Science is an enterprise concerned with
gaining information about causality, or the relationship between cause and
effect. A simple example of a cause is the movement of a paddle as it strikes a
ping-pong ball; the effect is the movement of the ball through the air. In
psychology and other sciences, the word "cause" is often replaced by the term
"independent variable". This term implies that the experimenter is often "free"
to vary the independent variable as he or she desires (for example, the
experimenter can control the speed of the paddle as it strikes the ball). The
term "dependent variable" replaces the word "effect", and this term is used
because the effect depends on some characteristic of the independent variable
(the flight of the ball depends on the speed of the paddle). The conventions of
science demand that both the in A. testify their complete conformity with general scientific principles B. justify the identity of dependent, independent, and intervening variables C. specify the time periods of bodily cycles in terms of psychological tests D. verify their prediction by variables inconsistent with conventions of science [单项选择]使用滤纸式烟度计测定柴油机烟度时,需将探测器头插入排气管内(),并固定。
A. 100mm B. 200mm C. 300mm D. 400mm [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》规定,高压配电网是( )的总称。
A.高压输电线路 B.高压配电线路 C.高压输电设备 D.高压配电设备 [单项选择]设有关键码序列(Q,G,M,Z,A,N,B,P,X,H,Y,S,T,L,K,E),采用二路归并排序法进行排序,下面哪一个序列是第二趟归并后的结果
A. G,Q,M,Z,A,N,B,P,H,X,S,Y,L,T,E,K B. G,M,Q,Z,A,B,N,P,H,S,X,Y,E,K,L,T C. G,M,Q,A,N,B,P,X,H,Y,S,T,L,K,E,Z D. A,B,G,M,N,P,Q,Z,E,H,K,L,S,T,X,Y [单项选择]I still remember I fell in love with (Example: (0) ) from a very young age, because I thought it was such, a (n) (41) language. Full of strong wishes of learning English, I began to (42) it. But soon I found it (43) than expected. There were too many words, expressions and many other things to remember. And even if you know (44) , you can’t use them correctly and exactly. And I did rather (45) in my first English test. I was worried about it. This made me upset and I dropped my interest in English (46) .
While I was in trouble, my English teacher gave me much help. I knew that interest didn’t mean (47) and I should have some learning methods. I did as he said and tried many different ways of learning English. (48) the days went by, I could do better and better and became more and more interested in it. During summer vacation, an old lady from Australia visited my school. She A. to talk B. to speak C. to meet [判断题]( )砌筑手孔时,相邻两组穿钉间距应符合设计规定,偏差应小于10mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]系统性红斑狼疮的标准筛选实验是
A. 皮肤狼疮带试验 B. 抗核抗体 C. 抗双链DNA抗体 D. 地塞米松抑制试验 E. 束臂试验 [简答题]一台燃油锅炉,已知各项热损失如下:q2=6.5%,q3=0.5%,q4=0%,q5=0.7%,求该锅炉热效率η是多少?
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]企业在计算稀释每股收益时,对归属于普通股股东的当期净利润进行调整的项目有( )。
A. 可转换公司债券与利息相关的所得税影响 B. 稀释性潜在普通股转换时将产生的收益或费用 C. 当期已确认为费用的稀释性潜在普通股的利息 D. 可转换公司债券转换为股份时可能支付的现金 E. 与稀释性潜在普通股转换时将产生的收益或费用相关的所得税影响 [多选题]汽车(库)的火灾特点是( )。
A.火势发展迅猛 B.车辆疏散困难 C.扑救困难 D.易造成人员伤亡严重 E.出入口少,空间密闭 [单项选择]
下图为浙江省某地等高线图,该地山青水秀,水流常年奔腾不息。读图完成下列各题。 当地村民发现图示地区山青水秀,特别是每到夏季云雾缭绕。于是在甲、乙两个地方发展了农家乐,但每到冬季,就发现乙农家乐生意冷淡,其中可能的原因是()A. 乙所在地山高林密,视线不好,不利于欣赏风景 B. 乙农家乐收费标准过高、服务质量不好,客人不愿意来 C. 乙农家乐冬季光照条件不好,餐饮环境阴冷、光线阴暗,客人不愿意来 D. 乙农家乐地势高,受冬季风影响大,导致餐饮环境阴冷,客人不愿意来 [单项选择]普通型流脑临床特征性体征是皮肤 ()
A. 瘀点或瘀斑 B. 水疱 C. 黑痂 D. 斑丘疹 E. 脓肿 [单选题]【单选题】
策略路由和路由策略都可以影响数据包的转发过程,但它们对数据包的影响方式是不同的。策略路由是基于策略的转发,失败后再查找路由表转发,基于转发平面,为转发策略服务,并且需要手工 配置。路由策略是基于目的地址按路由表转发,基于控制平面,为路由协议和路由表服务,并与路由协议结合完成策略。 A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交