消防操作场地 C.消防通道 D.消防管线 [多选题]劳动者的基本权利包括( )。
A.平等就业和选择职业 B.取得劳动报酬 C.提高职业技能 D.接受职业技能培训 E.享受社会保险和福利 [判断题]判断电压互感器是否超过允许误差,以修约后的数据为准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]宪法规定我国的国体是( )。
A. 气管、支气管表现为各序列低信号 B. 心包可有少量液体,表现为长T1、长T2信号 C. MRI有时难以区分支气管及血管影 D. 肺小叶间隔MRI也可显示 E. 胸膜呈长T1、长T2信号 [判断题]铝粉和镁粉的自燃点是一个较高的温度值,不是一个范围。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交