What comes to mind when you think of a lake You probably imagine a pretty scene with blue water, birds, and fish. For the people in the northwestern Cameroon, however, the image is very different. For them, lakes may mean terrible disasters. In 1984, poisonous gases exploded out of Lake Monoun and came down into the nearby villages, killing thirty-seven people. Two years later, Lake Nyos erupted. A cloud of gases rolled down the hills and into the valleys and killed 1,700 people. Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are crater (火山口) lakes. They were formed when water collected in the craters of old volcanoes. The volcanoes under Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are not active anymore. However, poisonous gases from the center of the earth continue to flow up through cracks in the bott A. the gases rise to the top and mix with air. B. people from the villages turn over the water. C. scientists have put in a computer system. D. they have more gases trapped at the bottom than other crater lakes. [判断题]年应税销售额超过小规模纳税人标准的其他个人、非企业性单位、不经常发生应税行为的企业,不属于一般纳税人。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在某大学学籍管理信息系统中,假设学生年龄的输入范围为 16~40,则根据黑盒测试中的等价类划分技术,下面划分正确的是 ( ) 。
A. 可划分为 2 个有效等价类,2 个无效等价类 B. 可划分为 1 个有效等价类,2 个无效等价类 C. 可划分为 2 个有效等价类,1 个无效等价类 D. 可划分为 1 个有效等价类,1 个无效等价类 [单项选择]在做窝沟封闭时,一般乳牙酸蚀时间应是
A. 30秒 B. 60秒 C. 90秒 D. 120秒 E. 150秒 [多选题]S700K转辙机三相五线制提速道岔控制电路的X1线是定反位动作、表示共用线,反位表示线还有( )。
A.A、X2线 B.B、X3线 C.C、X4线 D.D、X5线 [单项选择]下列哪种不是自凝牙托水的成分()
A. MMA B. 促进剂 C. 紫外线吸收剂 D. 引发剂 E. 阳聚剂 [单项选择] 请根据下面短文回答下列题:
No one wants to be caught in the rain without an umbrella. Umbrellas come in different shapes and sizes. Many of them can be put into bags in case of a sudden rain. Just about everyone owns an umbrella, but not many of us give them a second thought. People don’t know exactly where the first umbrella came into being. Some say Egypt (埃及) while others say China. What is for sure is that they’ve been around a very long time. They weren’t used to protect people from the rain, however. They were used to keep people from the sun. Women were the first people to carry umbrellas. In 1750, an Englishman decided to carry an umbrella everywhere he went, and he became the center of people’s talk. Not caring about the laughs of those around him, he carried his umbrella for 30 years. Then, it became OK for men to carry umbrellas. Because they were firstly made of wood, umbrellas were not only expensive, but also difficult to use. In 1852, Samuel Fox made some c [单选题]路由器、交换机故障处理的常用方法不包括( )。
A.分层故障处理法 B.分块故障处理法 C.分段故障处理法 D.环回法 [单项选择]花鹿茸具1个侧枝者习称()
A. 二杠 B. 四岔 C. 单门 D. 莲花 E. 三岔 [单项选择]政府安全检查人员甲某,在进行安全检查时,命令乙赶紧逃离有重大安全隐患的现场,并扣押了可能对安全形成隐患的丙,同时对施工单位进行了行政处罚。则下列说法中,不正确的是( )。
A. 命令乙赶紧逃离有重大安全隐患的现场是甲行使了责令紧急避险权 B. 扣押了丙是甲行使了查封、扣押行政强制措施权 C. 对施工单位处罚是甲行使了行政处罚权 D. 甲在检查时必须出示有效的监督执法证件 [单选题]各金融机构应按照“成熟一批,张贴一批”的原则,逐步推进分类贴标工作。于( )年底前完成所有存取款一体机和取款机的分类张贴工作,于( )年底前完成所有柜台的分类贴标工作。
A.2014,2016 B.2015,2016 C.014,2015 [简答题]【34051】对绝缘子应进行哪些巡视?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]YI-已做过风险评估,且评估记录处于有效期内( )的客户可直接到柜台购买。
A. 湿热 B. 寒证 C. 阴虚 D. 惊风先兆 E. 肾气将绝 [判断题]离散时间系统的滤波特性可以由其幅度频率特性直接看出。()
A.μ-σ~μ+σ B.μ-1.96σ~μ+1.96σ C.0~μ+1.96σ D.-∞~μ+1.96σ E.μ-2.58σ~μ+2.58σ [单选题]( )报告应简明扼要,并包括下列内容:工作负责人姓名,某线路(设备)上某处(说明起止杆塔号、分支线名称、位置称号、设备双重名称等)工作已经完工等。
A.工作间断 B.工作许可 C.工作终结 D.工作转移 [判断题]更换钢轨绝缘夹板,由电务方面负责要点,工务人员配合。( )[921010207]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]最高运行速度160km/h旅客列车在任何线路上的紧急制动距离限值( )m。(技规)
A.800 B.1100 C.1400 [单项选择]在传染病的预防工作中,国家实行的制度是()
A. 爱国卫生运动 B. 有计划的卫生防疫 C. 预防保健 D. 有计划的预防接种 E. 以上都不是 [填空题] 防坠器必须( ),使用时应悬挂在使用者上方坚固钝边的结构物上。
[单选题]《山东省农村商业银行公司类贷款管理办法》规定,合理限制大额贷款投放,实施总量控制。济南、青岛农商行大额贷款总量控制在25%以下,其他城区农商行控制在( )%以下,县级农商行控制在( )%以下。
A.20,15 B.20,10 C.15,10 D.15,15 [多选题]固体物质结构以及它们在电场作用下所发生的物理现象的研究,能使我们了解并确定它们的( )等方面的性能。
A.电 B.热 C.机械 D.化学 E.物理 我来回答: 提交