The Curies had hoped that the Nobel
Prize would finally bring the opportunity for a chair at the French Academy and
the laboratory that went with it.{{U}} 62 {{/U}}, it brought unwanted
publicity and more responsibility. Therefore, both Curies were{{U}} 63
{{/U}}to share their knowledge and teach classes: Pierre Curie at the
Sorbonne, and Marie Curie at Sevres.
Marie Curie was the first female professor at Sevres, a college for girls who wanted to teach higher education. These twenty-year-olds would{{U}} 64 {{/U}}become professors. Marie was not liked by her pupils during her first year as a professor.{{U}} 65 {{/U}}her second year, the students loved her. One student reported that the courses taught by Marie were "the{{U}} 66 {{/U}}reference A. eventually B. actually C. rarely D. merely [单项选择]属于水溶性维生素的是()
A. 维生看A B. 维生素C C. 维生素D D. 维生素E E. 维生素K [单项选择]依据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,施工单位应当设立安全生产()机构,配备专职安全生产管理人员。
A. 检查 B. 监督 C. 监理 D. 管理 [简答题]全部责任:负有事故(事件)损失及不良影响 的责任;
[单选题]双管抽油机井产能较高时,不需要掺水伴热,可以在正常生产流程下,打开( )阀门,关闭掺水阀门。 B.放空 C.直通 D.套管热洗 [简答题]论述财政政策与货币政策的组合方式及其适用条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]基本法律
A.中上腹疼痛 B.饥饿性疼痛 C.反复发作性疼痛 D.节律性疼痛 E.长期疼痛 [单项选择]以下表现提示有氧训练的运动量过大,但除外()
A. 持续性疲劳 B. 运动后持续性关节酸痛 C. 运动当日失眠 D. 运动后大汗 E. 运动次日清晨安静心率明显变快或变慢或感觉不适 [单项选择]以下()土样在进行室内三轴剪切试验时采用固结排水剪(CD)和不固结不排水剪。(UU)测得的抗剪强度指标差距最小
A. 饱和软土 B. 饱和黏土 C. 饱和粉土 D. 非饱和粗砂土 [多项选择]方法要科学、合理并多方法验证,常用的方法有( )。
A. 经验判断法 B. 两两比较法 C. 数学分析法 D. 综合评分法 E. 试验法 [单项选择]Regardless of the source or kind of light, the ability of light to form an image is dependent upon just one thing--a small hole or a lens to bring the rays to a focus. The principle of image formation was discovered in early Greek Times. Later it was realized that the eye itself has a lens and that an image is, in fact, formed on the retina, the rear inside surface of the eyeball. Some man inside a cave or a darkened room noticed that light entering through a small hole in the wall formed an image on the far wall. It was observed that if you enlarge the hole, the image blurred and disappeared. On the other hand, the smaller the hole, the sharper the image-down to a certain diameter after which making the hole smaller makes the image worse again.
The function of a pinhole is to screen out all light rays except those coming in a perfectly straight line from the object, thus improving the sharpness of the image. After passing through a point the rays again spread out a little bit, an A. offer a choice of planes of focus B. gather more light rays C. control the size of the image formed on the film D. gather more light rays and bring them to a focus at a given plane [单选题]关于飞沫传播,以下说法不正确的是?
A.可以通过一定距离进入易感的黏膜表面 B.颗粒较大,不会长时间悬浮在空气中 C.说话、咳嗽、打喷嚏都可能造成飞沫 D.医用类口罩不能阻挡飞沫传播 [单选题]泡沫灭火一次进攻用液量可按()进行估算。
A.Q=2A(L) B.Q=3A(L) C.Q=4A(L) D.Q=6A(L) [单选题]LAB20090独立避雷针一般与被保护物间的空气距离不小于5m,避雷针接地装置与接地网间的地中距离不小于( )m。
A.5; B.3; C.4; D.6。 [判断题]经常项目外汇账户是指用于国际收支中资本项目项下发生的交易资金往来而开立的外汇账户。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )苹果煎鹅肝的少司习惯上配煮土豆及蔬菜。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《中国石化承包商安全监督管理办法》规定,对用火、进入受限空间、高处作业等特殊作业必须强化作业许可申请人、签发人、接收人(施工单位的现场负责人或安全负责人、技术负责人)、监护人的责任落实,强化风险分析和安全措施的落实确认。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]手工计息贷款的还息处理,说法正确的是()。( )
A.如计息方式为“手工计息”,收取贷款利息时,需先由营运人员通过“贷款-欠息挂账” 路径对贷款已结息利息/欠息进行挂账。 B.营运人员处理完欠息挂账后,由客户经理通过到期及逾期还款交易进行还息。 C.营运人员处理欠息挂账前,应通过“客户信息-查询-对公融资-贷款”、“公共管理-查询- 贷款计结息”等路径核查贷款利率及分段等信息。 D.欠息挂账交易由营运人员发起,经客户经理复核无误后提交记账。 E.营运人员在操作欠息挂账交易时,应先对客户经理提供的贷款合同复印件、工作联系单 或业务主管部门审批文件进行审核。 [名词解释]瓮城
[单项选择]以下叙述中错误的是【 】。
A. C语言是一种结构化程序设计语言 B. 结构化程序由顺序、分支、循环三种基本结构组成 C. 使用三种基本结构构成的程序只能解决简单问题 D. 结构化程序设计提倡模块化的设计方法 [简答题]药品经营企业购进的药品应符合哪些基本条件?
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