For laymen ethnology is probably the
most interesting of the biological sciences for the very reason that it concerns
animals in their normal activities and therefore, if we wish, we can assess the
possible dangers and advantages in our own behavioral roots. Ethnology also is
interesting methodologically because it combines in new ways very scrupulous
field observations with experimentation in laboratories. The field workers have had some handicaps in winning respect for themselves. For a long time they were considered as little better than amateur animal-watchers certainly not scientists, since their facts were not gained by experimental procedures: they could not conform to the hard-and-fast rule that a problem set up and solved by one scientist must be tested by other scientists, under identical conditions and reaching identi A. natural family relationships B. quickly occurring family relationships C. animals acting like a natural family D. animal family behavior that cannot be preplanned or controlled [单选题]医疗卫生、教育、体育、宣传等机构、( )和社会组织应当开展健康知识的宣传和普及。
A.社会团体 B.个人 C.基层群众性自治组织 D.家庭 [多选题]关于门静脉高压症分流术后护理,下列哪项正确
A.早期下床活动 B.忌食过烫食物 C.术后平卧48小时 D.高蛋白饮食 [判断题]有极继电器当增大衔铁角度,则定反位转极值同时增加,减小衔铁角度则定反位转极值同时减小。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 施工单位的安全生产费用不应该用于( )。
A.购买施工安全防护用具 B.安全设施的更新 C.安全施工措施的落实 D.职工安全事故的赔偿 [多选题]需要委托人提供电子文件的代收代付业务,必须要求委托人同时提供纸质文件,内容包括( )。
A.业务提交日期 B.业务提交总笔数 C.业务提交总金额 D.加盖委托人公章及经办人签章 [判断题]一般距接地点20m以外可认为地电位为零。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]安全标志按其用途可分为( )标志。
A.注意 B.提示 C.警告 D.禁止 E.指令 [单选题]60kg/m钢轨提速12号道岔尖轨长为( )。
A.7.7m B.11.3m C.12.5m D.13.88m [单选题]湿式自动喷水灭火系统启动消防泵的方式首选应为( )。
A.自动启动 B.消防控制室远程启动 C.水泵房手动启动 D.任选 [单选题]饭店计算机系统硬件容量至少应能满足日常操作需要,并能存贮()年的客史
资料等数据。 A.3-5 B.1-2 C.4-6 D.3-7 [单项选择]如需利用覆盖义齿基牙抵抗义齿所受的侧向力,则基牙至少需保留()
A. 2mm B. 3mm C. 4mm D. 5mm E. 6mm [单选题]下列哪类款项( )是不能用交易327001-内部账分户余额查询交易查询。
A.贷款 B.其他应收应付 C.存放央行及同业存款 D.代理业务及其他 [单选题]逆止阀是用来自动防止管道中的介质( )。A.流量调节 B.腐蚀 C.超压 D.倒流
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]Gin Tonic的装饰物是()。
A. 红樱桃 B. 柠檬角 C. 柠檬片 D. 无装饰物 [单选题]根据《营销现场作业安全工作规程(试行)》,使用单梯工作时,梯与地面的斜角度约为()°。
A.30° B.45° C.60° D.75° [简答题]CCBⅡ系统是基于微处理器的电空制动控制系统,除了 制动作用开始,所有逻辑都是微机控制的。
A. 如果仅作诊断评价可以只监测夜间的血压 B. 在正常情况下夜间血压低于日间血压 C. 一般监测24小时 D. 日间与夜间监测间隔时间尽量相同 E. 测量间隔时间为15-30分钟 我来回答: 提交