{{I}} In this section you will hear
everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that
follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the two questions. Now listen to the news.{{/I}} |
If a new charter of the rights of
people (in the First World, or North, or whatever you like to call the part
where people to not on the whole starve) were to be drawn up, there is no doubt
that the right to be a tourist, to go to a Spanish beach or to visit places
endorsed as being of cultural or scenic interest, would be prominent among its
clauses. The mythology of tourism is that of the idyll--of outdoor pleasures,
eating, drinking and love-making with neither hangover nor remorse. But whereas
the ancient poets knew that idylls were an art form, modern tourists are
persuaded to believe that they can be bought for the price of a plane ticket and
a hotel room. So it is not surprising that so many tourists look bewildered,
dazed, even at times despondent. They are exchanging the comforts of home, where a particular way of living has been laboriously and A. people have a universal claim to holidays abroad B. tourists turn a blind eye to the poverty in the countries they visit C. holidays overseas are considered essential by people in Western societies D. People seem to appreciate the right to a holiday more than any other right [单项选择]从公司层的战略角度来说,总体战略中的拓展型战略可选择()
A. 密集型战略 B. 一体化战略 C. 多元化战略 D. 以上三个都可选择 [单项选择]血容量变化时,肾小管对水的重吸收依靠()
A. 神经调节 B. 抗利尿激素 C. 醛固酮 D. 肾的调节 E. 肌肉调节 [多选题]组成风电场功率预测系统的模块有( )。
A.中尺度数值模拟系统 B.微尺度气象模型 C.功率分配校正模型 D.发电量计算物理模型 E.误差统计校正模型 [单项选择]皮肤病最应忌的食物是()
A. 生冷食物 B. 脂肪、动物内脏 C. 油腻、煎炸食物 D. 黏腻、固硬、不易消化的食物 E. 鱼、虾、蟹等腥膻发物 [单选题]线路检查时曲线正矢测量,检查时应使用()的弦长在钢轨顶面下 16mm 处测量,并符合正矢检查“三不、三要、两准确”的要求。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [单选题]任何人发现有违反本规程的情况,应( )经纠正后才能恢复作业。
A. 立即制止 B. 立即报告领导 C. 停止作业 D. 批评教育 [单项选择]行政机关超出法定时限作出行政行为属于()
A. 方式违法 B. 步骤违法 C. 内容违法 D. 主体违法 [多选题]王某因涉嫌诈骗罪被公安机关刑事拘留,拘留期间,下列有权为王某申请取保候审的是()。(1分)
A.王某的舅舅 B.王某的妻子 C.王某的叔叔 D.王某聘请的律师 [单选题]单位通知存款在到期日前,取款人可取消通知,并将原( )交回。
A.单位定期存款证实书 B.单位定期存单 C.单位活期存单 D.通知存款取款通知书 我来回答: 提交