Halfway through " The Rebel Sell," the authors pause to make fun of" free-range" chicken. Paying over the odds to ensure that dinner was not, in a previous life, confined to tiny cages is all well and good. But"a free-range chicken is about as plausible as a sun-loving earthworm" : given a choice, chickens prefer to curl up in a nice dark corner of the barn. Only about 15% of "free-range" chickens actually use the space available to them.
This is just one case in which Joseph Heath, who teaches philosophy at the University of Toronto, and Andrew Potter, a journalist and researcher based in Montreal, find fault with well-meaning but, in their view, ultimately naive consumers who hope to distance themselves from consumerism by buying their shoes from Mother Jones magazine instead of Nike. Mr Heath and Mr Potter argue that" the counterculture, "in all its attempts to be su
A. introduce the topic of anti-consumerism
B. draw a comparison between chicken and earthworm
C. stress the fact that chickens don’t actually want much space
D. point out that chickens, like human, should have a choice
{{B}}Shopping at Second-hand Clothing
Stores{{/B}} When 33-year-old Pete Barth was in college,shopping at second-hand clothing stores was just something he did -- "like changing the tires on his car. ’He looked at his budget and decided he could save a lot of money by shopping for clothes at thrift shops. "Even new clothes are fairly disposable(用后即丢掉的)and wear out after a couple of years," Barth said. "In thrift shops,you can find some great stuff whose quality is better than new clothes." Since then,Barth, who works at a Goodwill thrift shop in the US state of Florida, has found that there are all kinds of reasons for shopping for second-hand clothing. Some people, like him, shop to save money. Some shop for a crazy-looking shirt. And some shop as a means of conserving energy and helping the environmen A. to save money B. to save energy C. to help the environment D. to make friends with poor people [单项选择]硬化性苔癣()
A. 表皮层角化过度或角化不全,棘细胞增厚,上皮脚向下延伸 B. 表皮层过度角化甚至出现角栓,表皮萎缩变薄,伴基底细胞液化变性,黑素细胞减少,上皮脚变钝或消失 C. 上述两型中,出现棘细胞排列不整齐,细胞形态大小不一,核深染,分裂象增多,但基底膜完整 D. 不同部位取材,同时有上述两种病变存在 E. 根据非典型增生的范围和程度,可分为轻、中、重三度 [多项选择]石窟寺主要分布于( )
A. 新疆 B. 西北 C. 中原 D. 西南 E. 南方 [判断题]动火作业应有专人监护,动火作业前应清除动火现场及周围的易燃物品,或采取其他有效的防火安全措施,配备足够适用的消防器材。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]E公司是一家技术领先的制药企业,最近为研发人员重新设计了薪酬模式,基本工资比例调整到员工收入的80%左右,薪酬等级由过去的8个合并为3个,每个薪酬等级的薪酬幅度大大增加,改变以往仅靠职位晋升获得薪酬增长的方式,研发人员可以通过两种途径获得薪酬提升,一是通过职位晋升,二是通过技术能力的提高。另外公司还为研发人员提供了大量的培训机会,并将培训成果在工作中的体现作为薪酬提升的重要评价因子。请根据上述情境,回答以下问题:上述薪酬模式是否适用于生产型员工?为什么?(6分)
地貌。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Do you wake up every day feeling too tired, or even upset If so, then a new alarm clock could be just for you.
The clock, called SleepSmart, measures your sleep cycle, and waits (67) _______ you to be in your lightest phase of sleep (68) _______ rousing you. Its makers say that should (69) _______ you wake up feeling refreshed every morning..
As you sleep you pass (70) _______ a sequence of sleep states — light sleep, deep sleep and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep — that (71) _______ approximately every 90 minutes. The point in that cycle at which you wake can (72) _______ how you feel later, and may (73) _______ have a greater impact than how much or little you have slept. Being roused during a light phase (74) _______ you are more likely to wake up energetic.
SleepSmart (75) _______ the distinct pattern of brain waves (76) _______ during each phase of sleep, via a headband equipped (77) _______ electrodes (电极) and a microprocessor. This measures the electrical act
A. A.upon B.before C.towards D.till [不定项选择题]某企业上年末资产负债表部分项目的余额如下:货币资金 230,000 元,应收账款 42,450 元,存货132,000 元,固定资产原价 510,000 元,累计折旧 183,000 元。该企业本年度发生下列经济业务:
(1)购入 A 材料一批,买价为 20,000 元,增值税额为 3,200 元;购入 B 材料一批,买价为 10,000元,增值税额为 1,600 元;购入
A、 B 两种材料共发生运杂费 900 元,按材料的买价比例分配;材料的货款和运杂费共计 35,700 元均以银行存款支付,材料已验收入库。
(2)对企业行政管理部门使用的固定资产计提折 600 元。
(3)销售产品一批,售价为 30000 元,增值税税率为 16%,货款尚未收到;该批产品的生产成本为22000 元,销售产品应交纳的城市维护建设税及教育费附加为 500 元。
根据上述业务(1),计算 A 材料的实际采购成本为()。
A.20300 元 B.20600 元 C.23400 元 D.24000 元 [单选题]治疗肾性贫血宜选用
A.口服叶酸 B.促红细胞生成素 C.口服铁剂 D.输血 E.维生素B12 [单选题]固定利率通常适用于
A. 长期贷款 B. 短期贷款 C. 中期贷款 D. 金融市场 [单选题]Q/SY02552-2018《钻井井控技术规范》中规定:地质设计中所提供的井位应满足安全距离要求,油气井井口距高压线及其他永久性设施不小于( )m
A.75 B.100 C.200 D.500 [简答题]钢轨温度压力偏高的地段,发生胀轨跑道的一般规律是什么?
[单选题]齿轮泵的( ) 间隙对压力影响最大。
A.齿面啮合 B.齿轮外圆与泵壳内孔 C.齿轮端面与泵盖 [单项选择]某出票人于2009年10月18日签发一张现金支票.根据《支付结算办法》的规定,该支票出票日期的正确填写方法是()。
A. 贰零零玖年零壹拾月零壹拾捌日 B. 贰零零玖年拾月拾捌日 C. 贰零零玖年零壹拾月壹拾捌日 D. 贰零零玖年壹拾月拾捌日 [单项选择]