In 1948, Seattle authorities feared
that a race riot would break out in a run-down housing area. A thousand
families—300 of them black—were jammed into temporary barracks built for war
workers. Tension was in the air, rumors rife, a stabbing reported. The
University of Washington, called on for advice, rushed 25 trained interviewers
to the scene. The interviewers went from door to door, trying to discover the extent of racial hatred. They were surprised to find very little. Ninety percent of the whites and blacks interviewed said that they felt "about the same" of "more friendly" toward the other group since moving into the area. What, then, was eating them These families were angry about the ramshackle buildings, the back-firing kitchen stoves and the terrible roads inside the property. Many were worried about a strike at Boeing Airplane C A. (A) They probably grow up in grim circumstances. B. (B) They are born to have a low boiling point. C. (C) They probably grow up from families where love and understanding is lacking. D. (D) They may have received undue frustrations in childhood. [单选题]通阳散结,行气导滞是下列哪昧药的功效
A.香橼 B.青皮 C.薤白 D.大腹皮 [判断题]杆塔分解组立时,主材和侧面大斜材未全部连接牢固前,可以在吊件上作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电缆直埋敷设时,沟槽开挖深度达到()及以上时,应采取措施防止土层塌方。
A.1m B.1.5m C.3m D.5m [填空题]在正线、到发线上的作业,同一股道只允许一端调车作业,禁止( )同时向同一股道排列调车进路。
[多选题]依据热力机械安规,厂内专用机动车辆应遵守下列规定:( )。
A.车辆装载不得超过铭牌核定荷重 B.装运物件应用绳子扎牢或用木块垫稳 C.装载货物必须均衡平稳,捆扎牢固 D.货运汽车装载货物不超过铭牌规定时可以载人 [多选题]迟脉主病可见于
A.痰饮 B.寒证 C.虚证 D.热证 E.食积证 [单选题]关门车在列车中连续连挂不得超过()辆。
A.一 B.二 C.三 [单选题]在对某工厂职业人群进行体检时,发现某种常见病的发病率明显高于一般人群,此种疾病很可能是( )
A.职业病 B.传染病 C.工作有关疾病 D.公害病 E.介水传染病 [单选题] 在EC2的安全与容错机制中,一个用户目前最多可以创建 ( )安全组。
A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 200 [多选题]消防泵组由( )组成。
A.消防泵控制箱 B.消防主泵 C.消防稳压泵 D.气压罐 [单选题]禁止标志的基本形状为带斜杠的()。
A.圆环 B.菱形 C.矩形 [多项选择]关于乳婴儿喂养,下列哪几项是正确()。
A. 乳液的用具要煮沸消毒 B. 婴儿啼哭未定时不宜哺乳 C. 改变喂养方法勿过多过勤 D. 改变喂养方法时应考虑质量及进食方法 E. 气候炎热或小儿患病,应暂缓添加新的哺食 [单选题]199、用高压验电器验电时应戴绝缘手套,并使用与被测设备( )的验电器。
A.相应电压等级 B.高一电压等级 C.低一电压等级 [多选题]汽车客运站经营者应当建立营运客车安全例行检查制度,对本单位始发的营运客车进行安全例行检查,并采取措施防止未检的营运客车出站运行,相关措施包括( )。
A. 指定专门的安全例行检查人员 B. 设置专门的检查场地,配备必要的设施设备 C. 严格填写《营运客车安全例行检查报告单》 D.建立安全例行检查台账 我来回答: 提交